- feat: compatible with multiaddr [#194]
- chore: add repo env var [#195]
- feat: add more metrics [#196]
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 [#197]
- feat: add regexp option for truth handle [#173]
- feat: update error info / 改善错误提示 [#183]
- feat: add venus api header [#185]
- Update README.md [#175]
- Update README.md [#177]
- chore(deps): bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 [#179]
- chore: upgrade ipfs-force-community/metrics [#180]
- Chore/merge release v1.12 [#184]
- add more description for config / 添加更多注释给config文件 [#182]
- feat: add flag --listen and default listening #167
- opt: remove perm adapt strategy #164
- opt: Remove the configuration field secret #165
- opt: add default config for mysql #168
- opt: Adjust the order of the permissions array #169
- opt: rebranding from venus-auth to sophon-auth #170
- opt: rm perm chack falg / 移除兼容权限检查的 flag #171
- feat: add status api to detect api ready / 添加状态检测接口 [#144]
- feat: use thirty party healthcheck lib / 添加healthcheck接口 [#145]
- feat: add api protection / 增加接口保护 [#140]
- feat: return detailed error infor after authentication failure /鉴权失败后返回更加详细的错误信息 [#160]
- feat: add docker push / 增加推送到镜像仓库的功能 [#161]
- fix: repo not exist by 修复启动时目录不存在从而启动失败的问题 [#157]
- fix: not set flag value to config /修复配置错误 [#158]
- fix: cli not found config / 修复创建目录失败的问题 [#159]
- 升级 go-jsonrpc 到 v0.1.7