- Huge internal restructure of the whole app.
- Added photo header to launchpads & landpads.
- Fix disappearing data when reloading.
- Fixed 'photo header' super quick scrolling. Thanks to Mathiew Abbas!
- Added ability to select default browser (in-app or system browser). Thanks to @m0veax!
- Massive rework of notifications: they should be much more reliable now.
- Various fixes & improvements all around the app.
- Ability to filter launched by launchpad, landpad and core & capsule serial
- Ability to filter vehicles by type.
- Improved testing coverage!
- Using r/SpaceX API v4, reducing downloaded data size.
- Ability to open rocket & mission details from other screens.
- Minor improvements to add-to-calendar functionality.
- Increased image quality settings.
- Some iOS bugs fixed.
- Added Indonesian translations, by Fatur Rahman S.
- Added German translations, by Patrick Kilter.
- Updated app design using new font!
- Updated design of most components used around the app
- Fixed various broken photo URLs
- Minor tweaks & enhacements
- Massive update to internal structure of the app
- Minor tweaks & enhacements
- Added Italian translations. Thanks to Tommi Avery!
- Minor tweaks & enhacements
- Added French translations. Thanks to Charlie Merland!
- Tweaked some home screen icons
- Minor tweaks & enhacements
- Added Simplified Chinese translations. Thanks to loopsun!
- Added custom icons throughout the app. Thanks to Andrés Tenllado!
- Updated the 'home' tab with more information
- Add 'Isp' values to rockets & capsules
- Updated to visual style elements
- Some bugs fixed
- Updated search experience: ability to filter by multiple fields
- Theme improvements
- Fixed project style. Thanks to Pascal Welsch!
- Some bugs fixed
- Major under-the-hood improvements to the app
- Updated app's theme, now using two fonts: ProductSans & Roboto
- Tweaks to both 'About' & 'Settings' screens
- Small tweak to 'Rocket' page
- Fixed quite a lot of bugs
- Language improvements
- Redesigned 'home' tab. Thanks to Matias de Andrea!
- Added the ability to change image quality. Thanks to Mauricio Neira!
- Added error messages when device is offline. Thanks to Mauricio Neira!
- Some bugs fixed
- Unfortunalety, Dutch support has been dropped
Thanks to Matias de Andrea!
- Most of UI elements have been tweaked
- Updated all of themes
- Fixed some translations issues
- Fixed some bugs along the way
- You can now receive notifications a day, an hour & 30 mins. before lift-off
- Improved launch window display
- Quite a few minor improvements & bug fixes
- Added some cool easter eggs!
- Bug fixed & little improvements
- Added a splashscreen: no more white!
- Added app shortcuts! Hold the app icon & select the shortcut
- Greatly improved the UI scale. Now everything is a bit smaller
- Added Patreon link
- Fixed some translation issues
- Added Portuguese translations, by /u/OuterSpaceCitizen
- Added Dutch translations, by Max Coremans
- Fixed some English translations
- Added black & light themes
- Updated homescreen to support Falcon Heavy
- Added new launch info snippets
- Ability to share launches & vehicles
- Some bug fixes
- Introduced a new UI, which improves one-handed operation
- Overhauled internal data management
- Added 'home' & 'company' tabs
- Added 'pull to refresh' feature
- Ability to add launches to your calendar
- Added bunch of information to launches & vehicles
- Added new launchpads, landpads, cores & capsules dialogs
- Added Spanish translations
- Added search functionality to launches & vehicles
- Updated about screen
- Updated vehicles photo
- Increase list density for launches & vehicles
- Added new animations
- Fixed typos
- As requested by many, dates have been improved
- Tweak picture behaviour in lists
- Fixed typos
- First official release
- Lots of UI tweaks
- Added new information from our favorite space launch provider
- Fixed critical bug
- Fixed core dialogs
- Ships now shows on the 'Vehicles' tab once again
- Added ships tracking
- Added new data to rockets & capsules
- Bunch of UI improvements
- Added more details about rocket fairing and its recovery
- Downsized app size by 2MB
Thanks to u/LeJules!
- Added 'reusable' tag in Dragon capsules
- Fixed fuels in some rockets
- Changed rocket subtitles in the vehicle list
Thanks to u/meyehyde!
- Updated fuel listing under rockets information
- First beta release
- First alpha release