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Jakub T. Jankiewicz edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

You can customize the strings used by the library. You can translate them to a different language or just change it. You can do this by modifying the default options object: $.terminal.defaults.strings or using the strings option:

  hello(message) {
}, {
    strings: {
      ommandNotFound: "Invalid command '%s'!"

Here is a list of strings:

strings: {
    comletionParameters: 'From version 1.0.0 completion function need to' +
        ' have two arguments',
    wrongPasswordTryAgain: 'Wrong username or password try again!',
    wrongPassword: 'Wrong username or password!',
    ajaxAbortError: 'Error while aborting ajax call!',
    wrongArity: "Wrong number of arguments. Function '%s' expects %s got" +
        ' %s!',
    commandNotFound: "Command '%s' Not Found!",
    oneRPCWithIgnore: 'You can use only one rpc with describe == false ' +
        'or rpc without system.describe',
    oneInterpreterFunction: "You can't use more than one function (rpc " +
        'without system.describe or with option describe == false count' +
         's as one)',
    loginFunctionMissing: "You didn't specify a login function",
    noTokenError: 'Access denied (no token)',
    serverResponse: 'Server responded',
    wrongGreetings: 'Wrong value of greetings parameter',
    notWhileLogin: "You can't call `%s' function while in login",
    loginIsNotAFunction: 'Authenticate must be a function',
    canExitError: "You can't exit from main interpreter",
    invalidCompletion: 'Invalid completion',
    invalidSelector: 'Sorry, but terminal said that you use invalid ' +
    invalidTerminalId: 'Invalid Terminal ID',
    login: 'login',
    password: 'password',
    recursiveLoop: 'Recursive loop in echo detected, skip',
    notAString: '%s function: argument is not a string',
    redrawError: 'Internal error, wrong position in cmd redraw',
    invalidStrings: 'Command %s have unclosed strings',
    invalidMask: 'Invalid mask used only string or boolean allowed',
    defunctTerminal: "You can't call method on terminal that was destroyed"
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