Intent is not valueless, especially because plenty of people do racist and sexist things with full knowledge of how their actions will be received. But intent is not a justification of discrimination. Insisting that colleagues “assume positive intent” can create damaging conditions in a workplace. So instead, let’s work to set expectations around demonstrating positive intent through respectful action. #intent #racism #sexism #justice #expectation #respect
Our personal networks benefit from diversity, too. In a Harvard Business Review article by Paul Gompers and Silpa Kovvali titled “The Other Diversity Dividend”, I read about the importance of building diverse friend networks. It turns out that friendship across lines of ethnicity and sexual orientation reduce implicit bias. And these benefits carry over to work, where expanded networks and mindsets can improve individual and organisational performance. Obvious? Maybe, but how many of us actually do this? #social-networks #diversity #friendship #performance
I’m hoping that, in the future, more people will reach beyond their comfort zones and push themselves to network with people who aren’t “like” them. Doing this expands our available opportunities and expands our minds. #exploration #growth
The purpose of a code of conduct is to protect members of a community from harm by other members of the community, even if that harm is unintended. In fact, thoughtful and impactful codes of conduct address behaviours that the general population may view as socially acceptable but which are unacceptable within a particular community, group, or professional context. #harm #work
Allies should always be on the lookout for unnecessarily gendered language. When it comes to modifying titles or roles, consider what values, if any, is added by including a gender term at all. [...] Allies working in male dominated industries should be on the lookout for “man” terms that imply other genders aren’t expected or welcome. #gender
So many private companies pay lip service to the idea of a diverse workforce, yet hesitate to elevate people from underrepresented groups to management, leadership or C-level positions. A lack of constructive feedback exacerbates the situation. #feedback
The more feedback people receive on inclusivity, the more it will become an ingrained behaviour for them.
Julie Kratz - “For allies, it’s all about listening to what she wants and not advising her. I think men jump the gun often and want to ‘save the day’ rather than create a win-win for both.”
Because of ingrained workplace dynamics, it may be necessary for allies to do more than offer opportunities or ask general questions. Sometimes, allies need to help promising candidates from underrepresented groups articulate their goals by reflecting on their worries. Sometimes allies need to be sounding boards before they can become door-openers. #opportunity