- Author: Elastic
- Description: This hunt attempts to identify remote process injection by aggregating Sysmon
events by source process and returns the ones that we observed in only one unique host. - UUID:
- Integration: windows
- Language:
- Source File: Low Occurrence Rate of CreateRemoteThread by Source Process
from logs-windows.sysmon_operational-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 7 day
| where host.os.family == "windows" and event.category == "process" and event.action == "CreateRemoteThread"
| eval source_process = replace(process.executable, """[cC]:\\[uU][sS][eE][rR][sS]\\[a-zA-Z0-9ñ\.\-\_\$~ ]+\\""", "C:\\\\users\\\\user\\\\")
| stats cc = count(*), hosts = count_distinct(host.id) by source_process
/* unique source and target processes combined and observed in 1 host */
| where hosts == 1 and cc == 1
- Adding
to the aggregation clause can be beneficial but may introduce more false-positives.
Elastic License v2