In order to standardize and improve our release process, the Ilios team has discontinued the use of this change log and will instead publish changes in our Release Notes.
Closed issues:
- Users can escalate their own permissions #1762
Merged pull requests:
v3.28.0 (2017-02-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- sortable course/session learning materials #1729
- Don't fail to run tests when a matching frontend can not be found #1626
Closed issues:
- Should non-root users be able to modify root users? #1757
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for v3.28.0 release #1761 (thecoolestguy)
- Updated PHP requirement and added link to IUS repo #1760 (thecoolestguy)
- consider is-root attribute in user voter #1758 (stopfstedt)
- Fix managers that should be DTOs #1756 (jrjohnson)
- Fail gracefully on missing frontend #1755 (jrjohnson)
- sortable course/session learning materials #1754 (stopfstedt)
- Update Dependencies #1752 (jrjohnson)
v3.27.0 (2017-02-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Align docker-composer.yml with new Ilios images #1747
- Handle service worker script tag in frontend JSON file #1692
Closed issues:
- add application and school configuration to schema #1735
Merged pull requests:
- updating the CHANGELOG for the v3.27.0 release #1750 (thecoolestguy)
- Better Ilios Development Setup #1748 (jrjohnson)
- Create ancestor relationship when rolling over courses #1745 (jrjohnson)
- added missing word 'create' #1744 (thecoolestguy)
- Remove debug parameters which are only used in dev #1741 (jrjohnson)
- Allow ILIOS_* env variables to fill parameters.yml #1740 (jrjohnson)
- application and school configuration #1736 (stopfstedt)
v3.26.0 (2017-02-04)
Closed issues:
- include terms linked to owned sessions in terms filter to course endpoint. #1737
- Add 'composer install' step to vagrant build #789
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.26.0 release #1739 (thecoolestguy)
- include session terms in course filter #1738 (stopfstedt)
- Replace Vagrant with docker #1607 (jrjohnson)
v3.25.0 (2017-01-27)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Permissions on departments are too restrictive #1722
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for 3.25.0 release #1733 (thecoolestguy)
- Update the API version we provide #1732 (jrjohnson)
- filter terms by program years. #1731 (stopfstedt)
- implemented filter by terms. #1728 (stopfstedt)
- fixed fixture data. #1727 (stopfstedt)
- filter session types by terms #1726 (stopfstedt)
- Grant VIEW permissions for all departments #1723 (jrjohnson)
v3.24.1 (2017-01-13)
Closed issues:
- Start testing in PHP 7.1 #1719
- Some tests which relied on static offering are broken #1716
- Sudden ICS feed test failures #1714
- Unable to rollover course into current academic year #1711
- Maximum TTL not being applied for tokens #1709
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.24.1 release #1721 (thecoolestguy)
- added php 7.1 to test matrix #1720 (stopfstedt)
- Use variable date from offering fixture in tests #1717 (jrjohnson)
- Use a relative timestamp for some test offering data #1715 (jrjohnson)
- Allow courses to be rolled over in the previous year #1713 (jrjohnson)
- Update dependencies #1712 (jrjohnson)
- Correctly apply maximum TTL for tokens #1710 (jrjohnson)
v3.24.0 (2016-12-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Pull the container out of TrackApiUsageListener #1691
Closed issues:
- Add apcu to ilios requirements #1703
- course rollover tests broken #1700
- fix deprecation warnings #1699
- rename mesh_tree_x_descriptor #1696
- Audit Log valuesChanged Field Not Updating Correctly #1694
- Errors reporting to google should not cause request to fail #1689
Merged pull requests:
- Read content from scripts when pulling frontend JSON #1742 (jrjohnson)
- updating changelog for the v3.24.0 release #1708 (thecoolestguy)
- moving url rewriting instructions into its own section. #1705 (stopfstedt)
- Composer require apcu #1704 (stopfstedt)
- another attempt to make tests pass if we're rolling over year boundaries. #1702 (stopfstedt)
- fix deprecation warnings #1701 (stopfstedt)
- Convert Entities to DTO pattern #1698 (jrjohnson)
- schema change: replaced mesh_tree_x_descriptor with mesh_tree table. #1697 (stopfstedt)
- Log relationship changes for entities #1695 (jrjohnson)
- refactored track api usage listener w/o container aware trait. #1693 (stopfstedt)
- catch and log tracking exceptions. #1690 (stopfstedt)
v3.23.0 (2016-12-02)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.23.0 release #1688 (thecoolestguy)
- Updated Dependencies #1687 (jrjohnson)
- Quote configuration parameters #1686 (jrjohnson)
- Timestamp updated entities outside of the normal flow #1684 (jrjohnson)
- added requirement notes for php-zip extension and URL-rewriting #1681 (thecoolestguy)
- track API usage #1677 (stopfstedt)
v3.22.0 (2016-11-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add courseId to session user materials #1672
Closed issues:
- Add firstOfferingDate (from course start data) to usermaterials #1676
- Filter objectives by relationship #1666
- Filter /usermaterials by date #1661
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for v3.22.0 release #1680 (thecoolestguy)
- Add firstOfferingDate to course learning materials #1679 (jrjohnson)
- Use DTO pattern for competencies #1678 (jrjohnson)
- Add courseId and title to session usermaterials #1673 (jrjohnson)
- added documentation for using the JSON Web Tokens #1671 (thecoolestguy)
- Filter Usermaterials by date #1668 (jrjohnson)
- Make objective a DTO #1667 (jrjohnson)
- added frontend-update command instructions #1665 (thecoolestguy)
- updated version requirements in #1662 (thecoolestguy)
v3.21.0 (2016-10-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Put API version into /application/config #1655
- Advertise maximum upload size at /application/config #1648
- Add learnerSessions filter to users endpoint #1643
- Add /usermaterials/ endpoint #1635
- create cohort when program year is created #1633
- Add directors relationship to program #1631
- Add administrator relationship to session #1624
- Add administrators relationship to course #1621
- Add administrators relationship to school #1618
- Add directors relationship to school #1617
- add ability to clone curriculum inventory reports #1614
- Update PCRS Mapping #1456
Closed issues:
- Draft Learning Materials Showing Up in Calendar Feed #1659
- curriculum inventory report controller fails to rollover finalized reports #1653
- realign URL for curriculum inventory reports rollover. #1650
- Name conflict in JsonWebTokenAuthenticator #1645
- PHPCS not running against /tests #1636
- Add "is root" attribute to users #1623
- Be more frugal about updating relationships #1606
- When Course objectives are deleted, cascade to delete session obj > course obj. relationship #1597
- update vagrant image to ubuntu 16.04 #1554
- API documentation for Session PUT is confusing #1468
- Doctrine Migrations fail in MySQL 5.6+ #1449
- Upgrade to Symfony 3 #1417
- Load test bulk group management in the API #1378
- Fail better on large file uploads #1196
- Use the symfony PHPUnit bridge #1077
Merged pull requests:
- Exclude draft LMs from ICS Feed #1660 (jrjohnson)
- Add learnerSessions filter to users #1658 (jrjohnson)
- Add API version to configuration #1657 (jrjohnson)
- Create cohort with program year #1656 (stopfstedt)
- Use Symfony builtin to detect maximum file upload size #1654 (jrjohnson)
- enforce create perms check on rollover request. #1652 (stopfstedt)
- fixed route to ci rollover report endpoint. #1651 (stopfstedt)
- Add maxUploadSize key to config #1649 (jrjohnson)
- Clarify error message for large file uploads #1647 (jrjohnson)
- Use AuthenticationInterface as a different name to avoid conflicts #1646 (jrjohnson)
- Add endpoint to get all materials for a user #1644 (jrjohnson)
- fixed/cleaned up some regexp in CLI command tests. #1641 (stopfstedt)
- prefixed Ilios namespace with slash. #1640 (stopfstedt)
- updated PHPUnit to version 5.6 #1639 (stopfstedt)
- Update Libraries #1638 (jrjohnson)
- runs PHPCS against /tests dir #1637 (stopfstedt)
- When a course objective is removed unlink session objectives #1634 (jrjohnson)
- Add director to program #1632 (jrjohnson)
- added "root" attribute to user entity #1630 (stopfstedt)
- Add administrator relationship to school #1629 (jrjohnson)
- Add administrators relationship to course #1628 (jrjohnson)
- Add administrator relationship to session #1627 (jrjohnson)
- Add directors relationship to school #1625 (jrjohnson)
- curriculum inventory report rollover. #1616 (stopfstedt)
- Improved Front Controller #1615 (jrjohnson)
- set a cookie to report download response. #1613 (stopfstedt)
- Update relationships only when needed #1611 (jrjohnson)
v3.20.0 (2016-09-30)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Reorganize timestamp updates #1605
- default login fails with internal server error on invalid credentials #1603
- 'UCSF'-specific reference in template body text should be removed #1596
- Better log entry for missing EPPN #1471
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.20.0 release #1609 (thecoolestguy)
- Replace Listeners for time stamping #1608 (jrjohnson)
- issue correct HTTP response on authn failure #1604 (stopfstedt)
- Log less information when there is a missing ship parameter #1602 (jrjohnson)
- removed the line referencing 'UCSF' from the email template #1600 (dartajax)
- Expand Course externalId to 255 characters #1599 (jrjohnson)
- Cascade learner group deletes to sub groups #1595 (jrjohnson)
v3.19.0 (2016-09-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Allow Authentication to be saved with no username #1590
- Curriculum Inventory collects all available academic levels, rather than those referenced in the report #1584
Merged pull requests:
- Updating the file v3.19.0 release #1593 (thecoolestguy)
- Show authentication data in user response #1592 (jrjohnson)
- When nd empty username is sent store it as null #1591 (jrjohnson)
- Only include used levels in CI export #1587 (jrjohnson)
- Fix flakey end of the year tests #1586 (jrjohnson)
- Add ancestry to courses and objectives #1585 (jrjohnson)
- Allow lockable entities to be unlocked #1583 (jrjohnson)
v3.18.1 (2016-09-09)
Closed issues:
- Delete Permissions not checked for Archivable and Lockable entities #1576
- Base URL Is Being Cut From Learning Material URL's on Calendar Feed #1574
- UserID is not being exported as part of the audit log #1570
- Tests fail for offering rollovers that cross the new year #1568
- Call to a member function setSession() on null #1564
- Session destroy in shibboleth logout #1563
- Correct typo in WebIndexFromJson.php #1561
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.18.1 release #1578 (thecoolestguy)
- Enforce permission for archivable and lockable entities #1577 (jrjohnson)
- Fix Learning Material absolute path #1575 (jrjohnson)
- Remove EXTRA_LAZY annotations #1573 (jrjohnson)
- Add userId to exported audit log #1571 (jrjohnson)
- Adjust expected end week #1569 (jrjohnson)
- Correct typo for AWS_BUCKET #1567 (jrjohnson)
- Don't set the session if we are unsetting the ILM session #1566 (jrjohnson)
- Detect if a session exists before attempting to destroy it #1565 (jrjohnson)
v3.18.0 (2016-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a /find path to the directory controller #1556
Closed issues:
- Shibboleth config will not load #1557
- Improve developer logging #1551
- Improve composer instructions #1549
Merged pull requests:
- updating file for v3.18.0 release #1562 (thecoolestguy)
- Bump the supplied API version to v1.9 #1560 (jrjohnson)
- Add find to directory lookup #1559 (jrjohnson)
- User Request param instead of a service #1558 (jrjohnson)
- Update Symfony to 3.1 #1553 (jrjohnson)
- Add EasyLog logger #1552 (jrjohnson)
- Improved composer install instructions #1550 (jrjohnson)
v3.17.0 (2016-08-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- streamline sequence block to session association #1541
Closed issues:
- Unable to add user to my non-primary school #1546
- updating sequence block after un-selecting course throws error. #1543
Merged pull requests:
- Bump the API version for new CI stuff #1548 (jrjohnson)
- Add authentication for users with different schools #1547 (jrjohnson)
- Update dependencies to latest versions #1545 (jrjohnson)
- allow course prop to be set to null. #1544 (stopfstedt)
- re-defined sequence-block/session relationship. #1542 (stopfstedt)
- apply correct strategy when changing sequence sort order #1537 (stopfstedt)
- annotate the track property as exposed. #1536 (stopfstedt)
v3.16.0 (2016-07-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add CAS as an Authentication service #1522
- Provide "active" status to terms, competencies and vocabularies #1519
Closed issues:
- Remove deprecated SecureRandom calls #1530
- grant course director role to "user zero" in addition to dev role #1524
- Session "supplemental" flag always set to "true" #1523
- provide test coverage for first user command #1516
- First user does not have access to the Admin menu #1514
- update info on offering::room in data dictionary #1395
- document offering::site in data dictionary #1394
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for v3.16.0 release #1535 (thecoolestguy)
- fixed coding standards violation. #1534 (stopfstedt)
- make sequence block start/end date optional #1533 (stopfstedt)
- Replace SecureRandom with random_bytes #1532 (jrjohnson)
- replaced call to non-existent method with one of the same intent that works. #1529 (stopfstedt)
- Add CAS as an auth provider #1528 (jrjohnson)
- Doctrine event listener cleanup #1527 (stopfstedt)
- Resorting sequence blocks #1526 (stopfstedt)
- make "user zero" a course director again. #1525 (stopfstedt)
- added active flag to competency/vocab/term initial data set. #1521 (stopfstedt)
- Add active to competency, term, and vocabulary #1520 (jrjohnson)
- user's, not users. #1518 (stopfstedt)
- Test coverage install first user command #1517 (stopfstedt)
- grant dev role to first user instead of course director. #1515 (stopfstedt)
- Disabled/re-enabled foreign key checks on several migrations to get them to work with MySQL 5.6+ #1451 (thecoolestguy)
v3.15.0 (2016-07-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remove colon in token output #1506
Closed issues:
- Drop support for PHP 5.5 #1480
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.15.0 release #1510 (thecoolestguy)
- updating changelog for the v3.14.1 release #1509 (thecoolestguy)
- Simplify rollover by counting days #1508 (jrjohnson)
- Remove superfluous colon from token output #1507 (jrjohnson)
- Update dependencies #1504 (jrjohnson)
- corrected table joins in query. #1502 (stopfstedt)
- Add PHP7 support, remove 5.5 #1481 (jrjohnson)
v3.14.0 (2016-06-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Take newCourseTitle for rollovers #1487
- update identifiers for AAMC Resource Types #1484
- Allow sessions to be filtered by multiple courses #1466
- Add bulk creation to authentication endpoint #1461
- apply additional padding on numeric part of AAMC resource type ids. #1495 (stopfstedt)
Closed issues:
- ILMs not rolling over correctly #1497
- Session Description not rolling over #1496
- Course rollover not accounting for string 'false' #1485
- Add tests for course rollover #1483
- Configuration settings for change alerts and teaching notifications #1482
- Rollover startDate creeps backward #1478
- Unable to rollover session linked to orphan course objectives #1476
- Add course rollover controller #1473
- add d/l token to ci reports #1463
- code consolidation #1459
- Audit Log Table Not Capturing Create ID's #1445
- getId fails on competency voter #1428
- Create course rollover console command #1286
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.14.0 release #1500 (thecoolestguy)
- Course rollover sessions and ilm bugfix #1499 (jrjohnson)
- Functional changes to original course rollover to account for date drifting over years #1498 (thecoolestguy)
- moved the --append flag to the right place. #1494 (stopfstedt)
- replaced hokey dash with default dash. #1493 (stopfstedt)
- Add newCourseTitle parameter to rollover #1492 (jrjohnson)
- converted AAMC resource type identifiers to text #1491 (stopfstedt)
- fixed update instructions. #1490 (stopfstedt)
- More rollover tests #1486 (jrjohnson)
- fixed rollover offset bug. #1479 (stopfstedt)
- Allow rollover for sessions with orphaned parent objectives #1477 (jrjohnson)
- Rollover a course #1475 (jrjohnson)
- course rollover command #1469 (stopfstedt)
- Allow sessions to be filtered by multiple courses #1467 (jrjohnson)
- generate LM d/l token explicitly. #1465 (stopfstedt)
- Ci report dl token #1464 (stopfstedt)
- Bulk add authentication #1462 (jrjohnson)
- replaced __toString method with trait. #1460 (stopfstedt)
- exclude document in payload of curriculum inventory export #1458 (stopfstedt)
- fixed toString magic method. #1457 (stopfstedt)
- log auditable entity creation with record ids. #1454 (stopfstedt)
v3.13.0 (2016-06-10)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Foreign key error when running DB schema update script #1452
- Update Wiki page on Shibboleth authn #1450
- allow for cascading deletes from curriculum inventory #1441
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.13.0 release #1455 (thecoolestguy)
- Move drop tables further up in update script #1453 (jrjohnson)
- made shibb login/logout path and asserted user id attr configurable. #1448 (stopfstedt)
- rm unique constraint from ci reports. #1444 (stopfstedt)
- enable cascading deletes from curriculum inventory reports. #1443 (stopfstedt)
- Update dependencies and remove dead packages #1442 (jrjohnson)
- Allow tokens to be invalidated at /auth/invalidatetokens #1440 (jrjohnson)
- "atomic" ci report creation #1438 (stopfstedt)
- Update API to v1.5 #1434 (jrjohnson)
- refactor managers and handlers. #1426 (stopfstedt)
v3.12.0 (2016-05-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add the ability to track learning resources, per MedBiquitous spec/standards #566
Closed issues:
- Audit required for API docs #1433
- Error when creating offerings #1431
- School not required in course API #1424
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for v3.12.0 release #1437 (thecoolestguy)
- Align API docs with expectations #1436 (jrjohnson)
- Fix problem with AuditLog #1432 (jrjohnson)
- added call to remove 'fkey_user_primary_school' index #1429 (thecoolestguy)
- Data correction for v2 to v3 update #1427 (jrjohnson)
- reject course input without school. #1425 (stopfstedt)
- loosen up restrictions on READ access to schools. #1423 (stopfstedt)
- provided general upgrade notes for ilios3. #1421 (stopfstedt)
- added min and max attributes on sequence blocks to ci export. #1418 (stopfstedt)
- added aamc resource type and rigged it up to terms. #1399 (stopfstedt)
v3.11.0 (2016-05-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide UI method for managing PCRS/Competency/Objective Mappings #486
Closed issues:
- Program DTO #1415
- Upgrade to Symfony 2.8.6 #1413
- Filtering parent=null does not work on learnergroups API anymore. #1409
- UrlGenerator reference type deprecation #1406
- Fix form type deprecation #1403
- Quotes in yaml config #1401
- fix deprecation notices #1400
- Developers should be able to retrieve another users events #1391
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.11.0 release #1419 (thecoolestguy)
- Use DTO pattern for Programs API #1416 (jrjohnson)
- updated to symfony 2.8.6 #1414 (stopfstedt)
- fixed path to cached bootstrap file. #1412 (stopfstedt)
- Filter learner groups by parent and cohort #1410 (jrjohnson)
- Stop allowing deprecations in travis builds #1408 (jrjohnson)
- fixed deprecation. #1407 (stopfstedt)
- Clear form deprecations #1405 (jrjohnson)
- quoted scalar values to get rid of deprecation warnings. #1404 (stopfstedt)
- Clear YAML deprecations #1402 (jrjohnson)
- grant view privileges to developers on all published user events #1398 (stopfstedt)
- Latest updates to dependencies #1397 (jrjohnson)
v3.10.0 (2016-04-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Learner Groups DTO #1392
- Increase
from VARCHAR(60) to VARCHAR(255) #1383 - Add bulk user creation to /users endpoint #1375
Closed issues:
- args list has redundant commas #1388
- ensure that course deletion cascades #1386
- Add value of
to offering table #1384 - What PHP Versions should we support and how often should we change it? #1207
Merged pull requests:
- Allow multiple users to be added simultaneously #1396 (jrjohnson)
- Convert LearnerGroups endpoint to use DTOs #1393 (jrjohnson)
- add 'site' attribute to 'offering' entity. #1390 (stopfstedt)
- rm redundant commas in args list. #1389 (stopfstedt)
- updated foreign key constraints to allow for cascading deletes. #1387 (stopfstedt)
- bumped up size of offering::room column. #1385 (stopfstedt)
- Fix annotation for SessionDescription #1381 (jrjohnson)
- Require a frontend when starting up #1379 (jrjohnson)
v3.9.0 (2016-04-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- MeSH Descriptor DTOs #1362
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- updated for v3.9.0 release [skip-ci] #1377 (thecoolestguy)
- Fix typo in select query from SchoolRepository:findBy #1374 (jrjohnson)
- Filter users by role and cohort #1371 (jrjohnson)
- Bump the API version to v1.3 #1370 (jrjohnson)
- Use DTO pattern for Cohorts API #1369 (jrjohnson)
- Convert School to DTO for GET requests #1368 (jrjohnson)
- Added filtering by relationships for cohorts API #1367 (jrjohnson)
- Program Years as DTOs #1366 (jrjohnson)
- use DTOs for MeSH descriptor queries #1365 (stopfstedt)
- added distinct clause to queries. #1364 (stopfstedt)
- Fix error handling #1360 (jrjohnson)
v3.8.0 (2016-03-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- migrate topics to terms/vocab and purge topics from code and schema #1280
- change ICS feed size window #1230
Closed issues:
- When filtering courses by instructors include directors #1356
- deprecate MeSH Semantic Type components #1350
- Enable APC loader in app.php #1347
Merged pull requests:
- updating changelog for the v3.8.0 release #1359 (thecoolestguy)
- include directors when filtering courses by instructors. #1358 (stopfstedt)
- Term children should not be saved with the term #1357 (jrjohnson)
- Save and Load terms completly #1355 (jrjohnson)
- replaced IRC with Slack token. #1353 (stopfstedt)
- flagged semantic type components as deprecated. #1351 (stopfstedt)
- enabled APC loader. #1349 (stopfstedt)
- Allow access to app_dev.php by proxies #1348 (jrjohnson)
- Remove topic reports which are no longer valid #1346 (jrjohnson)
- Increase the ICS feed window by removing course objectives #1345 (jrjohnson)
- Bump the api version to 1.2 #1344 (jrjohnson)
- migrate topics to terms and vocabs, rm topics #1281 (stopfstedt)
v3.7.0 (2016-03-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Default dashboard to primary school for user #1321
Closed issues:
- New citation learning materials should get the mime-type citation #1339
- Disabled users are allowed to login #1332
- How shall we handle frontend updates #1062
Merged pull requests:
- adding CHANGELOG for v3.7.0 release #1343 (thecoolestguy)
- Update composer libraries #1341 (jrjohnson)
- Link and Citation learning materials get a corresponding mimetype #1340 (jrjohnson)
- Allow an empty password to be passed to authentication POST #1338 (jrjohnson)
- Improve directory #1337 (jrjohnson)
- Add duplicate protection to entities #1336 (jrjohnson)
- New PendingUsers filters #1335 (jrjohnson)
- Update the frontend automatically #1334 (jrjohnson)
- Prevent disabled users from logging in #1333 (jrjohnson)
- Add UserDTO #1331 (jrjohnson)
v3.6.0 (2016-02-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Extend/exchange topics tagging model with robust taxonomies #1257
Closed issues:
- 403/access denied error when requesting instructor groups from the dashboard calendar. #1322
- Loading all sessions is too memory intensive #1313
- Learner Groups with Learners From Multiple Schools Not Displaying #1307
- When saving terms allow realtionships to be saved as well #1354
- Loading all courses is too memory intensive #1312
Merged pull requests:
- disable profiler in test env. #1330 (stopfstedt)
- Make it easier to add a new user #1329 (jrjohnson)
- session DTO #1328 (stopfstedt)
- Voters cleanup #1327 (stopfstedt)
- Minor version bumps for third party libs #1326 (jrjohnson)
- Course as a Data Transfer Object #1325 (jrjohnson)
- losened up views perms. #1324 (stopfstedt)
- losened up view perms on instructor groups. #1323 (stopfstedt)
v3.5.0 (2016-02-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Filter session type by course #1316
- Filter session type by learning material #1315
- Filter session type by program #1314
Closed issues:
- fix symfony deprecations #1300
- View Permissions On Session Offerings Is Too Stringent #1251
- raise PHP minimum required version to 5.5 #1302
Merged pull requests:
- filter session type by program. #1319 (stopfstedt)
- filter session type by learning material. #1318 (stopfstedt)
- filter session type by courses. #1317 (stopfstedt)
- rm obsolete, soft-deletes-related code. #1310 (stopfstedt)
- reworked various read permissions checks #1306 (stopfstedt)
- Remove support for PHP 5.4 #1303 (jrjohnson)
- get rid of deprecation warnings #1301 (stopfstedt)
v3.4.1 (2016-02-02)
Closed issues:
- Reminder Emails Should Not Go Out on Not Published Courses and Sessions #1308
Merged pull requests:
- filter unpublished offerings out of teaching reminders #1309 (stopfstedt)
v3.4.0 (2016-02-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- consider session modified timestamp in school/user-events #1299
Merged pull requests:
- Updating a user should not update all of their offerings #1305 (jrjohnson)
- uses newer updated-timestamp from offerings and sessions in calendar events. #1304 (stopfstedt)
- replaced deprecated init() method with constructor. #1298 (stopfstedt)
- defined getFirstAndLastName() in UserInterface. #1297 (stopfstedt)
- Add /application/directory/search endpoint #1296 (jrjohnson)
- corrected typo in variable name. #1293 (stopfstedt)
- Add a userSearchType value to config #1292 (jrjohnson)
- Add PHP 5.6 to the PHP versions we test against #1289 (jrjohnson)
- Created Add User Command #1287 (jrjohnson)
- Rm broken namespace import #1285 (stopfstedt)
- fixed typo in class docblock. #1284 (stopfstedt)
- replaced id-getter/setters with identifable entity trait. #1283 (stopfstedt)
- declared cohort-getter/setters in program-year entity interface. #1282 (stopfstedt)
- Add new taxonomy system #1279 (stopfstedt)
v3.3.1 (2016-01-25)
Merged pull requests:
- updated frontend build hash to non-corrupted one #1278 (thecoolestguy)
v3.3.0 (2016-01-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow for email name AND address in messaging console commands #1214
Closed issues:
- Changing ILM to non-ILM status throws 500 error #1267
- Add https redirection by default in .htaccess #1261
- Unable to Add Learner To Learner Group #1259
- Symfony 2.8: update deprecated Voter implementations #1220
- Handle errors fetching the frontend index file #1209
- Update Data Dictionary for 3.0 #969
- Add more detail to delete exceptions #908
Merged pull requests:
- Updated changelog and frontend version for v3.3.0 #1276 (thecoolestguy)
- Configurable forcing of https #1275 (jrjohnson)
- set join columns to be not null #1274 (stopfstedt)
- Provide more detailed logs when deletion doesn't work #1273 (jrjohnson)
- reject student access to in-draft LMs #1272 (stopfstedt)
- added 'sender_name' option to "send teaching reminders" command #1271 (stopfstedt)
- allow for un-setting of ilm on session. #1269 (stopfstedt)
- Stop logging events in dev logs #1268 (jrjohnson)
- throw an exception if remote file could not be loaded. #1266 (stopfstedt)
- check for pre-existing relationship before adding learner group to ilm #1265 (stopfstedt)
v3.2.0 (2016-01-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- query user events across multiple schools #1250
- add course title to events #1258
- Update IcsController to use events instructors for Taught By #1204
- refactor publish events #945
Closed issues:
- Teaching Reminders have HTML entities in them #1228
- course directors missing ILM-based user events in their calendar #1260
- Updating a course learning material removes the original file reference #1253
- Replace deprecated publish event #1041
Merged pull requests:
- expose course title on calendar events #1264 (stopfstedt)
- expanded queries to pull ILm-based events for directed courses #1263 (stopfstedt)
- Html entity escaping in notifications #1256 (stopfstedt)
- upgrading voters to extend from new symfony class. #1255 (stopfstedt)
- Don't set relativePath for learning materials #1254 (jrjohnson)
- Move publishing migration to the right place in time #1252 (jrjohnson)
- Publishing Simplified #1212 (jrjohnson)
v3.1.0 (2016-01-11)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- events should be flagged as TBD if owning session or course is published as TBD #1247
- filter out offerings in teaching reminders owned by unpublished courses. #1244
- filter out user/school events from published session/unpublished course as applicable #1240
- calendar feed is sending unpublished events #1235
- deletes not cascading #1231
- ics generation is borked #1225
- Change alert date time values are in utc #1223
- ILM dates are off in ICS feed #1222
- Teaching Reminder Emails Are Off Because of the UTC Time Zone Issue #1221
- allow for querying the API for "my courses" #1210
- Learning Material migration needs step to skip already-migrated files to save time #1168
- Limit scheduled user and school event data for students #1237
- Update to Symfony 2.8 #1206
- Remove sessions and programYears from topics endpoint #1203
- Additional fields for user query #1142
- Remove alerts from the School endpoint #937
Merged pull requests:
- various bug fixes in method that adds instructors to events #1249 (stopfstedt)
- checks courses for published as tbd status when flagging events as scheduled #1248 (stopfstedt)
- streamlines school events queries #1246 (stopfstedt)
- filter out offerings belonging to unpublished courses. #1245 (stopfstedt)
- Limit Data in Scheduled Events #1243 (jrjohnson)
- Cascading session deletes #1239 (stopfstedt)
- Hide unpublished info from the ICS feed #1236 (jrjohnson)
- Ilm due date datetime conversion #1234 (stopfstedt)
- Update shibboleth config to not require https #1232 (jrjohnson)
- Limit ICS feed events to 1 month back and 2 months forward #1229 (jrjohnson)
- Backup to a working version of our ical library #1227 (jrjohnson)
- date time adjustment hack for ILMs in ICS calendar feed. #1226 (stopfstedt)
- Fix timezone offset in notifications #1224 (stopfstedt)
- return response from controller, don't send it. #1219 (stopfstedt)
- adjust user/school event query ranges for ILMs #1218 (stopfstedt)
- loosen up restrictions for viewing users. #1217 (stopfstedt)
- restrict access to view un-published events for students. #1215 (stopfstedt)
- get current user from token storage instead of from security context service #1213 (stopfstedt)
- Gimme my courses #1211 (stopfstedt)
- Update symphony to 2.8 #1208 (jrjohnson)
- Remove courses, sessions, and programYears from topic endpoint #1205 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0 (2015-12-15)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Courses filtered by competencies not complete #1191
- LM download responds with 500 error. #1190
- Developers don't have access to all schools #1188
- Update README for release #1185
- Add filter by school to report subject endpoints #1183
- Update our Travis build/test process to run on container based infrastructure #1182
- Allow reports to be scoped by school #1180
- perms issue: students cannot see instructors in calendar event details #1169
- 500 server error during user model update #1167
- userSyncIgnore property in the user model does not keep state in the server #1166
- Unable to logout of shibboleth #1164
- Cache busting for index.html asset #1156
- add default configuration file. #1149
- How should we package Ilios for deployment to other campuses #1147
- Change our License to MIT #1146
- Install guide should cover string cleanup #1145
- Install guide should cover learning materials #1144
- Update Hardware requirements in documentation #1143
- Allow Querying for session type by relationship #1140
- Allow querying for mesh descriptor by relationship #1139
- Allow querying for topic by relationshp #1138
- Allow querying for competency be relationship #1137
- Allow querying for learning material by relationship #1136
- Allow querying for instructor group by relationship #1135
- Allow querying for users as instructors by relationship #1134
- Allow querying by program years relationship #1133
- Allow querying by relationship for programs endpoint #1132
- Multiday events not being queried correctly #1131
- Clean up strings in database #1128
- Filter courses by user #1125
- Update firebase JWT library #1120
- Problems editing program year #1119
- Permissions Problems editing a course #1118
- Unable to delete program year #1117
- Learning material description should not be a required field #1116
- separate auth token implementation from jwt handling #953
- Offering filtered by learnerGroup results in code 500 #805
Merged pull requests:
- CHANGELOG updated for v3.0.0, config.yml updated to reflect Ilios Frontend 1.0.0 #1202 (thecoolestguy)
- Update project README #1201 (jrjohnson)
- Updates to installation and upgrade documentation #1199 (thecoolestguy)
- Move some setup commands to maintenance #1198 (jrjohnson)
- Update README #1197 (saschaben)
- Improved Learning Material Migration #1195 (jrjohnson)
- corrects how courses are filtered by competencies #1194 (stopfstedt)
- Give developers read access to schools #1189 (jrjohnson)
- filter entities by schools #1187 (stopfstedt)
- updated ilios frontend release hash. #1186 (stopfstedt)
- More test groups #1184 (jrjohnson)
- Add school relationship to reports #1181 (jrjohnson)
- find users by campus id and username in search #1179 (stopfstedt)
- Update web config with new AWS URLs #1178 (jrjohnson)
- moved config route/expose locale #1177 (stopfstedt)
- updated JWT libs. #1174 (stopfstedt)
- switched out AWS bucket id. #1173 (stopfstedt)
- add instructors to user and school events. #1172 (stopfstedt)
- Protect learner group related entities from double add #1171 (jrjohnson)
- Add userSyncIgnore to User endpoint #1170 (jrjohnson)
- filter instructors by associated entities #1165 (stopfstedt)
- filter instructor groups by associated entities #1163 (stopfstedt)
- Cache index.html for 60 seconds only #1162 (jrjohnson)
- filter topics by associated entities #1161 (stopfstedt)
- implemented custom findBy() in programyear repo. #1160 (stopfstedt)
- filter competencies by associated entities #1159 (stopfstedt)
- filter mesh descriptors by associated entities #1158 (stopfstedt)
- Filter programs be relationships #1157 (jrjohnson)
- Add symphony security checker to travis build #1155 (jrjohnson)
- replaced GPL with MIT license. #1154 (stopfstedt)
- include ilm sessions when filtering by instructor/instructor-groups. #1153 (stopfstedt)
- Correct handling of milti day events for users and schools #1152 (jrjohnson)
- Add relationship filters to LearningMaterial endpoint #1151 (jrjohnson)
- filter session types by associated entities #1150 (stopfstedt)
- Cleanup HTML in database #1141 (jrjohnson)
- Allow program years to be removed #1130 (jrjohnson)
- Learning material description should not be required #1129 (jrjohnson)
- removed obsolete code. #1127 (stopfstedt)
- Add users as a filter on courses endpoint #1126 (jrjohnson)
- Allow sessions to be filtered by related entities needed for reporting #1124 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0-rc1 (2015-11-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- whitelist underscore element #1089
- Permission API needed #1078
- decide which fields on the API to escape in order to allow the display of input HTML #1047
- re-implement change alert creation #1037
- Add ICS generator and ICS calendar feed #1010
- on demand jwt invalidation #954
- Authorize API Access #923
Closed issues:
- course list no longer filtering properly #1114
- Course filter by array of ids is broken #1112
- break travis test runs up into two #1103
- Remove users from UserRole endpoint #1102
- Remove sessions from SessionType endpoint #1101
- Remove Alerts from User and School endpoint #1100
- Students cannot view the learner groups they are in #1098
- Instructors in a course which is not in their primary school should have access to that course #1091
- Remove soft delete as a concept #1085
- Need to invert the year selection list on Courses and Sessions #1084
- Program Short Title Should NOT Be Required #1083
- Program Title Should Be Required #1082
- simplify rules in learning materials voter #1080
- Unable To Add Instructor(s) To ILM Session #1072
- Manage manyToMany collections on the inverse side #1069
- Add /errors endpoint to take frontend logs #1063
- Add description to searchable fields for learning materials #1057
- small group generator throwing 400 error #1051
- adjust getter chaining to soft deletes. #958
- Bad Request 400 Error on Put - Save Session Offering Date #947
- unable to assign user to instructor group #1070
- Don't allow many to one relationships to be saved #1059
- Better LearningMaterial API endpoint #1040
- Return a numerically indexed array from cget actions controllers #1029
- Offerings belonging to deleted sessions are showing up in the user api instructed offering list #1028
- Add Learning Materials and other Details to ICS Feed #1020
- Learning Material Download #1019
- API for PendingUserUpdates #1016
- Rename ucUid in user api to campusId #1011
- Problem with access to users in a learner group #1004
- Session->sessionDescription is in correct #1002
- sync ilios2 and ilios3 - third iteration. #997
- Add Curiculum Inventory Generation Tools #995
- Add auditlog export console command to write audit logs to disk #994
- Add teaching reminders email console command #993
- Add change alerts email console command #992
- Add user sync command #991
- add 'create user one' command #986
- Unable to publish course (and maybe anything else) #984
- Unable to upload learning material file #983
- Allow authentication via LDAP #979
- Enable doctrine cache in production? #976
- Incorrect class name for Schoolevents API docs #972
- Remove API_Key entity #966
- Remove CI_Session Entity #965
- Set the administrator for new publish events #943
- Soft delete collections are returned with original keys #941
- ucUid is still missing in the
api response. #939 - Getting 500 Internal Server Error with the users api #938
- Remove MeSHUserSelection Concept #935
- Audit Some Of The Things #934
- Remove Instruction Hours concept #933
- Remove Recurring Event Concept #932
- Create school events api endpoint #927
- add foreign key referencing
table #925 - consolidate owningSchool, primarySchool and school #922
- Token implementation partially broken. #921
- Unable to Move Learner Between Groups - Timeout - 500 error #918
- respond to requests passing expired auth token with 401 error code #904
- Create data loading fixtures #892
- Make Recurring Event read only #890
- Create ingestion exception controller #889
- Allow users to expire issued tokens #886
- Create /auth/newtoken endpoint #885
- Remove stored procedures #884
- IlmSessionFacet should relate to a single session #868
- Remove LearningMaterial inheritance #859
- Deprecate publish_event table_name and table_row_id columns #857
- Unable to add groups to ILM #850
- DataLoaders implementation #814
- Puppet Provisioner is broken #813
- Add query term to mesh descriptor endpoint #811
- Add notes to session/course learning material endpoint #810
- Need special handling for DateTime filtering #806
- Fix year endpoints #776
- MeSH Endpoints #775
- Change session -> sessionLearningMaterial to learningMaterial #766
- Fix session description endpoint #765
- Add Validators for all Entities #761
- API Test Coverage #760
- Walk endpoints #759
- Serve ember app from symfony #758
- Add Authentication #757
- User role endpoint title #756
- Session Endpoint #755
- Change ILMSessionFacet to ILMSession #754
- Change all timestamp fields #753
- Add initial doctrine migration #748
- Change discipline to topic #739
- Add searchTerms to user api #738
Merged pull requests:
- tagging the 3.0.0-rc1 release #1123 (thecoolestguy)
- Update Libraries #1121 (jrjohnson)
- Limit courses correctly when multiple filters are called #1115 (jrjohnson)
- Handle course filter params as an array #1113 (jrjohnson)
- Filter course by deep and interesting things #1111 (jrjohnson)
- Add /errors endpoint for capturing errors from frontend #1110 (jrjohnson)
- lm::link needs to be a string, but not necessarily an URL. #1109 (stopfstedt)
- Match description in learning material search #1107 (jrjohnson)
- Remove unnecessary API fields from highly trafficked endpoints #1106 (jrjohnson)
- Add prepositionalObjectTableRowId to ReportType #1105 (jrjohnson)
- broke up tests. #1104 (stopfstedt)
- Allow users to access the groups they belong to #1099 (jrjohnson)
- Add /auth/logout route #1097 (jrjohnson)
- Return 200 when user does not have an account #1096 (jrjohnson)
- Add endDate to ILMs 15 minutes after dueDate #1095 (jrjohnson)
- have PHPUnit stop on first failure by default. #1094 (stopfstedt)
- makes program title required and short title optional #1093 (stopfstedt)
- added additional visibility checks on courses. #1092 (stopfstedt)
- Whitelisted <u> element in input sanitation rules. #1090 (stopfstedt)
- added API endpoint for permissions #1088 (stopfstedt)
- remove soft deletes #1087 (stopfstedt)
- simplified learning material voter rules #1086 (stopfstedt)
- replace getter-chains with null-safe getter methods #1076 (stopfstedt)
- add filtering by role to user search #1074 (stopfstedt)
- Handle inverse side of manyToMany relationships #1073 (jrjohnson)
- More schools for a user #1058 (jrjohnson)
- Add a q (query) to get learningmaterials #1055 (jrjohnson)
- fix mesh descriptor search #1050 (stopfstedt)
v3.0.0-beta9 (2015-10-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- ability to pass expiration date to refresh token API endpoint #917
Closed issues:
- Can't save course objective #1068
- ILM Instructional Hours does not allow for fractional time #1066
- Run Symfony deprecation detector on Ilios codebase #1056
- Learner Group Mgt edit fails with 403 #1049
- Learner Group Mgt Bulk edit fails with 403 #1048
- Session Offerings Get Removed After Changing Session Data #1039
- Navigation to Courses and Sessions From All Events Calendar Very Slow (if Eventual) #996
- Can we declare support for only a JSON API? #812
- Add PHP pre-commit hooks #769
Merged pull requests:
- v3.0.0-beta9 release #1071 (thecoolestguy)
- Allow fractional ILM hours #1067 (jrjohnson)
- Allows offerings to save publishEvents #1064 (jrjohnson)
- Don't allow saving of the many side on a one to many relationship #1061 (jrjohnson)
- replaced deprecated methods #1060 (stopfstedt)
- sanitize form input. #1053 (stopfstedt)
- API improvements #1052 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0-beta8 (2015-10-13)
Closed issues:
- Typo in ember.debug.js #1045
Merged pull requests:
- V3.0.0-beta8 Release #1046 (thecoolestguy)
- added generation/update of offering change alerts #1044 (stopfstedt)
- Remove the hosts matcher from CORS options #1043 (jrjohnson)
- Fixes for program, user and learningmaterial endpoints #1042 (jrjohnson)
- change alerts command. #1038 (stopfstedt)
- Fix commands and broken build #1036 (jrjohnson)
- added teaching reminder command #1035 (stopfstedt)
v3.0.0-beta7 (2015-09-25)
Closed issues:
- Unnecessary Blue Line On Dashboard #1026
Merged pull requests:
- updated changelog for release v3.0.0-beta7 #1034 (thecoolestguy)
- Handle deleted offerings in the user API #1033 (jrjohnson)
- Add details to ics feed #1032 (jrjohnson)
- Entity managers cleanup #1031 (stopfstedt)
- Fixes for API Issues #1030 (jrjohnson)
- Update vagrant provisioner #1027 (jrjohnson)
- A more open CORS policy for the entire backend #1025 (jrjohnson)
- fixed typo in error message. removed server var dump from error message. #1024 (stopfstedt)
- declared getters/setters in entity interfaces. #1023 (stopfstedt)
- Add PendingUserUpdate API endpoint #1022 (jrjohnson)
- Learning Material Downloads #1021 (jrjohnson)
- Add ICS Feed #1018 (jrjohnson)
- port curriculum inventory exporter to ilios3 #1017 (stopfstedt)
- Fix issue with production install #1015 (jrjohnson)
- User Management Commands #1013 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0-beta6 (2015-09-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare for v3.0.0-beta6 release #1014 (jrjohnson)
- upped VM and PHP memory limits #1012 (stopfstedt)
- import MeSH default data population #1009 (stopfstedt)
- Ensure read access to learners with a secondary school #1008 (jrjohnson)
- JWT Expiration and Management #1007 (jrjohnson)
- Add missing properties to userType #1006 (jrjohnson)
- 994 auditlog export #1005 (stopfstedt)
- Fix session and sessionDescription API relationship #1003 (jrjohnson)
- More database sync changes #1001 (jrjohnson)
- Better authentication error handling #1000 (jrjohnson)
- Fix file upload #999 (jrjohnson)
- Add LDAP authentication option #998 (jrjohnson)
- Initial Migration and Update SQL alignment #990 (jrjohnson)
- port 'install user zero' shell script to SF2 command #989 (stopfstedt)
- Enable APC cache in production #988 (jrjohnson)
- The MeSH Universe Revealed #987 (jrjohnson)
- renamed discipline to topic #985 (stopfstedt)
- import default data population #982 (stopfstedt)
- Handle dates correctly in the filters #981 (jrjohnson)
- Standardize sessionLearningMaterial and courseLearningMaterial #980 (jrjohnson)
- Improved schema for ILMSession #978 (jrjohnson)
- defined setter/getter methods for curr inv report in program interface. #977 (stopfstedt)
- Change educational year to academic year #970 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0-beta5 (2015-08-25)
Closed issues:
- add auto-incrementing primary key to ingestion_exception table #963
- migration: update script and initial doctrine migration produce different schemas #959
- implement DeletableEntity interface and trait #956
- re-define recurring event to offering relationship #929
- Ghost Image of Suggested (Auto-Generated) Course ID missing in new Ilios version #794
Merged pull requests:
- Fix annotation for Schoolevents endpoint #975 (jrjohnson)
- Clean up dependencies #974 (jrjohnson)
- Add notes to course and session learning materials #973 (jrjohnson)
- implements "deletable entity" interface and trait #971 (stopfstedt)
- Log changes to entities using a doctrine event #968 (jrjohnson)
- removes API Key and CI Sessions from db schema and code. #967 (stopfstedt)
- vagrant: increase PHP memory limit for CLI #964 (stopfstedt)
- created read-only ingestion exception controller #962 (stopfstedt)
- removes MeSH user selection concept #961 (stopfstedt)
- aligned schema upgrade script with first doctrine migration. #960 (stopfstedt)
- Renamed owningSchool and primarySchool properties to school. #957 (stopfstedt)
- fixed school id comparison #955 (stopfstedt)
- removed broken code from jwt token class #952 (stopfstedt)
- set admin user on publish event creation. #951 (stopfstedt)
- purged instruction hours and recurring events from ilios #950 (stopfstedt)
- User Authorization #948 (stopfstedt)
- deprecated publish event components #946 (stopfstedt)
- Stop deactivating new student accounts #940 (jrjohnson)
v3.0.0-beta4 (2015-08-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- refreshing token should honor TTL of given token #913
- create custom learning material validator class. #897
Closed issues:
- Finish user events endpoint #920
- API: auth/refreshToken broken #910
- Trying to Load Up Learner Groups Ember Error #909
- Add test for user events API #907
- Use production builds for production #905
- Add an endpoint for uploading files #895
- The return parameter name, 'curriculumInventoryInstitution', under the 'schools' api is misspelled as 'curriculumInventoryInsitution' #891
- Remove PATCH methods #888
- Authorize all API requests #887
- Merge report and report_po tables. #879
- Add new primary key to session_description table #878
- schema change: retrofit curriculum inventory tables with dedicated primary keys #876
- Apache config error in Vagrant build #869
- Replace Triggers with Keys or Events #866
- Demo Cohort Drop-Down Displaying Blanks and Is Not Ordered - Learner Groups #862
- Change ILMSessionFacet to ILMSession across the board #858
- Session Description Edit Save Event Not Working #854
- Add Learning Material (Any Type) To Course Doesn't Work #851
- Unable to add instructors #849
- Course page load throws error #847
- MeSH Terms Not Displaying in the Grid But Appear to Have been Saved #840
- Level is not working properly - Reverts to Previously Saved Value #839
- Instructor Groups Ilios Menu Item Not Working on Demo Site #833
- Delete Validation Needed For Learner Groups #829
- Change SOD support email address in 2.4.x branch #815
- Identifiable Entity trait setter/getter methods wrongly assume int as only possible datatype #799
- Consistency with Visibility and Behavior >> Courses and Sessions >> New #797
- There is No Way to Close/Undo the Add Cohort Functionality #795
- Courses and Sessions >> View All / Edit Label - Can We Change It? #793
- Change External ID label to Course ID (like in current Ilios version) #792
- Instruction Hours not set up for Validation yet #783
- Test entity validators #781
- Add _collectionSize to every endpoint #773
- Handle deletions correctly #745
Merged pull requests:
- Add ucUid and otherId to users endpoint #944 (jrjohnson)
- Improve handling of soft deleted collections #942 (jrjohnson)
- Added lockable and archivable entity traits and interfaces #936 (stopfstedt)
- Enable doctrine migrations #931 (jrjohnson)
- Enable Soft Deletes #930 (jrjohnson)
- Add schoolevents api #928 (jrjohnson)
- Complete Userevents API #926 (jrjohnson)
- DRI: refactoring of Entity Managers #919 (stopfstedt)
- refreshing api tokens should honor given TTL #916 (stopfstedt)
- reformatted code to appease codesniffler. #912 (stopfstedt)
- fixes "refresh token" controller action #911 (stopfstedt)
- Fix user event query to match offering entity #906 (jrjohnson)
- validate weblink/citation/file LM differently #901 (stopfstedt)
- Fix broken instructor groups controller test #900 (jrjohnson)
- fixed typo in code comment. #898 (stopfstedt)
- Upload files and save learning materials #896 (jrjohnson)
- removes PATCH actions from controllers. #894 (stopfstedt)
- Remove remaining triggers, procedures, and functions #893 (jrjohnson)
- renamed 'ilm session facet' to 'ilm session' #883 (stopfstedt)
- On the path to a complete API... tests for almost everything #882 (jrjohnson)
- Remove ReportPoValue entity #881 (jrjohnson)
- added new primary key to session_description table #880 (stopfstedt)
- retrofitted curriculum inventory entities with new ids #877 (stopfstedt)
- XDebug in Vagrant #875 (stopfstedt)
- gitignore phpunit.xml #874 (stopfstedt)
- ilios session facet relationship mapping #873 (stopfstedt)
- Replace Some ILMSession triggers #872 (jrjohnson)
- Better puppet config for apache and shibboleth #871 (jrjohnson)
- Update a session when its ILM is updated #870 (jrjohnson)
- added and updated files #863 (thecoolestguy)
v3.0.0-beta3 (2015-06-30)
Merged pull requests:
v3.0.0-beta2 (2015-06-20)
Merged pull requests:
v3.0.0-beta1 (2015-06-19)
Closed issues:
- Unable to Add Instructor To Session Offering #855
- Session Toggles Return the Error Below When Change Event Occurs and Sometime Require Multiple Clicks #852
- Unable to modify Session Type #848
- Add Cohort fails to function #846
- Learning Materials are not retrieving/displaying “status” or “instructional notes” in the edit form #845
- Course Director Search Cancel Button Disappears #844
- Course Director Search Not Returning Correct Results #843
- Course Director Save Not Happening #842
- Manage MeSH Button Does Not Function #841
- Clerkship Type Not Loading on Demo #838
- Publish Course Not Working on Demo Server (API) #837
- Save Event Not Working - Select Parent Objective for Course Objective #836
- Session Type Endpoint Broken #835
- Save Event For Adding Course Level Objective Not Working On Demo #834
- Session Edit Not Working on Demo Site (API Issue?) #832
- Add New Course >> Suggestion -- Place Add Cohort Higher on the Screen #808
- MeSH Terms Search / Results Suggestions #796
- Add repo-specific .gitattributes file to force unix line-endings for all users #787
- Vagrant needs to run on Windows -- errors with nfsd #779
- Change from searchTerm to Q for special search #772
Merged pull requests:
- API fixes from frontend testing #860 (jrjohnson)
- More API Tests #856 (jrjohnson)
- Fix issue with API relationships #853 (jrjohnson)
- Fixes routes and action implementations. Makes resources plural. #831 (vpassapera)
- Added User Events API endpoint #830 (jrjohnson)
- Make the index file location configurable #828 (jrjohnson)
- Serve the frontend from symfony #827 (jrjohnson)
- Expose additional API data #826 (jrjohnson)
- Fixes to generated files to work with controller tests. #825 (vpassapera)
- Added Some controller tests #823 (vpassapera)
- Add title to department endpoint #817 (jrjohnson)
- changed SOD email to the new one, fixes #815 #816 (thecoolestguy)
- user/user-role test fixture switcheroo #809 (stopfstedt)
- Better API for learning materials #807 (jrjohnson)
- Assorted API Improvements #804 (jrjohnson)
- Get all the pcrses #802 (stopfstedt)
- A few more data loaders and test fixtures #801 (stopfstedt)
- id attribute of identifiable entity can be string or int. #800 (stopfstedt)
- added equals sign for proper handling #791 (thecoolestguy)
- changed the .gitattributes file to enforce unix line ending on all .sh, .php, and .sql files in the repo #788 (thecoolestguy)
- Fix session creation in API #786 (jrjohnson)
- Move php to Puppetfile #785 (vpassapera)
- Validation tests #784 (dartajax)
- Slightly cleaner test code for the course entity #782 (jrjohnson)
- Branch vagrant shared folder config on windows. #780 (jrjohnson)
- Entity Annotation Validations #778 (jrjohnson)
- Use q= instead of searchTerm= for finding by string #774 (jrjohnson)
- Update composer.json #771 (vpassapera)
- Add description and ID to session description endpoint #770 (jrjohnson)
- Use tdn generator and included types for forms #768 (jrjohnson)
- Update dependencies to fix issue with tdn/phptype tree #767 (jrjohnson)
- Annotations added to Entities #764 (dartajax)
- fixed typo #763 (stopfstedt)
- Added coveralls and minor cleanup #752 (jrjohnson)
- Userroles dataloader #751 (stopfstedt)
- Use custom Types and Transformers to handle data #750 (jrjohnson)
- Remove Code Igniter #749 (jrjohnson)
- Bring Ilios3 into Master #744 (jrjohnson)
- Validation and Tests #743 (jrjohnson)
- Trim vagrant mercilessly #742 (jrjohnson)
- Add the ability to find users by searchTerm #741 (jrjohnson)
- Serialize Dates #740 (jrjohnson)
- API Changes #737 (jrjohnson)
- Fix API HTML Views #736 (jrjohnson)
- REST Api #735 (vpassapera)
- changed variable reference assignment to support php 5.6 #731 (thecoolestguy)
- Linting #727 (Trott)
- updated CHANGELOG.txt, ready for release 2.4.8 #726 (thecoolestguy)
v2.4.8 (2014-11-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- provide option for populating new user groups #611
Closed issues:
- Save Event Not Firing When Adding A User (Admin Console) #715
- MeSH Term Not Updating - Session Objectives #664
Merged pull requests:
- Fix incorrectly dropped procedure #724 (jrjohnson)
- Changelog and version update for 2.4.8 #723 (jrjohnson)
- removed publish_event_id check and styling of in-draft offerings #722 (thecoolestguy)
- 'in-draft' status added for more prominent display #718 (thecoolestguy)
- Only save former student role for existing users #716 (jrjohnson)
- 'scheduled' session icon color change #714 (thecoolestguy)
- Allow learner groups to be created empty #713 (jrjohnson)
v2.4.7 (2014-10-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- calendar download for instructor/director level users #221
- Special Cron Job for Syncing Users #677
- Identifying students once they have graduated as "graduates" #327
Closed issues:
- Extend Calendar Feed time period #708
- Add MeSH(x) Label Not Displaying Correct Total (x) - Session - Objective #666
- Disallow NULL password value for setups using anonymous LDAP binds #645
- Show all associated student groups filter fails #636
- "Filing" a course removes it from the calendar search/filter widget #576
Merged pull requests:
- updated version number in version.php #711 (thecoolestguy)
- Changelog for 2.4.7 #710 (jrjohnson)
- changed date strings to reflect longer calendar period #709 (thecoolestguy)
- re-pointed learner function calls to the learner functions and not the instructor ones #707 (thecoolestguy)
- 576 course filing removal bug #706 (thecoolestguy)
- Flag Former Students in the sync process #697 (jrjohnson)
- Objective mesh term counts properly updating on change. #696 (thecoolestguy)
- Backport Vagrant Updates from I3 #691 (jrjohnson)
- Remove the sparse ember fronted #690 (jrjohnson)
- Fix Program Entity #689 (jrjohnson)
- WIP. system upgrade #687 (vpassapera)
- Clean up LDAP login #685 (jrjohnson)
- Basic Structure and Dashboard #683 (jrjohnson)
- Add a cron task to run the user sync process and nothing else. #678 (jrjohnson)
v2.4.6 (2014-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- decouple persisting learning materials from sessions/courses #205
Closed issues:
- Make "Final" the Default Status for Uploading Learning Materials to Course and / or Session #672
- Attempting to add Learning Material to course in Firefox closes dialog and refreshes course #668
- Add MeSH(null) Label Displayed - Learning Materials - Session #665
- course dirty state interrupts session description save #663
- An ugly Error msg is returned when no Email address is contained in shibboleth #657
Merged pull requests:
- fixed session description loss upon session publish in dirty course #676 (stopfstedt)
- changed default status selection of learning materials to 'final' (index '1') #673 (thecoolestguy)
- learning material dialog disappears in firefox #669 (thecoolestguy)
- added learningmaterials to session cloning #667 (thecoolestguy)
v2.4.6-rc1 (2014-08-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- SQL generated from MeSH parser should use REPLACE syntax #304
- change output from mesh parser from db to file #303
Merged pull requests:
- Update mesh tables install to 2014 mesh terms. #662 (jrjohnson)
- 205 decoupling learning material crud #661 (thecoolestguy)
- Localsauce README tweaks #659 (stopfstedt)
- Better shibboleth authentication errors #658 (jrjohnson)
v2.4.5 (2014-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide method for adjusting "duration" for small group events #473
- add timestamps to mesh_* tables (MeSH Parser) #302
Closed issues:
- Unable to upload PPTX files #653
- Validate curriculum inventory upload report against new corrigenda item #649
- Error Received While Trying to add MeSH term to Program Year #617
- Refactor CSV upload / user insert tool for instructor and learner groups #561
- 403 Forbidden should return 403 not 200 #521
- remove "GALEN ID" label and update the csv load #496
- Modify "UC ID" labeling globally to "ID" #495
- expand instruction in user guide etc. for CI management tools #423
- update the data population for the PCRS to include AAMC last-minutes changes and addition of "x.99 - OTHER" categories #422
Merged pull requests:
- Allow users to be added with Other ID #656 (jrjohnson)
- added uc_uid mapping to shibboleth authentication #655 (thecoolestguy)
- added 'application/zip' identifier to pptx mime-type's array in mimes.php #654 (thecoolestguy)
- Validate new Learners and Instructors #652 (jrjohnson)
- Fix Program Objective Mesh Search #651 (jrjohnson)
- Symfony Authenticated through Code Igniter #648 (jrjohnson)
- corrected given windows version in code comment. #647 (stopfstedt)
- First steps in Ilios 3 #646 (jrjohnson)
- UC_ID and Galen ID references removed #644 (jrjohnson)
- Add updated_at and create_at to mesh data tables #642 (jrjohnson)
- added changes from the re-tagged CodeIgniter 2.2.0 release. #638 (stopfstedt)
- Allow session offerings to be counted only once #635 (jrjohnson)
v2.4.3 (2014-06-20)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Changelog for 2.4.3 #634 (jrjohnson)
- Add Google Analytics #632 (jrjohnson)
- enclosed uc_uid length OR statement to group the conditions to be properly evaluated together #631 (thecoolestguy)
- adjusted title/hover message for uc id to be a variable value, see #626 #630 (thecoolestguy)
- Upgraded to CodeIgniter 2.2.0 #629 (stopfstedt)
- Uc uid configuration changes #627 (thecoolestguy)
- Sauce and Travis improvements #625 (jrjohnson)
- Timeout LDAP connection after 2 minutes #624 (jrjohnson)
- Add ldap error string to exceptions #623 (jrjohnson)
- correct minor typos in comments #622 (Trott)
- Do background of Behat tests in database #621 (jrjohnson)
- Added audit log config to phing build #620 (jrjohnson)
v2.4.2 (2014-05-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Provide ability to configure the time step value for start/end times of calendar events #595
- Create script to automate the regular dump of audit information to log #424
Closed issues:
- phpMyAdmin upload file size too small #604
- Apostrophes in session_type titles not being escaped on course model load #571
- COPYRIGHT file conflicts with LICENSE file #558
- Streamline Welcome Screen #542
- Use single email value from 'mail' attribute when multiple values are returned by Shibboleth IDp #614
- Public access to vagrant vm #568
- Do we need to encrypt our sauce token? #563
- ILM sessions do not sort by date #475
- Create a file #468
- Replace iWaitSeconds() (sleep) with spin() in Behat tests #467
- be more specific source of user input #462
- PHPUnit tests should not have database side effects #458
- behat step tweaks #457
- Jasmine Unit Tests for ilios_ui_rte.js #449
- Jasmine Unit Tests for ilios_dom.js #448
- Script/automate setup and run for behat tests #445
- Update (Create?) High-Level Architecture Document #444
Merged pull requests:
v2.4.2-prerelease-20140407 (2014-04-07)
Closed issues:
- Remove final instance of abominable deepCloneAssociativeArray() #548
v2.4.1 (2014-04-04)
Closed issues:
- calendar API feed URL must be 116 characters or less #512
- death to "createContentContainerMarkup()" #510
- Change in COURSE DIRECTOR or COURSE MESH TERMS causes unlinking of course objectives #545
- MyReports fails for instructor search #529
- learning_material::token CHAR -> VARCHAR #519
- Calendar feed URL length can be too long for use in Google Calendar #513
- Run Jasmine tests on CI server #464
- Documentation of security considerations for learning materials #414
v2.4.0 (2014-02-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- update migration scripts to include data population for CI tools #433
- Warn users that their calendar feed should be treated like a password #397
- Inability to access learning materials in shibboleth enabled systems #380
- rig up behat tests to CI process #342
- streamline auditing system #337
- convert cucumber tests to behat #336
- de-ajaxify the login "form" #335
Closed issues:
- Get behat tests to work in Travis #456
- behat tests for #199 #450
- Sauce Labs or other integration for behat tests #446
- Topics display list requires page refresh to show additions #442
- enable behat tests against vagrant #394
- vagrant up does not work with vagrant 1.4.2 #392
- 'required' in CI Export for sessions #375
- ilios.utilities.htmlEntities() double encodes " #369
- eliminate ilios.lang.startsWith() function #361
- eliminate ilios.lang.trim() function #360
- eliminate ilios.lang.endsWith() function #359
- DB install instructions incomplete #354
- move webcal to webcals #348
- Notes field in Learning Materials does not alert user if max char length is exceeded. #339
v2.3.2 (2013-12-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- replace dashes in inventory report id #295
- improve topics picker performance #291
- translation helper methods #288
- simplify translation api #286
- associate each learner group with its "owning" cohort #214
- refactor user/user-group join tables #211
Closed issues:
- unlink competencies from PCRS #268
- IE conditional classes not needed #262
- recurring events tool creates additional offerings when used with "create offerings by group" feature #275
- mesh picker for my reports not functioning #260
v2.3.1 (2013-11-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- modify display for course names/IDs in calendar search #196
Closed issues:
- lastest phing version fails in deploy-prepare task #248
- test #192
- CI business rules validations #246
- character encoding issue with curr. inv. export #241
- category element not properly namespaced in curr. inv. report #240
- curriculum inventory export fails validation #239
- External Course ID does not get cloned during course rollover #229
- relative paths in yui-widgets.css stylesheet wrong #226
- Curric Inventory Manager Date Range Display #225
- change "no sessions found" label for course when loading sessions #203
- "students requiring assignment" flag does not refresh properly #202
- no dirty state alert for instructor groups page #201
- no dirty state alert for learner groups page #200
- character encoding issue with CSV upload #198
- offering does not display in student search if published with no student group associations #195
- recurring events display does not load correctly on event creation #193
Merged pull requests:
- various bug fixes to curriculum inventory export #238 (stopfstedt)
- footer shouldn't overlap other items just because I change window size... #191 (Trott)
- Make appalling inline CSS abomination marginally less appalling #190 (Trott)
v2.3 (2013-09-23)
v2.2.2 (2013-07-16)
v2.2.1 (2013-03-22)
v2.2 (2013-03-06)
v2.1.2 (2012-12-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Admin3072 #28 (stopfstedt)
- BUG 2921: reminder alert messages do not capture primary owning school for course #27 (stopfstedt)
- reintegrate rb2.1.2 into master #26 (stopfstedt)
- updated UCSF/SOM teaching reminder email template. refs #3023 #25 (stopfstedt)
- reintegrate rb2.1.1 into master #24 (stopfstedt)
- Feature 3024: display parent competency titles in learner course summary view #23 (stopfstedt)
- reintegrate rb2.1.2 into master #22 (stopfstedt)
- added proper sort order to competency dropdown in program objective dialog #21 (stopfstedt)
- added download instructions to README file. #20 (stopfstedt)
- added indexes/foreign key constraints for user_x_user_role table #19 (thecoolestguy)
- refactored hardwired path to Shib Logout Service into a config setting. ... #18 (stopfstedt)
- modified idle page timeout mechanism to allow for logout url configurati... #17 (stopfstedt)
- added rewrite rule to redirect from ilios2.php to ilios.php. refs #3059 #16 (stopfstedt)
- issue 3055: dropped Ilios version number from page titles #15 (stopfstedt)
- drop ilios version number from file- and classnames #14 (stopfstedt)
- Don't require executable bit set on .sh file #13 (Trott)
- Remove alert index/foreign key-creation from 2.1.1 to 2.2 #12 (thecoolestguy)
- feature #3051: add extracted mesh installation SQL script/remove tarball. #11 (stopfstedt)
- trim whitespace from database insertion values #8 (thecoolestguy)
- updated ilios logo #7 (stopfstedt)
- rm needed dirs from .gitignore #6 (Trott)
- please merge project name changes on landing page #5 (stopfstedt)
v2.1.1 (2012-12-07)
Merged pull requests:
- please merge with rb2.1.1 and master #4 (stopfstedt)
- Vagrant/Puppet easy dev/demo install #3 (Trott)
- fixed broken SQL INSERT statement. refs #3037 #1 (stopfstedt)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator