Website to sell tie-dye shirts and share information about tie-dying.
- Tristan Jordan
This website will include the following structural elements:
- Nav-bar on top, including:
- Brand symbol or name to link to home page.
- Link to shop.
- Link to blog.
- Link to account page.
- Footer, including:
- Social links.
- Contact details.
- Site language, e.g., copyright.
- Accessibility policy.
- Main content div:
- Photos of tie-dyed clothing
- Buttons to link to different pages.
- Div components for scroll story telling or parallax effect.
- Divs for shop items
- Windows for scrolling display?
- Blog post elements.
- Links to route to specific blog posts.
- Button & form to register.
- Button & form to login.
- Scroll story telling / parallax on main page.
- Ideally with some kind of animation of dye or color shifting
- Interactive mouse that can color site background
- Responsive buttons that move and/or shift color.
- Way to display images without breaking the flow of the site.
- Alt-text on visuals or site components.
- Shape or movement cues on visuals.
- Ability for users to change color palettes
- Ability for users to pause or turn off animations.