This is a Universal Resolver driver for did:stack:v2 identifiers.
docker build -f ./uni-resolver-driver/Dockerfile . -t universalresolver/driver-did-stack-v2
docker run -p 8080:8080 universalresolver/driver-did-stack-v2
curl -X GET localhost:8080/identifiers/did:stack:v2:SP1CPT00K0E3FNCQTTCYBAQRB5QYXHQCCWZTAHY33-0x965c0627aad3a04f59254c6f9a0f880444dd40fe0e22337e84f6cd0446635fa5
A simple npm script for building and spinning up the Docker image is also provided, and can be run as follows:
npm run uni-resolver-driver
The driver recognizes the following environment variables:
The driver returns the following metadata in addition to a DID document: