- Develop a POC application that will handle creation of ethereum deposit addresses for user accounts, with help from smart contract forwarders, that automatically (and without paying gas) consolidate ethereum on a hot wallet. This can be used for example in a cryptocurrency exchange.
- The app will be a .Net 5 web api application, which can be connected to any frontend.
- Create a minimal react or vue.js app to call APIs
- Use TDD principles while developing
- Use Infura test chain
- Or locally:
- Testchain: https://github.com/Nethereum/Testchains
- I used Geth for Windows testchain for local development, just donwload the project and run the bath script
- Commands to interact with the CLI https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/28703/full-list-of-geth-terminal-commands/28704
- Example command in CLI: web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance('0x13f022d72158410433cbd66f5dd8bf6d2d129924'));
- https://github.com/Nethereum/Nethereum.WalletForwarder/tree/main/testchain
To run:
- docker compose up -d
- run migrations (dotnet ef database update)
- in postman/insomnia reach the endpoint via (for exmample) http://localhost:5000/api/assets