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@dbu dbu released this 03 Apr 06:13
· 7 commits to 2.x since this release
  • Added static typing wherever possible. This should not change anything, but the added strictness.
    might trigger errors where it was more tolerant for incorrect types before.
  • Renamed cli-config.php.dist to cli-config.dist.php and cleaned up to be better documented.
  • [BC Break]: CachedClient now expects a PSR-16 cache rather than the abandoned doctrine/cache.
    When instantiating the client, you need to provide at least the cache instance for metadata, as CachedClient does not know which implementation to pick.
  • Support for new Symfony versions.
  • Support for doctrine/dbal 4.
  • For MySQL/MariaDB, it is now required to configure defaultTableOptions.collate or charset in the Doctrine connection, or alternatively
    set the encoding explicitly with Client::setCaseSensitiveEncoding() (e.g. utf8mb4_bin).
  • If you are on PHP 8.0 and install Jackalope with symfony/cache, you need to restrict psr/simple-cache to ^1.0 || ^2.0 in your application because Symfony 5 does not declare a conflict with it, but fails at runtime.
  • Drop support for PHP 7.
  • Fixed: While it is allowed to call Repository::login with null credentials, there used to be an error. It now correctly works.
    If you use jcr:createdBy or jcr:lastModifiedBy in node types, those properties are not set if the credentials are null.
  • Improving the performance of deleteProperties (#421)
  • Deleting dangling binary references when a property is removed or the whole node with a binary property is deleted (#426) - See for the recommended database changes.
  • Allow installation with Symfony 7.