All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
No unreleased changes.
0.4.4 - 2019-03-01
- Decoding File Metainfo with the Transfer Syntax UID not in the first chunk produced an error. By @mch
-, more prominent documentation
0.4.3 - 2017-07-27
- Postinstall did not work on windows.
0.4.2 - 2016-07-31
- Problems with metadata content group length and fixed length sequences from a SIEMENS modality.
0.4.1 - 2015-05-21
- Support for VR US, by @soichih.
0.4.0 - 2014-10-30
- Handling of empty elements at end of buffer
- Documentation in doc directory
- JSON Source emits DICOM Events, like DICOM Decoder
- Incomplete PDU Encoder/Decoder. Stopped working on this because of QIDO-RS - I did not need this anymore.
- Possibly incomplete DICOM encoder. Was needed for PDU Encoder, status questionable but maybe useful to some.