- slurp in g500 generator
- create in chunks
- GrB_Matrix_build, then GrB_eWiseAdd
- node: 8GiB, estimate 6GiB usable, 3 2GiB matrices… really likely 1-1.5GiB
1073741824 | 44739243. | 25.415038 |
really want the second matrix to be N x 16
- ER model with at least one per column?
- k per column? k+/- rand?
NOTE: need variant of GrB_Matrix_build, etc. that take 1d-distributed arrays
- scale
- edge factor
- a, b, noisefact
- B_ncol, B_actual_ncols, B_nent_per_col
- A power / ntimes / nhop RANGE
- NE_chunk_size default 3172?