The numbers which are not prime are marked by 1 . That's Why Primarily We will mark every Even Numbers by 1 Because Even Numbers are divisble by 2 . 2 is the Only even Number which is a Prime . it will take O(N) time .
Even numbers are not prime (Except 2 ) so we will check only odd numbers whose check[i] value is 0 and increment the value of i by 2 in our outer loop to avoid even number. We will check odd Numbers up to sqrt(N) . Because if a Number is divisble then it will have atleast one divisor less than it's square root value . if check[i] = 0 then we will procced to the inner loop .
Here we are not starting by j = i+i ,But we are starting by j = i^2 because the numbers less than i^2 are already checked by the numbers < i and i+i is less than i^2 . So we Don't need to calculate them further . Each time we will increment the numbers by 2i because if this is a odd number then just incrementing i will give us even Numbers and even numbers are not prime so don't need to check this . The inner loop and outer loop combined will take O(Nxln(N)) time .
Overall Time Complexity will be O(Nxln(N)) + O(N) which is actually O(Nxln(N))