Benchmark OpenVINO™ bert model
Setup OpenVINO™
Installation is completed when you see this message:
✓ OpenVINO™ configured
Benchmark bert-base-cased model (FP32)
#Python virtual environment to testing bert openvino model
source bert_ov_venv/bin/activate
numactl -C 0 benchmark_app -m models/bert-base-cased.xml -d CPU -hint latency -shape "[1, 512]"
numactl -C 0 benchmark_app -m models/bert-base-cased.xml -d GPU -hint latency -shape "[1, 512]"
#Deactivate virtual environment
Benchmark quantized bert-base-cased model (INT8)
#Python virtual environment to testing bert openvino model
source bert_ov_venv/bin/activate
numactl -C 0 benchmark_app -m models/quantized_bert_base_cased.xml -d CPU -hint latency -shape "[1, 512]"
numactl -C 0 benchmark_app -m models/quantized_bert_base_cased.xml -d GPU -hint latency -shape "[1, 512]"
#Deactivate virtual environment