Back End:
- Database with tables to store user info., purchase info., and stock info.
Web API:
- URLs will be relative for routing things like blog posts, specific product pages, etc.
- Option 2: User Data... the site will store user data such as purchases, and then will allow users to view a purchase history page.
- Users will also have certain blog update privilages while logged in.
User / Admin Views:
- User views for blog / purchase history
- Admin views for querying all user or purchase data. Admin view to potentially include simple dashboard of purchase activity.
Deployment: stretch goal if time allows.
- v0.1
- Static but linked web pages for home, blog, and shop.
- 5 Pages include Home, User Registration/Login, Blog, Shop, About
- Design demo. w/ wireframes.
- v0.2
- Animations on home page
- Registration working.
- Basic blog / shop functions working w/o database connection
- v0.3
- Blog / shop work fully functional.
- Data for blog posts / purchases stored in database.
- Users can view purchase history.
- Admins can view all purchase activity in simple dashboard.
Note: I'm hoping to work in a solo group, so all tasks will be assigned to myself.
- v0.1
- List of web pages & what they will do
- Wireframes w/ CSS & HTML.
- Diagram to describe relationships between back-end database tables.
- v0.2
- Implement basic animations / stylized CSS.
- Setup dev environment for testing.
- Design database requirements, implement.
- v0.3
- Add user views for purchase history.
- Add admin views for querying database / dashboard?