Registration service is REST service purely for test purposes which is capable to interact with voter registration cli, cardano cli and vit-kedqr.
In order to build iapyx in main project folder run:
cd registration-service
cargo build
cargo install --path . --force
The simplest configuration is available by using command:
registration-service --config config.yaml
See config for more details.
Registration CLI is cli utility tool which help to interact with registration service without manually constructing requests
See cli for more details.
use registration_service::{
client::rest::RegistrationRestClient, context::State, request::Request,
let payment_skey = Path::new("payment.skey");
let payment_skey = Path::new("payment.vkey");
let payment_skey = Path::new("stake.skey");
let payment_skey = Path::new("stake.vkey");
let payment_skey = Path::new("vote.skey");
let registration_client =
RegistrationRestClient::new_with_token(registration_token, registration_address);
let registration_request = Request {
let registration_job_id = registration_client.job_new(registration_request).unwrap();
let wait = WaitBuilder::new().tries(10).sleep_between_tries(10).build();
println!("waiting for registration job");
let registration_jobs_status = registration_client
.wait_for_job_finish(registration_job_id.clone(), wait)
println!("{:?}", registration_jobs_status);
let qr_code_path = temp_dir.child("qr_code");
let qr_code = registration_client
.download_qr(registration_job_id.clone(), qr_code_path.path())
let voting_key_sk = registration_client
NOTE: see cardano cli guide for information how to create payment and stake files.