A voting application based on the system described in Honeybee Democracy
- A vote is a public influencer, voter can be anonymous.
- Votes give a candidate a value. The value fades over time.
- A voter is unable to vote again until original vote fades to zero plus a time of dormancy.
- Once a candidate crosses a value threshold, it wins.
- It is possible that the value #2 determines influence sustaining duration, but that is not the same as the valuation of #4. (E.g. The value of #4 is simply the number of voters, not the voters*#2 valuation).
- If #4 is just # of voters, look to book honeybee democracy to determine % of voting body required to be a winner.
- Mongo db
- Mongoose
- Node
- Express
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Frisby
- ESLint
- Grunt
- Passport
Mongo: currently this expects mongo to be on the default port ('mongodb://localhost:27017/honeybeevote')
Mongoose: I have a fair understanding of this, at this point.
Express: on startup it should print out the port for express "The Magic happens on port: [0-9]*" (default: 8000)
Testing: run "grunt default" in one cmd window, then elsewhere run "grunt test". will run unit and api tests.
- Unit tests:
- "grunt mochaTest"
- Api tests:
- "grunt shell"
- "grunt jasmine_node"
- Unit tests:
ESLint: to run lint, use this: grunt lint
Grunt: I don't know half of what's in here, really, just following recipes.
- I know: eslint, nodemon, concurrent
- I don't know: pkg, babel
Passport: just barely "heartbeats" as in does basic validation. The validation isn't actually applied anywhere or required.
The whole thing could have better logging and .config
Functionality: you should be able to do basic CRUD on Election, Voter, Candidate, and Candidate-[Votes]
node-inspector debugging seems to be broken, a fix they're screaming about on node-inspector forums.
I think .app.js works fine, but the original Express bootstrapping program has things running through ./biz/www, which also works fine. Obviously need to get rid of ./bin/www if it's not adding anything.
Docker: You can containerize this app using 'docker build .' Once built, you can run the container with something like 'docker run -e MONGO_URL=mongodb:// -d -p 8000:8000 honeybeevotesvc' where MONGO_URL points to your mongo server.
- Know what we are voting for.
- See all candidates and popularity.
- Ability to vote on candidates.
- Know when there's a winner.
- See time remaining until next vote allowed.
- See time remaining until vote goes to zero influence.
- See history of vote.
- Know information about voters.
- Add information to candidate.
- Add candidate.
- Be given > 1 vote to use at the same time.
- See graphics.
- Set win criteria, vote sustain duration, vote valuation calculation.