If you already have the prerequisites installed and want to get straight into Knative, Kpack, or Cartographer without going through the background information about Tanzu Community Edition, you can create and prepare an unmanaged cluster on Kind with three simple commands:
Create a cluster:
tanzu unmanaged-cluster create tceworkshop --port-map '80:80,443:443'
Create a secret for your registry. On an unmanaged cluster, all you need is a simple secret named registry-credentials
The following is an example for my private Harbor instance. Change the secret to match your image repository:
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-credentials \
--docker-server=harbor.tanzuathome.net \
--docker-username=admin \
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-credentials `
--docker-server=harbor.tanzuathome.net `
--docker-username=admin `
Install the app-toolkit. First modify the values in 03-app-toolkit/config/app-toolkit-values.yaml to match your image repository, then install the app toolkit with the following command:
tanzu package install app-toolkit\
--package-name app-toolkit.community.tanzu.vmware.com \
--version 0.2.0 \
--values-file 03-app-toolkit/config/app-toolkit-values.yaml
tanzu package install app-toolkit `
--package-name app-toolkit.community.tanzu.vmware.com `
--version 0.2.0 `
--values-file 03-app-toolkit/config/app-toolkit-values.yaml
Once the app-toolkit reconciles, you can proceed with any subsequent exercise.