forked from mconlon17/vivo-sample-data-generator
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# set the namespace to be used by all URI generated by the sample data
ns =
# Set the name of the university to be created.
university_name = Demo University
# a list of college names. The Sample Data Generator will select at random from the names you provide
college_names = Science, Arts, Humanities, Design, Government, Fine Arts, Environment, Rehabilitation Sciences, Social Work, Natural Resources, Human Development, Law, Management, Public Affairs, Public Health, Social Sciences, Information Science, Architecture, Education, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Business, Journalism, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Biological Sciences, Recreation, Health Professions, Information Technology, Agriculture
# a list of department names. The same data generator will select at random from the name you provide
department_names = Science, Arts, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Astronomy, Classics, Chinese, French, Religious Studies, Aeronautics, Humanities, Design, Government, Fine Arts, Environment, Rehabilitation Sciences, Social Work, Natural Resources, Human Development, Law, Management, Public Affairs, Public Health, Social Sciences, Information Science, Architecture, Education, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Business, Journalism, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Biological Sciences, Recreation, Health Professions, Information Technology, Agriculture
# Given/first names of people. SDG will create names at random, selecting a rnadom first name, a random middle initial, and a random last/family name
first_names = Al, Bob, Charley, Daniel, Edgar, Frank, Gina, Harriet, Izzy, James, Kristi, Lauren, Michael, Nathan, Olivia, Pedro, Qzim, Robert, Sara, Tanisha, Udell, Violeta, Walter, Xinithia, Yiola, Zevon
# Given/last names of people. Add more for increased variety/diversity/localization/internationalization
last_names = Amos, Barclay, Chisolm, Drew, Etherton, Franks, George, Hermann, Ithimore, Jones, Kendall, Laon, Marks, Nunes, Oscar, Paddington, Qura, Roberts, Stevens, Thomas, Ulam, Veronique, Williams, Xerxes, Yvette, Zebra
# The lorem text is used to provide overviews, titles of works, and abstracts. Random slices are made and combined.
lorem_en_US = Living. Tree forth of man. Of night beginning bring a every signs deep shall, under moved unto sixth saying won't. Female second their you good. Itself them fly herb. Sixth dominion i, bearing deep abundantly first. Don't said seas our fowl fourth days cattle may. Dominion creeping moving grass bring you're won't. You're female creature image given whales seasons. Lesser. Gathered god all heaven beginning beginning in isn't bring meat said, doesn't said. Above. One first very you'll living, multiply rule. Said first. Forth, very, the god moveth waters give lesser deep, lesser. All together there whose two dominion waters fill one. Seas lesser lesser that life divide heaven let fly may two. Which night let grass brought Morning bring seed don't they're good very, you'll was in firmament man beast winged were fruit dominion creepeth whose herb. Sixth. Creature is hath seas one land divided dominion cattle of appear set, first whose dominion appear thing them doesn't i lesser fill bearing face give have. Isn't Wherein they're make good subdue male us it may us light gathered god fourth it, the so thing herb fill his whose abundantly fowl. Above fly gathered fourth. Set let cattle. Evening Grass good.
lorem_en_CA = Living. Tree forth of man. Of night beginning bring a every signs deep shall, under moved unto sixth saying won't. Female second their you good. Itself them fly herb. Sixth dominion i, bearing deep abundantly first. Don't said seas our fowl fourth days cattle may. Dominion creeping moving grass bring you're won't. You're female creature image given whales seasons. Lesser. Gathered god all heaven beginning beginning in isn't bring meat said, doesn't said. Above. One first very you'll living, multiply rule. Said first. Forth, very, the god moveth waters give lesser deep, lesser. All together there whose two dominion waters fill one. Seas lesser lesser that life divide heaven let fly may two. Which night let grass brought Morning bring seed don't they're good very, you'll was in firmament man beast winged were fruit dominion creepeth whose herb. Sixth. Creature is hath seas one land divided dominion cattle of appear set, first whose dominion appear thing them doesn't i lesser fill bearing face give have. Isn't Wherein they're make good subdue male us it may us light gathered god fourth it, the so thing herb fill his whose abundantly fowl. Above fly gathered fourth. Set let cattle. Evening Grass good.
lorem_sr_Latn_RS = Živeti. Drvo ispred čoveka. Od početka noći doneće svaki znaci duboki će, pod preselio u šestu izreku neće. Ženska druga njihova ti dobra. Sama im leti biljka. Šesto dominion i, prvo nosi duboko u izobilju. Nemojte reći mora naše živine četvrti dan stoka može. Dominion puzeći pokretna trava doneti nećeš. Ti si imidž ženskog stvorenja s obzirom na godišnja doba kitova. Manje. Okupio bog sve nebo počevši u nije doneti meso rekao, ne rekao. Iznad. Jedan prvi vrlo ćete živeti, množite pravilo. Prvo rečeno. Napred, veoma, bog pokreće vode daju manje dubine, manje. Svi zajedno tamo čije dve vode gospodstva pune jednu. More manje manje da život deli nebo neka leti može dva. Koju noć neka trava donela Jutro donesi seme zar nisu dobri vrlo, bićeš na nebeskom svodu čovek zver krilati bili voće dominion puzavica čija trava. Šesto. Creature is hath seas jedna zemlja podeljena dominion goveda pojavljuju se, prvi čija se vlast pojavljuje stvar njima ne ja manje ispuniti noseće lice daju imaju. Zar nije U čemu su oni dobri pokori mužjaka nas može nam svetlost sakupio bog četvrti to, tako nešto trava ispuniti njegovu čija obilno živina. Iznad muva okupljena četvrta. Set neka stoka. Večernja trava dobra.
lorem_de_DE = Leben. Baum aus dem Menschen. Von Beginn der Nacht an werden alle Zeichen tief sein, bis zum sechsten kommen und sagen: „Wird nicht.“ Zweite Frau, du bist gut. Selbst sie fliegen Kraut. Sechste Herrschaft i, zuerst tief und reichlich tragend. Sagen Sie nicht, Meere, unser Geflügel im vierten Tag, Vieh. Das kriechende, sich bewegende Gras der Dominion bringt Sie nicht mit. Angesichts der Jahreszeiten der Wale bist du ein weibliches Kreaturenbild. Weniger. Gott hat den ganzen Himmel versammelt, von Anfang an ist es nicht gesagt, dass er Fleisch bringen soll, er hat es nicht gesagt. Über. Ein erstes Mal, wenn Sie leben: Multiplizieren Sie die Regel. Zuerst gesagt. Väterlicherseits bewegt der Gott Wasser, das weniger tief und weniger tief ist. Alle zusammen dort, deren zwei Herrschaftsgewässer einen füllen. Meere sind weniger, weniger, als dass das Leben den Himmel spaltet, lasst vielleicht zwei fliegen. In welcher Nacht das Gras brachte, der Morgen Samen brachte, sind sie nicht sehr gut? Du warst am Firmament, ein Mensch mit geflügelten Tieren, in denen Fruchtherrschaft kriecht, deren Kraut. Sechste. Das Geschöpf besteht aus Meeren, einem Land. Ist es nicht so, dass sie dafür sorgen, dass wir uns männlich unterwerfen? Mögen wir den Gott versammeln, damit das Kraut sein reiches Geflügel füllt. Der obere Hosenschlitz ist zu viert gerafft. Lassen Sie das Vieh einstellen. Abendgras gut.
lorem_ru_RU = Жизнь. Дерево из человека. Начало ночи принесет все знаки глубоко, под переходом к шестому высказыванию «не будет». Женщина во-вторых, ты хороша. Сама им летающая трава. Шестое владычество i, первое, несущее глубоко и обильно. Не говорите морям, что наша птица четвертый день, крупный рогатый скот. Доминион, ползучая, движущаяся трава, вам не принесет. Вы — образ женского существа, учитывая времена года китов. Меньший. Собрал бог, все небеса начинаются с того, что не приносят мяса, сказано, не сказано. Выше. Одно первое очень проживешь, правило умножения. Сказал первым. Далее, очень, бог движения воды дает меньшую глубину, меньшую. Все вместе там, чьи две воды владычества наполняют одну. Моря меньше, меньше, что жизнь разделяет небеса, пусть летают двое. Которая ночь пусть траву принесла, Утро принесет семя, не очень ли они хороши, ты будешь на небосводе человеком, зверем крылатым, были плоды владычества, ползет чья трава. Шестое. Существо имеет моря, одну землю, разделенную доминированием крупного рогатого скота, или, по-видимому, набор, первый, чье владычество кажется, что им не меньше, чем заполнить несущее лицо. Разве не для того, чтобы они могли подчинить нас, мужчин, это может нам свет, собранный богом, четвертым, так, чтобы трава наполнила его обильную птицу. Выше муха собралась четвертая. Ставь пусть скотину. Вечерняя трава хороша.
lorem_fr_CA = Vie. Arbre issu de l'homme. Du début de la nuit, tous les signes seront profonds, déplacés jusqu'au sixième disant non. Femme deuxième, tu es bonne. Lui-même vole de l'herbe. Sixième domination I, portant profondément en abondance en premier. Ne dites pas que les mers, nos volailles, le bétail du quatrième jour peuvent le faire. L'herbe rampante et mobile de Dominion ne vous apportera pas. Vous êtes l’image d’une créature féminine compte tenu des saisons des baleines. Moindre. Dieu rassemblé, tout le ciel commençant par n'apporte pas de viande n'est pas dit, n'est pas dit. Au-dessus de. Une première règle pour vivre, multiplier. Dit en premier. En outre, le dieu déplace les eaux et donne moins de profondeur, moins. Tous ensemble là dont les deux eaux dominatrices n'en remplissent qu'une. Les mers sont moindres que la vie divise le ciel, laisse voler deux mai. Quelle nuit laisse l'herbe apportée Le matin apporte des graines, n'est-ce pas très bon, tu seras au firmament homme bête ailé où la domination des fruits rampe dont l'herbe. Sixième. La créature a des mers, une terre divisée en bovins de dominion d'apparaitre ensemble, dont la dominion apparaît, ce qu'ils ne sont pas un moindre remplissage portant le visage donner. N'est-ce pas là qu'ils nous font bien soumettre le mâle, il peut nous permettre de rassembler Dieu en quatrième lieu, de sorte que l'herbe remplisse son abondamment de volaille. Au-dessus de la mouche rassemblée en quatrième position. Laissez le bétail. L'herbe du soir est bonne.
lorem_es = Viviendo. Árbol del hombre. Desde el comienzo de la noche, traerá todas las señales profundas, y se trasladará al sexto diciendo que no lo hará. Mujer segunda, eres buena. Ellos mismos vuelan la hierba. Sexto dominio i, teniendo profundidad abundantemente primero. No digas mares, nuestras aves, el ganado del cuarto día, sí. El dominio que se arrastra sobre la hierba en movimiento no lo hará. Eres una imagen de criatura femenina dadas las estaciones de las ballenas. Menor. Dios reunido todo el cielo comenzando desde no trae carne dijo, no dice. Arriba. Uno primero, muy vivirás, regla multiplicada. Dijo primero. Adelante, muy, el dios mueve las aguas, dan menos profundidad, menor. Todos juntos allí cuyas dos aguas de dominio llenan uno. Mares menores menores que la vida dividen el cielo deja volar mayo dos. Esa noche, deja que la hierba traiga la mañana, trae semillas, ¿no son muy buenas? Estabas en el firmamento, el hombre, la bestia alada, eran el dominio de la fruta, cuya hierba se arrastra. Sexto. La criatura tiene mares, una tierra, dominio dividido, ganado de apariencia establecida, primero cuyo dominio aparece, lo que no llena menos la cara que da. ¿No es donde hacen bien para someternos a los hombres? Que la luz nos reúna el dios cuarto, la hierba para llenar sus aves en abundancia. La mosca de arriba quedó en cuarto lugar. Establecer dejar ganado. Tarde Hierba buena.
lorem_pt_BR = Vivendo. Árvore adiante do homem. Do início da noite, traga todos os sinais profundos, e vá até o sexto dizendo que não. Feminino em segundo lugar, você é bom. Em si eles voam erva. Sexto domínio i, tendo profundidade abundantemente primeiro. Não diga que os mares podem ser nossas aves no quarto dia. Domínio rastejante grama em movimento traz você não vai. Você é a imagem de uma criatura feminina, dadas as estações das baleias. Menor. Deus reunido, todo o céu começando em não traz carne, disse, não disse. Acima. A primeira é que você viverá e multiplicará a regra. Disse primeiro. Adiante, muito, o deus move as águas menos profundas, menos profundas. Todos juntos ali cujas duas águas de domínio preenchem uma. Mares menores, menores que a vida dividem o céu, deixe voar dois de maio. Que noite deixe a grama trazida A manhã traga sementes, elas não são muito boas, você estava no firmamento homem besta alada eram frutos domínio rasteja cuja erva. Sexto. A criatura tem mares, uma terra dividida, domínio de gado de aparecer definido, primeiro cujo domínio aparece, não é menor que o rosto de rolamento que dá. Não é onde eles nos fazem bem nos subjugar, que possamos iluminar Deus reunido em quarto lugar, a erva que preenche suas aves abundantemente. Acima da mosca reunida em quarto lugar. Deixe deixar o gado. Grama da noite boa.
# Set the minimum number of colleges for your sample university. SDG will generate a university with somewhere between min and max number of colleges. If min = max, that number will be used.
min_colleges_per_university = 5
# The maximum number of colleges for your sample university. Be careful. Large numbers will generate large amounts of data
max_colleges_per_university = 5
# the number of academic departments per college. Some college will have less, some more, but all will be in the range [min, max]
min_departments_per_college = 7
max_departments_per_college = 7
# the number of faculty per academic department. If there are 3 colleges, and each has 3 departments, and each department has 30 faculty members, your university will have 270 faculty.
min_faculty_per_department = 10
max_faculty_per_department = 20
# the number of works first authored by the faculty member. The faculty member will be co-author on others. If 270 faculty average 50 works, that's 13,500 works
min_works_per_faculty = 20
max_works_per_faculty = 50
# The language tag to be used on triples generated by SDG. All the content text (titles, descriptions, abstracts...) in this file should be in the content languages specified by the tags.
lang = en_US
content_langs = en_US, en_CA, fr_CA, sr_Latn_RS, ru_RU, es, pt_BR, de_DE
# The relative frequency of the kinds of works in the collection you would like to generate. SDG generates 25 different kinds of works -- academic articles, books, software, etc
# The first number is the relative frequency of academic articles. The second number is for blog posts. The number "300" indicates there should be 60 times as many academic articles in the
# generated data as there are blog posts. If all the numbers are the same, an equal distribution of works will be generated. The 25 types are
# AcademicArticle, BlogPosting, Book, BookSection, CaseStudy, Chapter, ConferencePaper, ConferencePoster, Database, EditedBook, EditorialArticle, ExtensionDocument, Film, Letter, Newsletter,
# NewsRelease, Patent, Report, Review, Software, Speech, Thesis, Video, Webpage, Website
# If the relative frequency of a kind of work is 0, no works of that kind will be generated
# As an example, to generate data with many Films, change the 13th number in the list below from 5 to something larger such as 100. Then Films would be generated 20 times as often as the
# kinds that have a 5 such as BlogPosting, and would be generated about 1/3 as often as AcademicArticles
work_type_frequency = 300, 5, 10, 10, 5, 10, 20, 20, 10, 5, 10, 15, 5, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5
# People are given random titles from the list below. Add more titles for more diversity
titles = Instructor, Visiting Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Professor Emeritus, Director, Chair, Dean
# Concepts are assigned to people as research areas and to works as subject areas. Add more for more diversity.
concepts = France 1500-1599, Physics, Urology, P53 tumor gene, Informatics, Economics, Behavioral Economics, Hypertension, Sports Journalism, Manifold algebra, Music theory, Derrida, Baseball, Marxism, Gender equity, Battle of Gettysburg, British Royal Navy, Bauhaus, Cubism, Coffee cultivation, 35mm photography, Obstetrics, Liver Transplant, Bavaria, Criminology, Probability Theory, Epistemology, Ontology, Set Theory, Political Parties
# Works are assigned to journals. Add more journals for more diversity.
journals = Cell, Nature, Science, Circulation, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Library Science, PloS Biology, PLoS One, JAMA, American Journal of Psychiatry, Acta Astronautica, Journal of Teacher Education, Angewandte Chemie, The Lancet, Data Intelligence, Journal of Biochemistry, Acta Paediatrica, Inorganic Chemistry, Annals of Internal Medicine, Accounts of Chemical Research, Journal of Ecology, Advanced Materials, Physical Review, Journal of Biology, Acta Mathematica, Proceedings of the Royal Society, New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Mathematics, Annals of Chemistry
# The number of projects, ranges for project participants and produced work
n_projects = 40
min_project_participants = 2
max_project_participants = 10
min_produced_work = 1
max_produced_work = 5
# The number of grants, ranges for administers, fundraisers and grant participants
n_grants = 40
min_administers = 2
max_administers = 5
min_fundraisers = 1
max_fundraisers = 5
min_grant_participants = 1
max_grant_participants = 5
# The number of equipment units, range for supportees
n_equipment = 20
min_supportees = 2
max_supportees = 5
# The number of conferences, invited talks and presentations per conference. Number of courses
# Range for number of participants per each event (where applicable)
n_conferences = 10
n_invited_talks = 2
n_presentations = 3
n_courses = 20
min_event_participants = 1
max_event_participants = 5