diff --git a/zmsadmin/routing.php b/zmsadmin/routing.php
index 3de7a9adc..298272915 100644
--- a/zmsadmin/routing.php
+++ b/zmsadmin/routing.php
@@ -375,6 +375,9 @@
\App::$slim->map(['GET','POST'], '/workstation/process/finished/', \BO\Zmsadmin\WorkstationProcessFinished::class)
+\App::$slim->map(['GET','POST'], '/workstation/process/redirect/', \BO\Zmsadmin\WorkstationProcessRedirect::class)
+ ->setName("workstationProcessRedirect");
\App::$slim->get('/workstation/call/{id:\d+}/', \BO\Zmsadmin\WorkstationProcessCall::class)
diff --git a/zmsadmin/src/Zmsadmin/WorkstationProcessRedirect.php b/zmsadmin/src/Zmsadmin/WorkstationProcessRedirect.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8d8d9482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zmsadmin/src/Zmsadmin/WorkstationProcessRedirect.php
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+readGetResult('/workstation/', ['resolveReferences' => 2])->getEntity();
+ $department = \App::$http
+ ->readGetResult(
+ '/scope/' . $workstation->scope['id'] . '/department/',
+ ['resolveReferences' => 2]
+ )->getEntity();
+ $input = $request->getParsedBody();
+ $process = $workstation->process;
+ if ($request->getMethod() === 'POST') {
+ $validator = $request->getAttribute('validator');
+ $selectedLocation = $validator->getParameter('location')->isNumber()->getValue();
+ if (empty($selectedLocation)) {
+ return \BO\Slim\Render::redirect(
+ 'workstationProcessRedirect',
+ [],
+ [
+ 'errors' => [
+ 'location' => 'Bitte wählen Sie einen Standort aus.'
+ ]
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ $scope = \App::$http
+ ->readGetResult(
+ '/scope/' . $selectedLocation . '/',
+ ['resolveReferences' => 2]
+ )->getEntity();
+ $process = \App::$http
+ ->readGetResult(
+ '/process/'. $process->getId() .'/'. $process->getAuthKey() .'/',
+ ['resolveReferences' => 2]
+ )->getEntity();
+ $newProcess = clone $process;
+ $newProcess->scope = $scope;
+ $newProcess->appointments[0]->scope = $scope;
+ $newProcess->amendment = $input['amendment'];
+ $process = \App::$http->readPostResult('/process/status/redirect/', $newProcess)->getEntity();
+ return \BO\Slim\Render::redirect(
+ $workstation->getVariantName(),
+ array(),
+ array()
+ );
+ }
+ return \BO\Slim\Render::withHtml(
+ $response,
+ 'page/workstationProcessRedirect.twig',
+ array(
+ 'title' => 'Kundendaten',
+ 'workstation' => $workstation,
+ 'department' => $department,
+ 'scope' => $workstation->scope,
+ 'scopes' => $department->getScopeList(),
+ 'menuActive' => 'workstation',
+ 'errors' => $request->getParam('errors')
+ )
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/zmsadmin/templates/block/appointment/formRedirect.twig b/zmsadmin/templates/block/appointment/formRedirect.twig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fee338aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zmsadmin/templates/block/appointment/formRedirect.twig
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{% embed "block/scaffholding/board.twig" with {'class': 'appointment-form'} %}
+ {% from 'element/helper/form.twig' import formgroup, formbutton, checkboxfield, selectfield, inputfield %}
+ {% block board_title %}
+ Termin Weiterleiten
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% block board_body %}
+ {% include "element/helper/messageHandler.twig" %}
+ {% from 'element/helper/form.twig' import formgroup, formbutton, inputfield, providername %}
+ {% endblock %}
+{% endembed %}
diff --git a/zmsadmin/templates/block/process/info.twig b/zmsadmin/templates/block/process/info.twig
index a7736f16d..0f13d108a 100644
--- a/zmsadmin/templates/block/process/info.twig
+++ b/zmsadmin/templates/block/process/info.twig
@@ -63,9 +63,13 @@
{% endif %}
- Fertig stellen
+ Fertig stellen
+ {% if workstation.process.withAppointment %}
+ Weiterleiten
+ {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/zmsadmin/templates/page/workstationProcessRedirect.twig b/zmsadmin/templates/page/workstationProcessRedirect.twig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c50a9a37f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zmsadmin/templates/page/workstationProcessRedirect.twig
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{% extends "layout/main.twig" %}
+{% from 'element/helper/snippets.twig' import headline1 %}
+{% block headline %}
+ {{ headline1("Sachbearbeiterplatz") }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+ {% include "block/process/nextContainer.twig" %}
+ {% include "block/appointment/formRedirect.twig" with {
+ 'scopes': scopes,
+ 'workstation': workstation
+ } %}
+ {% include "block/calendar/calendarContainer.twig" with {source: "workstation"} %}
+ {% include "block/calendar/legend.twig" with {"view": "calendar"} %}
+ {% include "block/queue/queueContainer.twig" %}
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/zmsapi/routing.php b/zmsapi/routing.php
index b6fdee181..c4eebe4ab 100644
--- a/zmsapi/routing.php
+++ b/zmsapi/routing.php
@@ -3282,6 +3282,50 @@
+ * @swagger
+ * "/process/status/redirect/":
+ * post:
+ * summary: Find or create a process to be used to redirect documents.
+ * x-since: 2.11
+ * description: Only process.queue.number is a necessary input. But it is possible to create a full process with a given waiting number. If the process already exists, an update is only performed, if process.id and process.authkey matches. Information about the scope are taken from the workstation fetches by X-Authkey
+ * tags:
+ * - process
+ * parameters:
+ * - name: X-Authkey
+ * required: true
+ * description: authentication key to identify user for testing access rights
+ * in: header
+ * type: string
+ * - name: process
+ * description: process data to create
+ * required: true
+ * in: body
+ * schema:
+ * $ref: "schema/process.json"
+ * responses:
+ * 200:
+ * description: you are able to call this process now
+ * schema:
+ * type: object
+ * properties:
+ * meta:
+ * $ref: "schema/metaresult.json"
+ * data:
+ * type: array
+ * items:
+ * $ref: "schema/process.json"
+ * 400:
+ * description: "Invalid input"
+ * 403:
+ * description: "authkey does not match"
+ */
+ '/process/status/redirect/',
+ '\BO\Zmsapi\ProcessRedirect'
+ ->setName("ProcessRedirect");
* @swagger
* "/process/status/queued/":
diff --git a/zmsapi/src/Zmsapi/ProcessRedirect.php b/zmsapi/src/Zmsapi/ProcessRedirect.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f42228529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zmsapi/src/Zmsapi/ProcessRedirect.php
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ $input = Validator::input()->isJson()->assertValid()->getValue();
+ $entity = new \BO\Zmsentities\Process($input);
+ $newProcess = new \BO\Zmsentities\Process($input);
+ $process = $this->readValidProcess($workstation, $entity, $input);
+ $process = (new Process())->readEntity($process->id, $process->authKey, 2);
+ $requests = $process->getRequests();
+ $newProcess->requests = $requests;
+ $this->testProcessAccess($workstation, $process);
+ \BO\Zmsdb\Connection\Select::getWriteConnection();
+ $processStatusArchived = new \BO\Zmsdb\ProcessStatusArchived();
+ $process->status = 'finished';
+ $process = (new Query)->updateEntity($process, \App::$now, 0, 'processing');
+ (new Workstation)->writeRemovedProcess($workstation);
+ $processStatusArchived->writeEntityFinished($process, \App::$now, true);
+ $newProcess = (new \BO\Zmsdb\Process())->redirectToScope($newProcess, $process->scope, $process->id);
+ $message = Response\Message::create($request);
+ $message->data = $newProcess;
+ $response = Render::withLastModified($response, time(), '0');
+ return Render::withJson($response, $message->setUpdatedMetaData(), $message->getStatuscode());
+ }
+ protected function testProcessData($entity)
+ {
+ $entity->testValid();
+ $authCheck = (new Query())->readAuthKeyByProcessId($entity->id);
+ if (! $authCheck) {
+ throw new Exception\Process\ProcessNotFound();
+ } elseif ($authCheck['authKey'] != $entity->authKey && $authCheck['authName'] != $entity->authKey) {
+ throw new Exception\Process\AuthKeyMatchFailed();
+ }
+ }
+ protected function testProcessAccess($workstation, $process)
+ {
+ $cluster = (new \BO\Zmsdb\Cluster)->readByScopeId($workstation->scope['id'], 1);
+ $workstation->testMatchingProcessScope($workstation->getScopeList($cluster), $process);
+ if ($workstation->process && $workstation->process->hasId() && $workstation->process->id != $process->id) {
+ $exception = new Exception\Workstation\WorkstationHasAssignedProcess();
+ $exception->data = [
+ 'process' => $workstation->process
+ ];
+ throw $exception;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function readValidProcess($workstation, $entity, $input)
+ {
+ if ($entity->hasProcessCredentials()) {
+ $this->testProcessData($entity);
+ $entity->addData($input);
+ $process = (new Query())->updateEntity($entity, \App::$now);
+ } elseif ($entity->hasQueueNumber()) {
+ // Allow waitingnumbers over 1000 with the fourth parameter
+ $process = ProcessStatusQueued::init()
+ ->readByQueueNumberAndScope($entity['queue']['number'], $workstation->scope['id'], 0, 100000000);
+ if (! $process->id) {
+ $workstation = (new \BO\Zmsdb\Workstation)->readResolvedReferences($workstation, 1);
+ $process = (new Query())->writeNewPickup($workstation->scope, \App::$now, $entity['queue']['number']);
+ }
+ $process->testValid();
+ } else {
+ $entity->testValid();
+ throw new Exception\Process\ProcessInvalid();
+ }
+ return $process;
+ }
diff --git a/zmsdb/src/Zmsdb/Process.php b/zmsdb/src/Zmsdb/Process.php
index e8624da65..a7503f343 100755
--- a/zmsdb/src/Zmsdb/Process.php
+++ b/zmsdb/src/Zmsdb/Process.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
writeNewProcess($process, $dateTime);
+ public function redirectToScope($process, \BO\Zmsentities\Scope $scope, int $waitingNumber)
+ {
+ $datetime = \App::$now;
+ $process->setStatus('confirmed');
+ $appointment = $process->getFirstAppointment();
+ $date = (new \DateTimeImmutable())->setTimestamp($appointment->date);
+ $date = $date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
+ $appointment->date = $date->getTimestamp();
+ $process->appointments = new AppointmentList([$appointment]);
+ $newQueueNumber = (new Scope())->readWaitingNumberUpdated($scope->id, $datetime);
+ $process->addQueue($newQueueNumber, $datetime);
+ $process->queue['number'] = $waitingNumber;
+ Log::writeLogEntry("CREATE (Process::redirectToScope) $process ", $process->id);
+ $process = $this->writeNewProcess($process, $datetime);
+ $this->writeRequestsToDb($process);
+ return $process;
+ }
public function readSlotCount(\BO\Zmsentities\Process $process)
$scope = new \BO\Zmsentities\Scope($process->scope);