Climbers have large blooms and stiff stems, whereas ramblers have groups of small flowers and long, pliable stems. #roses
Plant chives under rose bushes to help control aphids. #gardening
Don't plant cabbage near strawberries, garlic, or peas, as they don't like each other.
When planting tomatoes add a couple of tablespoons of Epsom salts to the soil; it will increase the plants fruit yield.
Fruit will have the most flavour if it is allowed to ripen on the tree and eaten right away, but will store longer if it is picked before it is fully ripe.
In large gardens, fruit should be grown in the higher parts of the garden, away from any frost pockets, and where they are in open ground to receive full sunlight and plenty of fresh air.
Paraffin heaters are ideal in greenhouses because as well as heat, they produce water vapour and carbon dioxide, which is also needed by plants.
Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse is a good idea, but you'll have to watch the air temperature closely. Tomatoes grow best at daily temperatures of 18 to 24C, and stop growing at temperatures above 35C, and below 12C. Prolonged exposure to temperatures below 10C will kill the plants. Day temperatures above 32C, and night temperatures above 22C during bloom reduce fruit set. There is now considerable evidence to show that night temperatures are the most critical for best fruit production, with a range of 15-20C giving you the best fruit set. So keep a close eye on the temperature inside your greenhouse and raise or lower the plastic accordingly.
It is generally regarded that October is the beginning of a new year in the garden. That is when the fruit and vegetable harvests are over, and summer annuals and perennial flowers cease to bloom. This is the time of year when foliage begins to turn brown and die-back occurs. Now is the time to make a start by clearing the garden plots of their spent crops and also of weeds. The opportunity should be taken to trim back surrounding hedges, the hedge clippings being placed on the compost heap, or burned with the resulting ashes being dug into the ground. #rebirth #celebrations