- React.PropTypes deprecated. Use prop-types package instead (#25)
- Fix external for aws-sdk - reduces bundle size (#27)
- Re-login from persisted local storage after page refresh (#23)
- Refactor setNewPassword() to return a Promise. (#20)
- #7 add store listeners as param to setupCognito so that you can specify behavior (#8)
- Push groups into redux for calling app to use - NB. These are advisory only
- Moved example to own repo - react-cognito-example
- Fix issue #5 using aws-sdk instead of aws-cognito-sdk (#11) <Edgar García>
- Update to aws-sdk 2.92.0 and amazon-cognito-identity-js 1.19.0
- Removed examples - moved to own repo react-cognito-example
- Clear attributes on logout
- Login uses cognito.state.error - BREAKING CHANGE
- Previously was using this.state
- Allow testing for user in a group - NB. This is advisory only and is not secure
- Ensure resources are secured in other ways.
- Don't reset cached email on verification code resend
- Return promise from onResend for resend verification code
- Cache username and email post register for populating login form.
- Return promises from ConfirmForm
- Remove unused error props from Login
- Better use of promises in login/authenticate
Note: This changes how the onSubmit provided by Login is used. See the example code.
- Better use of promises in reset password sendVerification & setPassword
Note: These two function no longer send the success messages; These need to be provided by the calling app.