An Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit box that includes:
- Compass 0.12.4
- God 0.13.4
- Node 0.10.30
- PHP 5.5.12
- php-redis 2.2.5
- php-zmq 1.1.2
- Postgres 9.3.4
- Redis 2.8.0
- Ruby 2.1.2
- SASS 3.3.4
- ZeroMQ 4.0.4
- ZURB Foundation 4.3.2
You are free to use our boxes if you like. Below are the direct links to the .box files stored on Amazon AWS.
- [2014-08-19]
- [2014-08-10]
After bringing up the provisioned box, run:
$ vagrant package --output precise64-<VERSION>.box
placeholder should be replace by incrementing the VERSION
file associated with this repository.
- Upgraded Postgres to 9.3.4.
- Locked down versions of Compass, God, and SASS.
- Fixed path issues when compiling php-zmq.
- Set PHP
value to512MB
. - Set PHP
value to32MB
- Initial release of Bright March Vagrant box.