Kube-OVN supports broadcast pod ips to external networks by BGP protocol. To enable BGP announce function, you need to install kube-ovn-speaker and annotate pods that need to be exposed.
- Download
wget https://github.com/alauda/kube-ovn/blob/master/yamls/speaker.yaml
- Modify the args in yaml
--neighbor-address= # The router address that need to establish bgp peers
--neighbor-as=65030 # The AS of router
--cluster-as=65000 # The AS of container network
- Apply the yaml
kubectl apply -f speaker.yaml
# Enable BGP
kubectl annotate pod sample ovn.kubernetes.io/bgp=true
# Disable BGP
kubectl annotate pod perf-ovn-xzvd4 ovn.kubernetes.io/bgp-