We very consiously choose the licenses on the files we release. OpenForge licenses, and exceptions to them for patrons apply to any thingiverse entries under devonjones with "OpenForge" or "OpenLOCK" in the title, and any Thingiverse entries under ecaroth with "OpenForge" in the title. We mark what can and can't be sold by the licence on Thingiverse. There are currently two groupings of files.
All of Cut-Stone, Dungeon Stone, Rough/Ruined Stone and Tudor are under the CC-BY-SA, which only means that you need to attribute us, and if you modify the designs you would need to release them under the CC-BY-SA. All future releases for these sets will also be under the CC-BY-SA. Some of our scatter is also under the CC-BY-SA.
Second, we have some newer sets - Dwarven Halls, the forthcoming cavern set, and newer scatter that are under the CC-BY-SA-NC. Those you cannot sell unless you sign up on patreon as a Merchanit Tier ($10/month) supporter. Then you will gain the right to ignore the NC and SA parts of the license.
From the merchant tier:
Merchants are a special tier. Many of our models are available under the CC-BY-SA, Newer premium designs are under the CC-BY-SA-NC. At the merchant tier, you can ignore the Share Alike and Non Commercial clauses of the license, meaning that you can sell prints from NC licensed models, and you can incorporate any design into your own that you can cover with any license you want so long as you still attribute the project.