Name | Type | Description | Notes |
submissions | [InlineResponse2001ResultSubmissions] | [optional] | |
updatedAt | Date | the updated time | [optional] |
createdAt | Date | the created time | [optional] |
createdBy | String | the created user | [optional] |
updatedBy | String | the updated user | [optional] |
technologies | String | [optional] | |
status | String | [optional] | |
track | String | [optional] | |
subTrack | String | [optional] | |
name | String | [optional] | |
reviewType | String | [optional] | |
id | Integer | the id | [optional] |
forumId | Integer | [optional] | |
numSubmissions | Integer | [optional] | |
numRegistrants | Integer | [optional] | |
registrationStartDate | Date | [optional] | |
registrationEndDate | Date | [optional] | |
checkpointSubmissionEndDate | Date | ISO-8601 formatted date times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) | [optional] |
submissionEndDate | Date | ISO-8601 formatted date times (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) | [optional] |
platforms | String | [optional] | |
numberOfCheckpointPrizes | Integer | [optional] | |
totalCheckpointPrize | Integer | [optional] | |
totalPrize | Integer | [optional] | |
isPrivate | Boolean | [optional] | |
upcomingPhase | Object | [optional] | |
projectId | Integer | [optional] | |
projectName | String | The related project name, only shown for admin | [optional] |
currentPhases | Object | [optional] | |
submissionViewable | Object | [optional] | |
allPhases | [Object] | [optional] | |
prize | [Integer] | [optional] | |
winners | [InlineResponse2001ResultWinners] | the challenge winners | [optional] |
events | [InlineResponse2001ResultEvents] | [optional] | |
drPoints | Integer | [optional] | |
reliabilityBonus | Number | [optional] | |
isTask | Integer | [optional] | |
groupIds | [Integer] | [optional] |