Hammergen is a tool for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay community. It is a tool for creating and managing campaigns, characters, and other resources.
Deployed version is available at https://hammergen.net
The projects consists of two parts:
- Frontend - Static Vue.js application served from CDN that makes API requests to the backend
- Backend - Go application that serves the frontend and makes database requests
To run the project locally, you need to serve the frontend and backend independently.
npm run dev --prefix ./src/frontend
This will serve the frontend on http://localhost:5173/ and make API requests to the backend on http://localhost:8080. The backend address can be changed using the VITE_ROOT_API
environment variable in .env.development.
The backend can be configured to run either with in-memory database or with MongoDB. You have a few options to run it:
Directly compile from source. If you are using this option, you have to manually configure the environment variables. The variables are described in config.go.
cd ./src/api-go go run ./cmd/wfrp/main.go
Use docker compose. This will deploy 2 containers: one with in-memory database and one with MongoDB. The in-memory database is served on port 8082, while the MongoDB is served on port 8081. They both come with sample data defined in mock_data directory.
To use any of them by the frontend, you have to change the
environment variable in .env.development.cd ./src make dev-up
To stop the containers, run
make dev-down
Go to the source directory:
cd ./src
npm run test --prefix ./frontend
Before running tests, you have to start the backend. You can do this by running make dev-up
command or make dev-restart
To run tests with in-memory database, you can use make test-memdb
make test-memdb
To run tests with MongoDB, you can use make test
make test
Go to the source directory:
cd ./src
To run linting, you can use make lint
npm run lint --prefix ./frontend