Any contributions are welcome! To propose a patch, just submit a pull request to this repository. To propose changes or start a discussion, use GitHub issues in this repository.
Just submit a pull request with an update. The proposals will be accepted if they are generic enough to be in this sample repository. For user-specific needs please extend the images instead of adding new features directly.
Each new image should be located in a new directory. New images are expected to meet the following requirements:
The image implements a common use-case for Jenkins Pipeline (e.g. "Building Java Applications with Gradle").
The image either extends the vanilla Jenkinsfile Runner image as a base, or uses Custom WAR Packager or Jenkinsfile Runner Packaging POM packaging. The packaging happens solely in a Dockerfile.
There is documentation submitted along with the pull request.
There is a smoke test added to the repository and the build Pipeline.
Follow the examples in this repository in the case of concern. As a source of inspiration, you can take a look at Jenkins Inbound Agent Images or old Jenkins X 1.x: Serverless Mode buildpacks.
If you want to contribute to Jenkinsfile Runner itself, please follow the contributing guidelines in its repository. One changes are integrated and released there, the Jenkinsfile Runner version can updated in these images as a downstream pull request.