- Maintenance
- Kotlin 2.0.0 #133
- Changes
- Support Gradle Lazy
Configuration #112
- excludeIds, excludeIdPatterns, excludeFilePatterns option uses Property syntax now.
- Support Gradle Lazy
Configuration #112
This version has breaking changes.
- Breaking Changes
and Extension'slintVariant
options are removed.- Please use
task to specify variant instead.
- Changes
- AGP 4.X and AGP 7.0 are not supported from this version.
- Minimum support version is AGP 7.1.
- refactor: use
withPlugin #103
- fix: you can apply plugins any order
- apply AGP -> remove-unused-resources
- apply remove-unused-resources -> AGP
- fix: you can apply plugins any order
- Register task as
removeUnusedResources{variant} #104
options are removed.
- use default variant for removeUnusedResources task #109
- Migrate AGP 7.1
APIs #100
- lintOptions -> lint migration in this plugin.
- Using CommonExtension, AndroidComponentsExtension, finalizeDsl, and onVariants APIs.
- mark RemoveUnusedResourcesTask as @DisableCachingByDefault #107
- Kotlin 1.9.0 + Compose Compiler 1.5.0 #97
- Update dependency gradle to v8.2 #96
- Gradle Plugin: jvmToolchain 11 + foojay-resolver #92
- CI: update_sample_diff.yml: update command #110
- error on running task when lintVariant not specified #90
- Deprecate rur.lint.disableLintConfig option #85
- separate and use original-characters-stax-xml-parser
- Gradle 7.5.1
- Maven Plugin Publish 1.0.0
- add tests
- rename syntax to removeUnusedResources #45
- #35 Add KDoc to Extension
- #37 Add information log when no UnusedResources issues found in lint results.
- #35 Configuration Syntax changed.
use setter functions to set option.
removeUnusedResource {
- rename excludeFiles option to excludeFilePatterns
- add lintOptions.isCheckGeneratedSources for rur.lint.onlyUnusedResources
- Cannot apply lintConfig overriding to all projects.
Preserve XML characters.
- Preserve XML special characters, unicode references, empty tags when deleting values resources.
First Stable release.
- Support exclude options: excludeResourceIds, excludeResourceIdPatterns, excludeFiles
- change rur.lintOptionsOnlyUnusedResources to rur.lint.onlyUnusedResources
- change rur.disableLintConfig to rur.lint.disableLintConfig
- change rur.overrideLintConfig -> rur.lint.overrideLintConfig
- Add rur.disableLintConfig option.
- Don't remove resources outside of rootProject directory for safety.
- lintOptionsOnlyUnusedResources option affects to all subprojects.
- removeUnusedResources must run after other lint tasks for one liner
- Use default variant (lint-results-{default variant}.xml) if both of lintVariant and lintResultXml
are not specified.
- in 0.9.0, it uses lint-results.xml.
- Don't delete resources outside of Gradle rootProject.
- Fail gradle commands, if any errors occurred.
- initial release