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Veteran Support Base API


This RESTful HTTP API manages the representation of many resources (organizations) filled with dedicated men and women committed to serving our veterans and families. There can be no doubt that these people care a great deal for our warriors. We are grateful for the sacrifices of our veterans and their families. Now, please receive our gratitude and our desire to serve you with that same spirit of excellence.

Getting Started

Instructions on how to get a developer up and running on the Veteran Resource Base API in a local, development environment.

The instructions assume node >= 7x and you have access to a CouchDB installation on either your local machine or in the cloud as a DBaas, such as Cloudant.

$ git clone
$ cd tcvsn-pwa

Create a database

Using either a local installation of MySQL or a DBaaS such as Amazon RDS, create a new database. If your using a DBaaS, create an API key and/or ensure the key as admin rights to the database. Admin rights are needed for creating indexes within the database.

Using the principle of least privilege, you may wish to create a second API key for your API. This key may only provide read, write access to the database.

Tip: After creating your API Key or keys, you will need to write both the key and password down and keep it secure and safe. In the following step, you will use the key and password to create a MYSQL_URI as an environment variable and if you want to connect via ssl MYSQL_SSL=Amazon RDS

API Environment Variables


  • At the root of api folder, copy the .env-sample file as .env file. Modify the following environment variables. If you're using a DBaaS, use the key, password, and CouchDB base url to derive the value of COUCHDB_URL. If you aren't using a DBaaS and are running couchDB locally, just use the CouchDB base url. See example below. Use your newly created database name as the value of COUCHDB_NAME. Provide a PORT number, such as 4000, that does not conflict with other port numbers in your project.:

    • PORT

For example, here are example values for MYSQL_URI and MYSQL_SSL environment variables for an instance of CouchDB DBaaS running in IBM Blue Mix's Cloudant service:

Warning: Keep your API password/secret safe! Be sure your .env file is referenced within your .gitignore. Do not expose the secret in GitHub or anywhere else. If your secret is compromised, you will need to regenerate a new API key and secret and update your application.

MYSQL_URI=https://root:[email protected]:3306/tcvsn

Installing Dependencies and starting our API

After you have successfully provided the values for your environment variables, install dependencies, load data, load indexes, and start the api. See scripts within the package.json for details:


yarn load
yarn start


npm install
npm run load
npm start

Check your terminal and verify the API starts. Attempt the following HTTP requests using a client such as your browser or POSTman.

GET http://localhost:5000/resources

Generating api-docs

yarn docs
yarn md-docs



Once deployed, this API will communicate over HTTPS. Locally on your development environment, you can run this API under HTTP.


No authorization at this time. Authorization will be included in future releases.

Request Headers

The following request headers are required when calling the API:

  • Content-Type - The Content-Type request header should include a value of application/json and is required when providing content within the body of a request.

Date Format

Date are formatted to the ISO 8601 standard.

HTTP Verbs

VERB Description
GET Use to retrieve all resources (organizations) and resource categories via \resources, \categories and a single resource and a single category via \resources\{id}, and \categories\{id}.
POST Used to create a resource (organization) and resource category via \resources and \categories.
PUT Used to update a resource (organization) and resource category via \resources\{id} and \categories\{id}.
DELETE Used to delete a single resource and a single resource category via \resources\{id} and \categories\{id}.

Content Types

All endpoints accept and return data formatted as JSON. See Request Headers.

Status Code

  • 200 - OK
  • 201 - Created
  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 404 - Not Found
  • 500 - Internal Server Error
  • 429 - Too Many Request


TODO: talk about the endpoints that have a filter query string and provide a couple of examples.


POST /categories

Adds a category to the collection of categories. When adding a category the name, short desc, and desc are required fields.

** Sample Request **

POST /categories

  name: "Benefits",
  shortDesc: ""
  desc: "federal, state, and local agencies",
  icon: "fa-user-md"

** Sample 201 Response **

  "ok": true,
  "id": "category_benefits",
  "rev": "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05FD9F"

GET /categories/{id}

Gets a category from the collection of categories.

** Sample Request **

GET /categories/benefits

** Sample 200 Response **

  _id: "category_benefits",
  _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05FD9F",
  type: "category",
  name: "Benefits",
  shortDesc: ""
  desc: "federal, state, and local agencies",
  icon: "fa-whatevs"

PUT /categories/{id}

Edits the category object. Only visible for admin Edits a category from the collection of categories. When adding a category the _id,_rev,type,name, short desc, and desc are required fields

** Sample Request **

PUT /categories/benefits

  _id: "category_benefits",
  _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05FD9F",
  type: "category",
  name: "Benefits",
  shortDesc: "Benefits"
  desc: "federal, state, and local agencies",
  icon: "fa-whatevs"

** Sample 202 Response **

  ok: true,
  _id: "category_benefits",
  _rev: "2-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05FF32"

DELETE /categories/{id}

** Sample Request **

DELETE /categories/benefits

** Sample 200 Response **

  _id: "category_benefits",

GET /categories

Retrieves a list of resource categories.

** Sample Request **

GET /categories

** Sample 200 Response **

    _id: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05F999",
    type: "category",
    name: "Basic Needs Assistance",
    shortDesc: "shelter, food, emergency",
    desc: "Basic Needs Assistance includes organizations that provide one or more of the following services: shelter facilities for the homeless and for those escaping situations of domestic violence, food/supplemental nutrition resources, and single-transaction emergency financial assistance in cases of involuntary hardship.",
    icon: "fa-whatevs"
    _id: "category_benefits",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05FD9F",
    type: "category",
    name: "Benefits",
    shortDesc: ""
    desc: "federal, state, and local agencies",
    icon: "fa-whatevs"
  }, ...


POST /resources

Adds a resource to the collection of resources. When adding a resource the categoryId, name, formalName, short desc, purpose, website and desc are required fields.

** Sample Request **

POST /resources

categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
name: "VA",
formalName: "VA Homeless Prevention Program and Walk-In Clinic",
shortDesc: "housing, medical",
purpose: "The Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center offers a walk-in clinic for veterans searching for re-housing assistance and means to prevent homelessness. In addition to referral services, the walk-in clinic offers basic outpatient medical care.",
website: "",
contacts: [
  {name: "Linda Williams", office: null, title: "", phone: "843-577-5011", email: null, isPrimary: true}
addresses: [
    isPrimary: true,
    location: "Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center",
    street:  "109 Bee Street",
    city: "Charleston",
    state: "SC",
    zip: "29401"
rank: 10,
faq: [
  {question: "What are you office hours?", answer: "M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except federal holidays.", sort: 10},
  {question: "What forms of payment do you accept?", answer: "cash, debit, credit", sort: 20},

** Sample 201 Response **

ok: "true",
_id: "resource_va",
_rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U"

GET /resources

Retrieves a list of resources.

** Sample Request **

GET /resources

** Sample 200 Response **

    _id: "resource_va",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U",
    type: "resource",
    categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
    name: "VA",
    formalName: "VA Homeless Prevention Program and Walk-In Clinic",
    shortDesc: "housing, medical",
    purpose: "The Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center offers a walk-in clinic for veterans searching for re-housing assistance and means to prevent homelessness. In addition to referral services, the walk-in clinic offers basic outpatient medical care.",
    website: "",
    contacts: [
      {name: "Linda Williams", office: null, title: "", phone: "843-577-5011", email: null, isPrimary: true}
    addresses: [
        isPrimary: true,
        location: "Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center",
        street:  "109 Bee Street",
        city: "Charleston",
        state: "SC",
        zip: "29401"
    rank: 10,
    faq: [
      {question: "What are you office hours?", answer: "M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except federal holidays.", sort: 10},
      {question: "What forms of payment do you accept?", answer: "cash, debit, credit", sort: 20},
    _id: "resource_TAP",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U",
    type: "resource",
    categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
    name: "TAP",
    formalName: "Airmen & Family Readiness Center Transition Assistance Program",
    shortDesc: "employment assistance, separation prep",
    purpose: "The Airman & Family Readiness Center assists all Reserves, Active Duty, National Guard, retired veterans and civilian employees regardless of branch. The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) assists those associated specifically with the United States Air Force and prepares separating, retiring, and demobilizing service members and their families with skills and knowledge to facilitate a successful transition from life in the military to the civilian sector. The first step in the transition process is to complete the congressionally-mandated pre-separation counseling session, which provides detailed information on the various benefits and services available to separating members. Each Family Readiness Center is staffed to provide personalized assistance for all transition-related needs ofarmed services members.",
    website: "",
    contacts: [
      {name: null, office: null, title: null, phone: "843-963-7231", email: null, isPrimary: true}
    addresses: [
        isPrimary: true,
        location: "Airmen & Family Readiness Center Transition Assistance Program",
        street:  "104 E. Simpson St, building 500,",
        city: "Joint Base Charleston",
        state: "SC",
        zip: "29404"
    rank: 10,
    faq: []
  }, ...

GET /resources/{id}

Retrieves a specific resources.

** Sample Request **

GET /resources/va

** Sample 200 Response **

    _id: "resource_va",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U",
    type: "resource",
    categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
    name: "VA",
    formalName: "VA Homeless Prevention Program and Walk-In Clinic",
    shortDesc: "housing, medical",
    purpose: "The Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center offers a walk-in clinic for veterans searching for re-housing assistance and means to prevent homelessness. In addition to referral services, the walk-in clinic offers basic outpatient medical care.",
    website: "",
    contacts: [
      {name: "Linda Williams", office: null, title: "", phone: "843-577-5011", email: null, isPrimary: true}
    addresses: [
        isPrimary: true,
        location: "Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center",
        street:  "109 Bee Street",
        city: "Charleston",
        state: "SC",
        zip: "29401"
    rank: 10,
    faq: [
      {question: "What are you office hours?", answer: "M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except federal holidays.", sort: 10},
      {question: "What forms of payment do you accept?", answer: "cash, debit, credit", sort: 20},

SEARCH /resources

Returns a listing of resources by filtering on the resource name property.

** Sample Request **

GET /resources?filter=name:VA

** Sample 200 Response **

    _id: "resource_va",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U",
    type: "resource",
    categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
    name: "VA",
    formalName: "VA Homeless Prevention Program and Walk-In Clinic",
    shortDesc: "housing, medical",
    purpose: "The Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center offers a walk-in clinic for veterans searching for re-housing assistance and means to prevent homelessness. In addition to referral services, the walk-in clinic offers basic outpatient medical care.",
    website: "",
    contacts: [
      {name: "Linda Williams", office: null, title: "", phone: "843-577-5011", email: null, isPrimary: true}
    addresses: [
        isPrimary: true,
        location: "Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center",
        street:  "109 Bee Street",
        city: "Charleston",
        state: "SC",
        zip: "29401"
    rank: 10,
    faq: [
      {question: "What are you office hours?", answer: "M-F 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except federal holidays.", sort: 10},
      {question: "What forms of payment do you accept?", answer: "cash, debit, credit", sort: 20},

UPDATE /resources/{id}

Updates an existing specific resource.

** Sample Request **

PUT /resources/:id

  _id: "resource_TAP",
  _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U",
  type: "resource",
  categoryId: "category_basic-needs-assistance",
  name: "TAP",
  formalName: "Airmen & Family Readiness Center Transition Assistance Program",
  shortDesc: "employment assistance, separation prep",
  purpose: "The Airman & Family Readiness Center assists all Reserves, Active Duty, National Guard, retired veterans and civilian employees regardless of branch. The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) assists those associated specifically with the United States Air Force and prepares separating, retiring, and demobilizing service members and their families with skills and knowledge to facilitate a successful transition from life in the military to the civilian sector. The first step in the transition process is to complete the congressionally-mandated pre-separation counseling session, which provides detailed information on the various benefits and services available to separating members. Each Family Readiness Center is staffed to provide personalized assistance for all transition-related needs ofarmed services members.",
  website: "",
  contacts: [
    {name: Diane Schaffer, office: Airmen & Family Readiness, title: Director, phone: "843-963-7231", email: [email protected], isPrimary: true}
  addresses: [
      isPrimary: true,
      location: "Airmen & Family Readiness Center Transition Assistance Program",
      street:  "104 E. Simpson St, building 500,",
      city: "Joint Base Charleston",
      state: "SC",
      zip: "29404"
  rank: 10,
  faq: []
}, ...

** Sample 200 Response **

ok: "true",
_id: "resource_TAP",
_rev: "2-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF094035U"

DELETE /resources/{id}

Deletes the provided resource from the resource list.

** Sample Request **

DELETE /resources/va

** Sample 200 Response **

    _id: "resource_va",
    _rev: "1-A6157A5EA545C99B00FF904EEF05F999",
    ok: true
