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77 lines (51 loc) · 3.32 KB

Stock Trading Simulator

Practice gambling.

StockMarketWrapper class library usage:

Task: Get and display information on a market.

using StockMarketWrapper; // Import the necessary namespace

Console.Write("Market: "); // UI for user
Thread thr=new Thread(()=> { // Create new thread so we can give it the required attributes, instead of sacrificing the current thread
	MarketSummary sum=default(MarketSummary); //Give it default value since it will never be used as is.
	try { sum=MarketFactory.getMarketSummary(Console.ReadLine()); } // Expected input: GOOGL, OSPTX, etc.. 
	catch (InvalidMarketException) { // If the market is invalid
		Console.WriteLine("Invalid market."); // Tell the user it's invalid
		return; // Don't continue
	catch (Exception) { // Unexpected error ? Probably error with user's net. You can double check for exceptions, if your application requires such features.
		Console.WriteLine("An unexpected exception occurred.");  // Tell the user
		return; // Don't continue
        // Write all the information we collected:
		"Price:      " +sum.value.ToString()+Environment.NewLine+
		"Difference: " +((sum.difference>0)?"+"+sum.difference.ToString()+" (↑)":sum.difference.ToString()+" (↓)")+Environment.NewLine);
thr.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); // Market#getMarketSummary is expected to be run in a STA thread, otherwise you will get a ThreadStateException
thr.Start(); // Start the thread.

Task: Actively watch and update markets then display results.

using StockMarketWrapper; //Import the necessary namespace

Console.WriteLine("MarketWatcher Test");
Console.Title="MarketWatcher Test Application";
MarketWatcher mw=new MarketWatcher(new []{"GOOGL","AAPL"},30000); //Initialize the MarketWatcher for two different markets, and give it a 30 second (30000 millisecond) refresh rate.
mw.onMarketUpdate+=gotMarketUpdate; //Tell the MarketWatcher to call our function and to bring the desired data whenever it refreshes the markets.
mw.startWatching(); //Start watching the market
Console.ReadKey(); //Wait for user input to test some other 'features'
mw.setDelay(1); //Set delay to 1 so it will update as quick as possible now
mw.addMarket("OSPTX"); //Add a new market
// (All of these things update in real time as it is still watching)
Console.ReadKey(); //Wait for user input..
mw.stopWatching(); //Stop watching (after the next update) and conseqeuently exit the application.

// The aforementioned gotMarketUpdate function, where we get the market summary:
public static void gotMarketUpdate (MarketWatcher sender,MarketUpdateEventArgs args) {
	Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine+"Got update at "+args.time.ToString()); //Print the time of this update
	foreach (MarketSummary sum in //Loop through every market that was checked
		Console.WriteLine(": Price: "+sum.value+" ("+((sum.difference>0)?"↑)":"↓)")); //Display the data
