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File metadata and controls

282 lines (194 loc) · 5.65 KB

X Linux cheat code

Do for all files

find . -name \*.txt -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I {} echo "{}"
  • -name \*.txt Its filename must end with .txt

  • -type f Only search for files (not folders)

  • -print0 separate found file names with ASCII NULL character.

  • -0 receive ASCII NULL character.

  • -n1 process received arguments one at a time

  • -I {} will replace occurrences of {} in command by the actual argument.

Search within files

find . -name \*.txt -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Hn '$USER'
  • find . find all files, folders, symlinks, etc in the current directory recursively

  • -name \*.txt Its filename must end with .txt

  • -type f Only search for files (not folders)

  • -print0 and -0 use ASCII NULL character.

  • -H Always print filename headers with output lines.

  • -n Each output line is preceded by its relative line number in the file, starting at line 1.

usefull commands


search into files of current working dir:

grep -r PATTERN
  • -r :


  • -p : print & prompt the user to run it

  • -I % : This replaces occurrences of the argument with the argument passed to xargs (% in that case).

cat /etc/passwd | xargs -I % echo "### % ###"


diff <(ls new_dir) <(old_dir)   # compare content of 2 dirs


Table 1. automatic variable rules


The target of the rule.


The name of the first prerequisite.


The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target.


The names of all the prerequisites.


The directory part of the file path of the target. Also apply to <, ?, ^, …​


The file part of the file path of the target. Also apply to <, ?, ^, …​


sed works with streams of characters on a per-line basis use sed where there are patterns in the text.

Usage: sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]...

usefull options:

  • -e the command (directly as plain text, use -f to read it from file)

  • -i inplace (change directly the file instead of outputing on stdout)

# "-231.45" -> "(231.45)"
sed 's/-\([0-9.]\+\)/(\1)/g' inputfile

# apply PATTERN1-> PATTERN2 except the first line
sed '2,$s/PATTERN1/PATTERN2/' filename

# keep from line 16224 to 16482 of __filename__
sed -n '16224,16482p;16483q' filename > newfile

# remove
sed -e 's/.../.../;t;d'
# t without any label conditionally skips all following commands, d deletes line.

# keep 1 on 10th files
ls /tmp | sed -n '0~10p'


awk for delimited fields on a per-line basis. Use awk when the text looks more like rows and columns.

Table 2. basics 1

awk '/pattern/ {action}' file

Execute action for matched pattern pattern on file file


Reference current record line

$1 $2 $3 .. $NF

Reference first, second third column and so on .. to the last


Char to separate two actions


Print current record line


Field separator of input file (default whitespace)


Command line option to specify input field delimiter


Number of fields in current record


Line number of the current record


Match beginning of field


Match opterator


Do not match operator


Denotes block executed once at start


Denotes block executed once at end

str1 str2

Concat str1 and str2

$> awk '{print $3 "\t" $4}' marks.txt
# print out 3rd and 4th fields of mark.txt file

$> awk -F: '{print toupper($NF)}' /etc/passwd
# print last field of ':' separated file upper-case
$> awk -F: 'BEGIN { FS=":" }{print toupper($NF)}' /etc/passwd
# do the same

rename bunch of files

requires : rename, parallel, find

rename all files with .match extension to .matches.

find ./ -iname "*.match" -print0 | parallel -j8 rename -v 's/.match/.matches/' {}


do parallel tasks

Convert all *.wav to *.mp3
parallel lame {} -o {.}.mp3 ::: *.wav

see parallel


execute a command or program periodically

watch -d ifconfig
  • -d highlights the changes in the command output.


command talks to other interactive programs
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh [email protected]
expect "[email protected]'s password:"
send "temppwd\r"
set prompt_re {\$ $}
expect -re $prompt_re
send "mkdir -p emma && cd emma\r"
expect -re $prompt_re


Nicely display a CSV file, with columns aligned.

cat data.csv | perl -pe 's/((?<=,)|(?<=^)),/ ,/g;' | column -t -s, | less -S

Make an alias into .bashrc.

ubuntu alias
function pretty_csv {
    column -t -s, -n "$@" | less -F -S -X -K

 — see source for more details : stefaanlippens

disk usage

du -h . | sort -h -r | head -n 10
  • du -h :for human readable format,

  • add du -s to display only a total for each argument,

  • sort -h : tells sort it is human readable format,

  • sort -r : tells reverse sort.