Releases: jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device
Releases · jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device
10.2.0 - Stability Increase
ATTENTION: Due to the update camera driver, the image looks different and a new setup might be needed
- Reduce reboot due to camera problems
- Update esp32-camera to new version (master as of 2022-01-09)
10.1.1 - Stability Increase
- NEW 10.1.1: bug Fix MQTT problem
- Reduce ESP32 frequency to 160MHz
- Update tflite (new source:
- Update analog neural network (ana-s3-q-20220105.tflite)
- Update digital neural network (dig-s1-q-20220102.tflite)
- Increased web-server buffers
- bug fix: compiler compatibility
10.1.0 - Stability Increase
- Reduce ESP32 frequency to 160MHz
- Update tflite (new source:
- Update analog neural network (ana-s3-q-20220105.tflite)
- Update digital neural network (dig-s1-q-20220102.tflite)
- bug fix: compiler compatibility
10.0.2 - Stability Increase
- NEW v10.0.2: Corrected JSON error
- Updated compiler toolchain to ESP-IDF 4.3
- Removal of memory leak
- Improved error handling during startup (check PSRAM and camera with remark in logfile)
- MQTT: implemented raw value additionally, removal of regex contrain
- Normalized Parameter MaxRateValue to "change per minute"
- HTML: improved input handling
- Corrected error handling: in case of error the old value, rate, timestamp are not transmitted any more
9.2.0 - External Illumination
- Direct JSON access: http://IP-ADRESS/json
- Error message in log file in case camera error during startup
- Upgrade analog CNN to v9.1.0
- Upgrade digital CNN to v13.3.0 (added new images)
- html: support of different ports
9.1.1 - External Illumination
- NEW 9.1.1: bug fix: LED implemenetation
- External LEDs: change control mode (resolve bug with more than 2 LEDs)
- Additional info into log file
- Bug fix: decimal shift, html, log file
9.0.0 - External Illumination
- Implementation of external illumination to adjust positioning, brightness and color of the illumination now individually
8.5.0 - Multi Meter Support
- Upgrade digital CNN to v13.1.0 (added new images)
- Bug fix: wlan password with space, double digit output
8.4.0 - Multi Meter Support
License change (remove MIT license, remark see below)
Html: show hostname in title and main page
- moved setting ExtendedResolution to individual number settings
- New parameter IgnoreLeadingNaN (delete leading NaN's specifically)
- ATTENTION: update of the config.ini needed (open, adjust ExtendedResolution, save)
Bug fixing (html, images of recognized numbers)
- Currently no licence published - copyright belongs to author
- If you are interested in a commercial usage or dedicated versions please contact the developer
8.3.0 - Multi Meter Support
- Upgrade digital CNN to v12.1.0 (added new images)
- Dedicated NaN handling, internal refactoring (CNN-Handling)
- HTML: confirmation after config.ini update
- Bug fixing