Author: Elastic
Description: This hunt identifies low volume external network connections initiated by GTFOBins on Linux systems. GTFOBins are Unix binaries that can be exploited by attackers to bypass local security restrictions. The hunt focuses on network connections made by these binaries, excluding common internal IP ranges, to detect potentially malicious activity.
Integration: endpoint
Source File: Low Volume GTFOBins External Network Connections
from logs-endpoint.events.network-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 7 day
| where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type == "start" and process.name in (
"ab", "aria2c", "bash", "cpan", "curl", "easy_install", "finger", "ftp",
"gdb", "gimp", "irb", "jjs", "jrunscript", "julia", "ksh", "lua", "lwp-download",
"nc", "nmap", "node", "openssl", "php", "pip", "python", "ruby", "rview", "rvim",
"scp", "sftp", "smbclient", "socat", "ssh", "tar", "tftp", "view", "vim", "vimdiff",
"wget", "whois", "yum"
) and
destination.ip IS NOT null and not CIDR_MATCH(destination.ip, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "", "::1","FE80::/10", "FF00::/8")
| keep process.name, destination.port, destination.ip, user.name, host.name
| stats cc = count(*) by destination.port, process.name
| where cc <= 5
| sort cc asc, destination.port
- Monitors for external network connections initiated by known GTFOBins such as bash, curl, nc, wget, and others.
- Excludes common internal IP ranges to minimize false positives.
- Counts the occurrences of these connections by process name and limits to those seen infrequently (five or fewer connections).
- This can help identify potentially malicious activity involving the exploitation of GTFOBins.
Elastic License v2