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187 lines (131 loc) · 5.09 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (131 loc) · 5.09 KB

API Docs


API Errors are presented as:

{ "error": { "message": "some descriptive message string", "code": 123 }}

See Api::Error for the specific errors and their codes.


If you just want to run the API (and not develop it), consider using the BikeTag API docker containers. If you want to add features or fix bugs in the API, skip to the hacking section.


Install docker. The details of installing Docker are left as an exercise to the reader since the process changes and varies accross platforms.


Start the api container

me@my-laptop$ config/containers/api/

You can open a shell on the api container like this

me@my-laptop$ config/containers/api/


Start the db container like this

me@my-laptop$ config/containers/db/

Postgresql starts automatically when the biketag-db container is started. You can open a sql shell on the container like this

me@my-laptop$ config/containers/db/

Check your work with docker ps. You should see both a 'biketag-db' and a 'biketag-api' container running.

me@my-laptop$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                           NAMES
c33980290eda        jackpine/biketag-api:latest   "/sbin/my_init"        32 seconds ago       Up 31 seconds       443/tcp,>80/tcp   biketag-api-dev
28567df81604        jackpine/biketag-api:latest   "/sbin/my_init"        About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp, 443/tcp     biketag-api
c27445952259        mdillon/postgis:latest        "/docker-entrypoint.   2 minutes ago        Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp         biketag-db

Take note of the port biketag-db has forwarded postgres to (25432 in this case).

Now that your containers have been provisioned ("run"), unless the containers are destroyed, you'll only need to docker start <container-name>, not docker run <container-name>.

You'll need to set up your database schema before the application will work.

me@my-laptop$ docker exec -ti biketag-api bash -l
root@api-container$ su - app
app@api-container$ cd ~/biketag-api
app@api-container$ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake db:setup

At this point you should be good to go. Verify that you are able to hit the api server from your local machine.

me@my-laptop$ curl $(boot2docker ip)/api/v1/games/1/current_spot.json


To open a shell on the api container

me@my-laptop$ docker exec -ti biketag-api bash -l

If the application cannot start, check /var/log/nginx/ If the application does start, check ~app/biketag-api/logs/



Install docker and rbenv.

To develop the api, first provision the database container as mentioned in Database Setup.

Install the proper ruby version and ruby gems

me@my-laptop:biketag-api$ rbenv install
me@my-laptop:biketag-api$ gem install bundler
me@my-laptop:biketag-api$ bundle
me@my-laptop:biketag-api$ bin/rake db:setup

At this point you should be good to go. Verify that you are able to hit the api server from your local machine.

me@my-laptop$ curl localhost:3000/api/v1/games/1/current_spot.json




  • create s3 bucket 'biketag-staging' (norcal region)
  • create IAM user 'biketag-staging'
  • attach an "inline security policy" called 'biketag-staging-uploader' with a 'custom' definition like this:
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Digital Ocean

Provision a single CoreOS Host on Digital Ocean. It needs to have at least a gig of ram, because, well... fucking ruby. For staging we'll run the DB and API containers on the same node.

Make these DNS entries

A     -> <Digital Ocean Host IP>

me@my-laptop$ bin/deploy [email protected]

Modify the Staging Environment

core@staging$ docker exec -ti biketag-api bash -l
root@api-container$ vim ~app/biketag-api/.env

Set up database

root@api-container$ su - app
app@api-container$ cd ~/biketag_api
app@api-container$ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake db:setup

# not sure if this is necessary
root@biketag-api$ sv restart nginx

You should be good to go!

me@my-laptop$ curl