Create a new virtual environment to test the code (recommended):
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
To install dependencies for development:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The tests use a locally built and installed module for this code:
# Build current code and install package
pip install --editable .
For now, unit tests rely on an Aerospike server to work. Run a local Aerospike server on a Docker container:
# Get the server image if not already downloaded
docker pull aerospike/aerospike-server
# Start server
docker run --name aerospike -d -p 3000:3000 aerospike/aerospike-server
Wait a few seconds for Aerospike server to fully start. Then run the tests:
python3 tests/
To build documentation:
cd docs/
sphinx-build -b html . htmldir -W
Spelling errors must be corrected using:
sphinx-build -b spelling . build -W
This code uses flake8 for codestyle checking.
To run codestyle tests:
cd documentapi/
flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --show-source --max-line-length=127
This project depends on a fork (i.e custom version) of the jsonpath-ng library. To add features:
- Create a pull request in the fork with your proposed changes. Once the changes are approved, a new version of the library will be published to PyPI.
- Create another pull request in this repository to point to the updated version of the library. The next release of this library will use the new library version.
# Stop an delete the server
docker container stop aerospike
docker container rm aerospike
# Quit and delete virtual environment
rm -r .venv