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Jayesh desai edited this page Aug 6, 2021 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the chatbot-ng-internal wiki!

Here are some testing Instruction

Conversational Flow -

Add component
User - add ner dbpedia spotlight
Bot - successfully Added NER-DBpediaSpotlight you can add more components by saying Add and then name of the component

Remove component
User - remove ner dbpedia spotlight
Bot - successfully removed "NER-DBpediaSpotlight" from components list

Check your local component list
User - tell me a list of active components
Bot - currently, active components are NED-DBpediaSpotlight,QueryBuilderSimpleRealNam.....

Get live Qanary components
User - list of active qanary components
Bot - Total Active components are 55 and components are "coronabot-named-entity-recognition-location-de","SparqlExecuter","TagmeNED","MeaningCloud","NED-DBpediaSpotlight","coronabot-question-classification","QAnswerQueryBuilderAndExecutor","NERD-LuceneLinker","coronabot-missing-information","Dandelion","NER-FOX","WikidataQueryExecute.................

Ask questions
User - What is the real name of Superman?
Bot - resource: answer:Kal-El (birth name) label:Superman

Reset local component list
User - reset all of the components
Bot - Components list are now empty

List of some main intents

Template -
Example command
Intent name

Basic information:

[Default Welcome Intent]
Greetings! I am the DBpedia bot, How can I assist?

what can I do:
Currently, You can ask me about what is DBpedia? or how to contribute to DBpedia?

what is DBpedia:
DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web.

how to contribute:
There are multiple ways to contribute to DBpedia You can: 1 - Look at open issues if you want to contribute to the codebase 2 - Improve Documentation 3 - Join the discussion on upcoming features, releases, and issues

Configuration and internal information:

(de-)activate components (this status needs to be stored):

Add sparql executer:
succesfully Added SparqlExecuter you can add more components by saying Add and then name of the component.

Remove sparql executer: (currently having some issue - fixing)
succesfully removed SparqlExecuter from components list

Get information about the current Qanary pipeline configuration:

tell me an order of components list:
currently, active components are SparqlExecuter,QueryBuilder

Ask a KB-related question (handed via Webhook to the Qanary backend):

What is the real name of hulk?:
resource: answer:Robert Bruce Banner label:Hulk

Profile related Intents

create sport profile:
[Create profile intent]
cricket Profile added successfully. Now to use this profile you can say start cricket to activate the profile.

activate query builder to sport :
[Add components to profile]
Successfully Added QueryBuilder to cricket you can add more components by saying Add and then name of the component.

deactivate query builder from sport :
[Remove component from profile]
Successfully removed QueryBuilder from the components list of cricket.

start cricket :
[Activate profile component]
cricket Activated Successfully to know about active components use command 'list of active components'.

Additional intent added

reset component list:
Components list are now empty

show components containing r:
Components starting with r are ReMatch,RelNliodRel,RelationLinker2......

activate profile coronabot:
coronabot Profile added successfully

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