A national survey designed by the Families and Work Institute revealed that much of the time pressure women deal with is self-imposed because they have trouble delegating or letting go of control. #control
The fear of failure is so huge. We’re afraid that if we try something outside our comfort zone and fall short, we’ll look foolish and forever be identified with our failure. We’re afraid it will be proof that we’ll never meet our expectations of ourselves - or the expectations of others. We will end up disgraced, ashamed, emotionally and professionally decimated. What if it breaks us and we can’t pick ourselves back up? #fear-of-failure #mistakes #expectation
By failing, I learned how to embrace perfection. I’m not afraid of either any more. In the words of Hillary Clinton, I’d rather be “caught trying” than not at all. #fear
These days, choosing to stay if a partner has been unfaithful is looked down upon far more. And yet, for some, it may be the right choice. “Women have all kinds of reasons why they decide this one experience won’t be the deciding factor in a decades-long relationship, and they should be able to do that without the fear of judgement of everyone around them”, Esther Perel says. #faithfulness #marriage #relationships #ester-perel
Bravery doesn’t guarantee that everything will work out, just that we’ll be okay if it doesn’t. #bravery
Each time you screw up, you learn what not to do. Each time you falter, you prove that you can right yourself. Each time you fail, you get to try again. Ultimately, your failures give you your edge. They make you stronger, wiser, more empathetic, more valuable, more real. #mistakes #growth #self-improvement