Dots have several main logic blocks:
- Store Segment
- Brokering Segment
- Carrier Management Segment
- Supporting Segment
- Machine Lerning Segment
Logical segment that response to integration of external stores, internet shops, and any other POS (Point of Service) with customers and order logics.
Logical segment that response to integration of basic managment for events via all basic segments. Broker take care about optimization and system topology efficiecy, delivery events, services discovery, traffic and events balancing.
Logical segment that response to integration of carriers, delivery logic, location tracking, delivery optimization, carriers rating, carriers authentication and registration. Order tracking, logistics optimizations, choosing carriers by optimal criterias, road traffic and other effectiveness delivery parameters.
Logical segment that response to integration of management team, support team, developers team, CI and DevOps team, for common tasks for supporting.
Logical segment that response to integration of artifition and machine lerning processes for order quality diagnistics (for example quality of pizza etc.), optimization process for all components, optimization for orders delivery.