EverydayKarma YouTube Channel [New Channel]
1 Month JavaScript YouTube Playlist
Day 2 - Understanding ECMAScript, Browser Rendering Process, Setting Environment for JavaScript
Day 4 - Nested and Tagged Templates, Async-Defer JS Load, Operators
Day 6 - Spread Operators, Destructure Assignments,Arrays and its inbuilt functions in Detail
Day 8 - HOF, Exploring map(), sort(),reduce(),filter() and callback functions in JavaScript
Day 9 - ES6 Modules,CommonJS, Console Object concepts of JavaScript
Day 10 - Exploring window,document object in Detail and Understanding concept of DOM Manipulation
Day 11 - Understanding Event Handlings, Mouse Event Handlings with Examples in JavaScript
Day 13 - N/A
Day 14 - Exploring Keyboard Events in JS, Working with Forms in JavaScript
Day 15 - Q/A Session on JavaScript and discussion on further course of JavaScript
Day 16 - Exploring window object events, Clipboard Event, Custom Events in JavaScript
Day 17 - Exploring location, history,navigator object && Understanding Cookies, and LocalStorage
Day 18 - SessionStorage, Theme Changer Project && TodoList Project in JavaScript
Day 19 - Playing Graphics in JavaScript using Canvas in Detail
Day 20 - Understanding Concept of Third-party Libraries, Exploring JQuery.js in JavaScript
Day 21 - Exploring chart.js, aos.js && leaflet.js in Javascript
Day 22 - Exception Handling in JavaScript (try,catch,finally) and more of it in JavaScript
Day 23 - Regular Expression explained in Detail in JavaScript