All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Add numba into requirements.txt (06d2cb2)
- Remove unused nptyping (1e7675a)
- Pandas 2.2.1 -> 2.2.3 for numpy 2 compatibility (8cab6cc)
- Downgrade to numpy 2.0.2 for numba compatibility (775c02e)
- Bump orhun/git-cliff-action from 3 to 4 (09b3116)
- Bump gymnasium from 0.29.1 to 1.0.0 (fcc5716)
- Bump tensorflow-probability from 0.23.0 to 0.25.0 (f88cde7)
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action (a15d360)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 5.0.7 (156b5e3)
- Bump numpy from 1.26.4 to 2.2.1 (27c67c6)
- Bump matplotlib from 3.8.3 to 3.9.2 (3ac5a04)
- Remove PB3 (0e157b8)
- "' '" string (5db743b)
- Adapt jdrones to be mainly run via libjdrones C++ (baec633)
- Upload to pypi during release creation (4af9e44)
- Remove URDFModel requirement for linear and nonlinear models (be297ff)
- Move polynomial based position envs to use libjdrones (b981c16)
- Libjdrones==0.1.1 (cf65ebe)
- Pure python package doesn't need cibuildwheel (fdac268)
- Update tests for new libjdrones update (52c89ee)
- Use py3.11 as it still ships pkg_resources by default which docstr-coverage needs (25d649f)
- Issue was with CI.yml not installing jdrones (7898915)
- Check for different env types (5aae992)
- Check for different env types (d24b766)
- Legacy imports (f6f196c)
- Tensorflow-probability 0.24.0 not compatible with sbx 0.12.0 (6441dc2)
- Reset to initial state z not current z (5679bf1)
- Re-added is_success logging (f429dd1)
- Switch to vector-based velocity method (04ea745)
- Enable policy net_arch for RecurrentPPO to be customizable from the CLI (dcea513)
- Success distance is 1 not 1.5 (32e96bd)
- Don't break the loop if a target is reached to ensure that time stays synchronized (7a2db4a)
- Switch to SB3's DummyVecEnv to handle the multi-env logic (29bbe52)
- Properly handle collision reward (703274e)
- Ensure eval env is the same as training env (3a7833f)
- Re-include time in the observation (a5c30e4)
- Ensure observation is (1,X) in shape (a7ee23c)
- Disable JIT for codecov, but also run the same setup with jit without codecov (4f2e626)
- Quick readme for the drl example (e1cdc81)
- Install pytest-testmon from git and run in CI (#61) (b54d03b)
- Energy consumption (5dc0a29)
- Energy consumption (23ca884)
- Energy consumption (75c28be)
- Switch to Hatch from setuptools (8ce1d14)
- DRL controlled drone going from A to hovering at B (675947e)
- A working DRL example with plotting (2e42527)
- Use optuna for hyperparameter sweep in DRL example (f244822)
- A working DRL example with plotting (34014e2)
- Add wandb to example (a5204d3)
- LQR+DRL meta-controller framework (2be6be6)
- Additional eval logging (da18e46)
- Change LQR tuner to be velocity centric (c0f4849)
- Add 2D plot to graphing callback (38b4a5e)
- Swap to velocity-based action space (3afe0a2)
- Add colors and circles to 2D position plot to show the targets, their radius and order (e8d6e71)
- Multi-env DRL (d21b26d)
- Extend to any n env (04d3e72)
- Number of sub-envs from CLI (91209c0)
- Tensorboard and optuna for the 3d drl example (73bed0d)
- Optimal quintic poly trajectory generation (aa8b488)
- Remove the status updater. Was causing more issues than was worth. (bd80432)
- Bump gymnasium from 0.28.1 to 0.29.1 (234a5bb)
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.6 to 2.3.0 (2f309aa)
- Bump pandas from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 (51ff0a1)
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action (71b93c7)
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (d56ff9e)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (d406f45)
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 (0f3299c)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (465029a)
- Flake8 config in .flake8 ini file (871c0ca)
- Add a fifth action that controls the scaling of the propeller actions (17a6e79)
- Explicitly add gitignored file (c2d4183)
- Use requirements.txt file for all so that dependabot can auto-update (6b68265)
- version -> _version to avoid name conflicts (f93a6df)
- Bump orhun/git-cliff-action from 2 to 3 (e4c9070)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.1 to 4.0.2 (dd37dc5)
- Bump matplotlib from 3.7.1 to 3.8.3 (0f7149f)
- Bump seaborn from 0.12.2 to 0.13.2 (3af4c7b)
- Bump scipy from 1.10.1 to 1.12.0 (386e883)
- Bump numpy from 1.24.2 to 1.26.4 (8a02a35)
- Bump pydantic from 2.3.0 to 2.6.2 (ff1f8a6)
- Switch to using "unwrapped" (a5467e2)
- Import order (d6f9879)
- Further edits to energy example (5371a38)
- Try out sbx (556968c)
- Update types (28f728c)
- Allow a reset state to be given within options (11bc080)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 (bb6c90e)
- Bump pandas from 2.1.0 to 2.2.1 (cd083b1)
- Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (c160836)
- Make sure num_timesteps is set properly (8127e41)
- Make sure num_timesteps is set properly (83606e4)
- Make sure num_timesteps is set properly (6a8b455)
- Change example rewards scheme to be normalized (3271621)
- Use subprocvecenv when n_envs > 1 (f3b724f)
- Make Monitor log other info keywords (010ab83)
- Normalize reward by maximum action command T (f82ffff)
- Normalize reward by maximum action command T (ee96f4a)
- Normalize reward by maximum action command T (fd66268)
- Play around with how the control is structured. Only let policy define target x and y pos (e0d7690)
- Enable maximum time to be specified from CLI (294cfbc)
- Enable maximum time to be specified from CLI (844d19b)
- Reduce observation space to x-y plane (04347f6)
- Include angular position and velocity in the observation (f3dcd89)
- Plot actions (0216f3e)
- Adjust observation shape to match observation (94cbc0e)
- Ensure fig.tight_layout() is called for plotting during callbacks to avoid weird layouts (6490375)
- Set target z to env z (769741b)
- Use env.unwrapped pattern (d8674e3)
- Ensure target is set before it is used within reset (8a8e3d5)
- Adjust reward normalization (6d7a036)
- Change step simulation time to be 3 (3d79c69)
- Expose initial_state (ab834d7)
- Move to relative control rather than absolute (c1df545)
- Reduce step sim time down to 0.25s (6334782)
- Reduce eval episodes to 10 (f930698)
- Log number of targets achieved (b07881e)
- Increase dx magnitude (915ec5f)
- The reward is dependent on the target z as well, so we have to include that data in the observation to make the env fully observable (3ca0bc3)
- Include clip_range in CLI inputs (4b2f8a9)
- Reduce sub-env sim time to 0.1s (0b6d02a)
- Increase dx magnitude (eaa10a4)
- Include the next target in the observation (fd287ce)
- Reduce sub-env sim time to 0.1s (d9b97da)
- Plot targets (783177c)
- Switch to a heading-velocity scheme and reintroduce the control action penalty (e8a4fb7)
- Set squash_output to true when using SDE (a265f65)
- Bump scipy from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 (a122a1b)
- Rename env to be more representative of what it is (db08c1a)
- Bump pydantic from 2.6.2 to 2.7.1 (a10848d)
- Pass total sim time to the mult DRL env (6040eca)
- Bump pydantic from 2.7.1 to 2.8.2 (2b8b402)
- Make reward calculations optional for polynomial envs (6e38d55)
- Silence pybullet messages at import (1683157)
- Update changelog for v0.8.0 [skip] (97f35d3)
- Improve State.normed and move into main repo (1afdf85)
- Improve to_x and from_x by up to 2x speeds (2669d4b)
- Use numpy+numba in transformation calculations for better performance (fe5b953)
- Use numba jit for core simulation methods (f9b27ca)
- Use faster way of checking if any item is nan (eb81c10)
- Use a faster method to zero clip than np.clip (ea5d3bc)
- Example got too big, so split into sub-modules (3960e07)
- Rename to be more accurate (1de2e16)
- Remove old env and optuna sweeps (14090b4)
- Handle rewards normalization in the top-level env (8bfc7a7)
- Proper type casting to np.float64 (0b2b805)
- Ignore init for doctests due to circular import errors (3cfb121)
- Inherit the action space from the base clase (423ce55)
- Skip CI jobs/steps that interact with outside resources if triggered by bot (6e5c357)
- Set stack=True to ensure state observations are stacked (edf45d5)
- Docstring for new DType and FloatLike types (dd9551a)
- Describe the reason behind the util functions for step (25ffe00)
- Replace np.matrix with np.array (5ab2a94)
- Bump loguru from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (edfb2ca)
- Bump gymnasium from 0.27.1 to 0.28.1 (7068122)
- More sensible dependabot settings to prevent the PR spam (29e781e)
- Update changelog for v0.7.2 [skip] (b50132b)
- Optimize numpy state update code for non-linear drone model (7de713f)
- Use caching to pre-calculate time invariant params (154f3af)
- Use caching to pre-calculate mixing matrix for drone plus (a0a207f)
- Stop using @property for action and observation spaces (3b89837)
- More testing for trajectories (b66d7ca)
- Test URDFModel hashing capabilities (ebfbcba)
- Test the cached model data accessing method (c4b92c5)
- Update changelog for v0.7.1 [skip] (8926597)
- Position drones would crash if target position was the same as current position (1e97511)
- White space in doctest for PID (ce9ef68)
- White space in doctest for PID (09585ab)
- Option to not show, to enable saving of figure (8c004df)
- Reset was calling States(States(...)) causing invalid shaped arrays) (f8c3233)
- Use local version of jdrones. Installing it previously means that a cached version could be used during unit testing (6a1edb3)
- Reset was calling States(States(...)) causing invalid shaped arrays) (901cb08)
- Use local version of jdrones. Installing it previously means that a cached version could be used during unit testing (3343d30)
- Improve consistency between docstrings and code (#45) (2e1a819)
- Add gymnasium env names to README (42361c1)
- Add gymnasium env names to README (3a1da91)
- Fifth order polynomial with look-ahead drone env (fe55815)
- Add new gymnasium env names to README (a94a720)
- Add new gymnasium env names to README (dffdde7)
- Fifth order polynomial with look-ahead drone env (bc79fa6)
- Move state labels to an enum to ensure consistency across the codebase (c4e5229)
- Plotting utility functions (1da6998)
- Allow velocity as an input to the polynomial position envs (13cc6de)
- Fifth order polynomial with look-ahead drone env (5f9d8bd)
- Add new plotting module in notebook quick setup (5cc8fc9)
- Use new plotting utility functions (ec60216)
- Add matplotlib and seaborn as a requirement (72f99ae)
- Bump pandas from 1.5.3 to 2.0.0 (2f2f1dd)
- Proper axis labels for 3D path plot (f6c03aa)
- Proper axis labels for standard plots (585d2d3)
- Clean up imports (b8ef4a5)
- Clean up imports (16b2b94)
- Update changelog for v0.7.0 [skip] (f9b1512)
- Add proper doctests into files (9e134dc)
- Add proper doctests into files (063c55e)
- Fifth order polynomial with look-ahead drone env (3aa4e30)
- Fifth order polynomial with look-ahead drone env (ccdf8eb)
- Use \mathbf instead of \textbf to ensure symbols are being rendered correctly (96e9376)
- Python versions (was >3.8, now is >3.10) (8f5e9f7)
- Use short ref in docstr-cov CI (ae6bf2a)
- Use python 3.10 to build the package in the CD (320a88c)
- --no-deps for wheels to only build jdrones and none of the deps (7b8599d)
- Docstr for parent poly traj class (3874400)
- Docstring for Controller base class (0c7c2c6)
- Docstring for AngleController (8daafa2)
- Docstring for PID (3a5fbd5)
- Docstring for LQR top-level (fdaed6a)
- Extract integration test markers to seperate package (pytest-extra-markers) (f0453b2)
- Stabilize the simple position drone by using a straight line trajectory (35d3b70)
- Update check status for docstr-cov (a3f275c)
- Update graphics (d30bb66)
- Update changelog for v0.5.3 [skip] (482652c)
- Bump pandas from 1.3.4 to 1.5.3 (9051ed2)
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.4 to 1.10.6 (5b69bd5)
- Update changelog for v0.6.0 [skip] (a183231)
- Delete changelog for redo of v0.6.0 [skip] (b8c872d)
- Update changelog for v0.6.0 [skip] (1b98622)
- Delete changelog for redo of v0.6.0 [skip] (85b3de8)
- Update changelog for v0.6.0 [skip] (b714e69)
- Search for jdrones envs rather than manually specify them (4198604)
- Use syphar/restore-virtualenv@v1 to cache the python venv (f57d4fc)
- Build the wheel for jdrones as part of the CI (a457ba5)
- Rename job to match what's going on (caching all deps, not just PB) (09c1b99)
- Set up git cliff to output proper markdown for prettier releases (4a54e72)
- Bump nptyping from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 (2d615da)
- Clean up old jpdmgen references (2647eca)
- Update changelog for v0.5.2 [skip] (1e446c9)
- Make velocity depend on the yaw error (55e3e09)
- Update states after step (e768caf)
- Small changes to simplify drone model (6c540a5)
- General controller as return, rather than PID (c7a0f3c)
- Top-level collect errors (9d8bd3f)
- Remove and add the appropriate envs (19e835e)
- Incorrect classmethod implementation (df08a83)
- Bug in PID code after updating to Controller parent class (93a6a5a)
- Add all in the dir. Controlling what gets published is done via VSC (92db0a8)
- Droneenv -> pbdroneenv as per conftest (9b7d206)
- Sign changes due to linear model direction changes in d394ad6e1778d2add26d0c792f706db06c0d8ccd (72ab2cb)
- Top level warning at every import to warn about the different coordinate systems in use (67d330a)
- Other dependencies were causing huge increases in CI build time, so just cache them all for now (efd7e00)
- Stupid dumb typo... (1702be4)
- Correctly define drone motors (1860e97)
- Simulation_name -> tag (80e3fa8)
- Add condition within PositionDroneEnv to truncate sim if any value is nan (024387b)
- Update docs to reflect changes in f56225d9 (previously forgot to do this) (4ff1508)
- Typo (8af69f8)
- Correction on the maths. This step is done elsewhere (3d8a93c)
- Oversight from aa0e1e3 after refactor (a011166)
- Incude PositionDroneEnv (f488f7b)
- Docstring for LQR solve (1730bdf)
- Catagorise example notebooks (9fd5531)
- Include trajectory code in docs (3057bd0)
- Full docs (incl. maths) for QuinticPolynomialTrajectory (53b56c1)
- Explain cost function within get_reward() (b175e1c)
- Docs for BasePositionDroneEnv (aa0e1e3)
- Docs for PolyPositionDroneEnv (95d28d0)
- Docs for LQRPositionDroneEnv (52ab54f)
- Fix intersphinx links (5e0a308)
- Update to show how to run all types of tests (dcb07b2)
- GA-tuned LQR (d35f8b2)
- Allow wrappers to be added to the sub-env (647cc1f)
- Implement nonlinear, linear, and nonlinear PB3 models (d394ad6)
- Create helper functions for both rpm->rpyT and vise versa (6aea072)
- LQR controlled drone env (eb30f2d)
- Helper functions and classes to make going from and to state logs easier using pandas (8fd2b89)
- Lqrdroneenv fixture (4e725fc)
- Use scipy (f8c96a1)
- PositionDroneEnv (11e812d)
- Visually validate models to step inputs (6123dd2)
- Position example (8a3c694)
- Import script to make the imports less clunky across scripts (4000218)
- Positiondroneenv fixture (345c5e8)
- MPC Drone Example (80f4458)
- Add pandas (450c653)
- Quaternion multiplication (083e53f)
- Rotate state by quat (8aeba67)
- Ensure all models use RHR coordinate system, consistent with URDF and other sim packages (2e90952)
- Polynomial trajectory drone env (7ef1768)
- Stress test the position environments to ensure they don't crash over time (513dcf2)
- Clean up application of forces and torques to use body (d6b2ed4)
- Commit before deleting, to save the current state of the AttitudeAltitudeDroneEnv (54c99a9)
- Commit before deleting, to save the current state of the VelHeadAltDroneEnv (f312e9d)
- Commit before deleting, to save the current state of the trajectory envs (fa55246)
- Update Q and R matrix gains from tuning via GA (5a0c71c)
- Fix API (be1e6c2)
- Add more test cases to transform tests (2e850c3)
- Commit before deletion for archival purposes (1b2c99c)
- Specify action space (497e74f)
- Implement reset in LQR controller and be more verbose about shape of error (eb828e1)
- Cleanup imports (e416f5b)
- Version getting (664d4aa)
- Remove (c1ac6cf)
- Update Q and R matrix gains from tuning via GA (e59f514)
- Update graphics (d8b8ac8)
- Still broken, but at least it's been unified... (adc136a)
- Mark integration tests (c54f3fe)
- Rename CI step to something more descriptive (475303d)
- Update Q and R matrix gains from tuning via GA (6d14ee9)
- Update graphics (e78074f)
- Add automatic linearisation of NL model to examples (e365fb1)
- Mock pandas (4b2399c)
- Document BaseControlledEnv (f4b039e)
- Explicitly state the stratgies to prevent duplicates and only run the stress tests once (e976499)
- Update changelog for v0.5.0 [skip] (3a7f9a7)
- Remove AttitudeAltitudeDroneEnv to be replaced by LQR controller (6df31dd)
- Remove VelHeadAltDroneEnv to be replaced by LQR controller (9de143a)
- Remove trajectory envs to be replaced by LQR controller (1807e57)
- Reflect envs refactory changes (07e91ad)
- Merge into BaseDroneEnv (d3df134)
- Switch to creating matrices via staticmethod to enable easier access without creating the class (4b972da)
- Move to/from x tests as per refactor (387cf9f)
- Delete (1f4fd4f)
- Use the new PositionDroneEnv (3149d74)
- Split true types and data models into seperate files (f56225d)
- Unify tests for NL and L models to ensure compatibility when designing controllers (606317d)
- Correct input to rotation (820540d)
- Mark pybullet env's test_vel_from_rot as skipped for now (1b30792)
- Tested State.apply_quat (683a12e)
- Ensure assets are consistent between lib and tests (581d0d5)
- Ensure states are float as per 683a12ec (ab208fd)
- Quat mul via hypothesis using scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation (5cfcd55)
- Add pytest-xdist to allow threaded test execution (92c480b)
- Getting versions via setuptools_scm.get_version in docs (9355812)
- Import errors when getting version for docs (0366a1f)
- PID trajectory env documentation to explain the control logic (f9568f0)
- Improve envs page readability through headings which now show up in toctree (cedc2cc)
- Add GPL3 headers to all project files (737214c)
- Bump numpy from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2 (55af72e)
- MathJax configurations (53fef7e)
- Add warning about this being in alpha (dbcb855)
- Update changelog for v0.4.0 [skip] (4e2afb6)
- Install pandoc in CD pipeline (8ede886)
- Update changelog for v0.3.1 [skip] (98c3597)
- Examples (8baabd4)
- Fix building of docs (4b6fffc)
- Mock nbtyping for docs (9f9f88f)
- Check for empty properly (4a6e034)
- Update changelog for v0.3.0 [skip] (40cfe19)
- Unused variable in the URDFModel from refactoring (95ae8b1)
- Move yaw and rpy transform calculations into maths module (99e6532)
- Move poly traj into own module and fully test (a727658)
- Use nptyping library to define shapes of data (d824d27)
- Trajectory env refactored (2aeeb96)
- Cache pybullet by installing in empty workflow (15e4a88)
- Properly handle asset paths (583c600)
- Use more appropriate clip_scalar (e288313)
- Deal with refactoring of drone envs (05fe4c5)
- Give ground plane collision data in info dict (417de31)
- Deal with the various refactors (0455adb)
- Deal with the various refactors (76d4715)
- Add nptyping to requirements (c0a45f6)
- Export DronePlus from envs (7860f19)
- Update changelog for v0.2.0 [skip] (1a4ccd8)
- Remove custom action types and remodel them as types (025ca4e)
- Alter way the info dict is manipulated (a17a9a4)
- Merge postion alt drone env into trajectory control commands (4f931bd)
- Move into own module (1244c96)
- Use apply_rpy from maths module (b7182dc)
- Merged with trajectory env API (a0c30c3)
- Fully test PID controllers (94862d4)
- Use different URLs for files that are hosted on gh-pages (d84ccb3)
- Docstr-cov was failing whilst trying to get baseline (49d2077)
- Hierarchy error in titles (21ea9b7)
- Add controllers to docs (856c336)
- Improve index.rst to act as the landing page for the hosted docs (1091aed)
- Mock pybullet_data (d858099)
- Remove -q from checkout (f5493c6)
- Update changelog for v0.1.2 [skip] (0495c56)
- Speed up docstr build by only requireing docs/requirements.txt (6d6cb64)
- Move PyBulletIds to types module (b3ad632)
- Remove license from docs (e4a551d)
- Running very slow because of np.asarray (6e19344)
- Reused function name (2690f4e)
- Ignore license.rst as this is pretty much immutable (4ea47ca)
- Use pyproject.toml for rstcheck config (3985349)
- If there's no coverage, set to 0 (6949c23)
- Allow --accept-empty in case there's no python files (1714bbf)
- Start of BaseDroneEnv docs (7b9553f)
- Do most of the types docs (c3e3a18)
- More docs for BaseDroneEnv (a17a30c)
- Include BaseDroneEnv in generated docs (de0f058)
- Check docstr coverage isn't being reduced (a4be21b)
- Improve readme (f909511)
- Add future work on motor modelling (9307e91)
- Mute git checkouts in docstr-cov CI (9721eb9)
- Fix flake errors (ambiguous variable, unused imports) (1f2b750)
- Add intersphinx mapping for gymnasium (c0316f8)
- Don't upload badge as artifact. Can't currently use it (6d9817b)
- Upload docstr-cov badge to gh-pages (d7e923a)
- Update changelog for v0.1.1 [skip] (066c6c3)
- Updates to setup since there's no CPP (6e489fb)
- Use pip wheel rather than cibuildwheel as it's currently a pure python package (94a0837)
- No need for many and musl as it's pure python for now (3e57819)
- Move to only python >=3.10 (87570d9)
- Space (a870dfe)
- Spaces (808a9cd)
- Fix issues with runners not correctly initializing due to misconfigured matrix (5c88fca)
- Set correct permissions for gh pages and releases (8aabdfd)
- Install docs/requiremnts.txt rather than tests/ (961f940)
- Revert permissions, as this is done through settings console (07b9198)
- Update changelog for v0.2.0 [skip] (e4b25d4)
- Update changelog for v0.1.0 [skip] (9b40238)
- Update how conda is used in CI (d9704d8)
- A little import cleanup (6cb83e9)
- Update CI to also run integration tests but standalone (aa867ce)
- Document transform funcs to show what's happening behind the scenes in PB3 (645ce50)
- Update changelog for v0.1.0 [skip] (79d9f01)
- Delete changelog for redo of v0.1.0 [skip] (45f3fb3)
- Update changelog for v0.1.0 [skip] (d3dc768)
- Docs filenames and symlink names (64aba9a)