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599 lines (363 loc) · 23.8 KB

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599 lines (363 loc) · 23.8 KB


The history of all changes to react-polymorph.



  • Fixed overlapping PopOver triangle container (PR 210)
  • Fixed double triggering of checkbox onChange handler (PR 206)


  • Bumped the version of create-react-context (PR 208)
  • Replace node-sass with sass package (PR 205)


  • Add disabled state to Select component (PR 196)


  • Support data-* attributes on input field component (PR 2841)


  • Replaced external link icons and styling (PR 191)
  • Fixed replacing fixed decimal numbers with another fixed decimal (PR 189)


Breaking Changes 💥

  • Input now shows errors on hover and focus by default which can be configured via two new props:
isShowingErrorOnFocus: boolean;
isShowingErrorOnHover: boolean;

Features ✨

  • Input now accepts a new prop themeVariables which can be used to override css variables (PR 173)
  • Implemented the search functionality to the Options component (PR 165)
  • Improved PIN entry component UX (PR 166)
  • Enabled pasting of multiple words into Autocomplete (PR 163)

Fixes 💪

  • Fixed replacing fixed decimal numbers with another fixed decimal (PR 189)

  • Fixed Select search issues(PR 179)

  • Fixed Select Search styles and minor code issues (PR 175)

  • Fixed a wrong variable name for the select search highlight color (PR 170)

  • Fixed an issue related to Numeric Input when entering numbers after having selected the decimal separator (PR 167)

  • Fixed issues related to controlled/uncontrolled Tippy state (PR 160)

  • Fixed NumericInput to support DEBUG mode (PR 159)



  • Improve NumericInput component to support big numbers (PR 152)

  • Improve autocomplete required selections ux (PR 154)

  • Improve FormField UX by using pop overs to show errors (PR 151



  • Added PopOver component (aka Smart Tooltips) (PR 150



  • Replaced deprecated postinstall-build package with npm prepare lifecycle PR 146




  • Adds new PasswordInput component (PR 134)


  • Fixed Option component, optionHeight property, override from parent components PR 135

  • Fixed global listener mouseIsOverRoot event handler PR 135



  • Adds new ScrollBar component and integrates it into existing react-polymorph components. Refactors all snapshot tests to use enzyme for full DOM node rendering. PR 129




  • Fixes error in GlobalListeners and Dropdown when Daedalus window is resized PR 125



  • New Dropdown component PR 122

Breaking Changes

  • NumericInput component was completely rewritten to be more flexible and straight forward. PR 114 and allow configurable number formats PR 123

  • Adds a new prop arrowRelativeToTip to tooltips which allows to center the arrow relative to the size of the tooltip and not the parent element. PR 113

    • (BREAKING) none is no longer a valid option for $bubble-border-color and it should instead be transparent
    • (BREAKING) Any library that directly calls the arrow mixin directly has to be updated to take into account the change in parameter to use width and height instead of a single size. If you use Bubble or any component that instead of a direct use of the mixin, no change is needed.


  • Updates contributors in package.json PR 117



  • Adds selected option render prop on Select component to override default input value format. Adds Stepper component, theme, skin, and stories. PR 115



  • Adds 20px extra space between the top of Options pop-up bubble and the top of the window. This prevents the Options bubble from slightly running underneath the application menu bar at the top of the window. PR 110



  • Resets scroll position of Options when Autocomplete or Select transition from opened to closed. PR 109


  • Automatic storybook builds & previews have been setup with netlify. PR 107



  • Fixes bug where Options does not close properly when scroll event occurs. PR 108



  • Fixed breaking change regression in 0.8.2 where IDENTIFIERS was moved from theme to components



  • Adds CSS variable in SimpleButton's theme allowing configuration of button text color when disabled. PR 103


  • Fixes minor bug with caret positioning in NumericInput component that happened when entering two decimal points PR 105

  • Upgrades react, react-dom, and react-test-renderer to version 16.8.6 and addresses Github warning on repo. PR 103

  • Sets max height of Options drop down based on window height and offset of Options' target ref. Changes flow type Ref to ElementRef in components and skins. PR 102

  • Updates vulnerable packages found by Github's automatic security audit. Fixes Checkbox component's render method to use the themeId prop for accessing a skin in context when one isn't provided via props instead of hardcoding the fallback to use CheckboxSkin PR 101



  • Provide simple skins by default via ThemeProvider but allow customization PR 96



  • Adds --rp prefixed css variables to all component themes allowing comprehensive custom configuration. Renames existing scss variables using a uniform convention that matches the names of the new --rp css variables. PR 92

  • Fixes the implementation of withTheme helper to represent the wrapped components instead of a generic React component. This fix ensures the entire library is type checked correctly and resolves all resulting flow errors. PR 93


  • Fixes NumericInput's value processing logic to only return integer numbers before the decimal when maxAfterDot is 0. Adds a behavior test and a story for this functionality. PR 91

  • Fixes a bug where ThemeProvider failed to compose its theme prop with the user's custom styles passed as the themeOverrides prop. Adds a check to all components using context for when themeOverrides or theme changes in context. If there is a change, the component's theme and themeOverrides will be composed again and local state will update. Adds a themeOverrides story to ThemeProvider's stories to show intended functionality of theme composition and dynamic theme switching. PR 90


  • Adds displayName static property to all components PR 89

  • Adds InfiniteScroll component, InfiniteScrollSkin to simple skins, and SimpleInfiniteScroll to SimpleTheme. PR 88

  • Adds Grid and GridItem components to layout components. PR 87

  • Adds Gutter component to layout components and SimpleGutter to SimpleTheme. PR 86

  • Adds Flex and FlexItem components to layout components. PR 85

  • Adds Header component, Header skin, and adds SimpleHeader to SimpleTheme. PR 84

  • Adds Base component to layout components PR 83

  • Adds ProgressBar component to library with stories. PR 78

  • Adds LoadingSpinner component, LoadingSpinnerSkin, and SimpleLoadingSpinner theme. Adds reusable loading-spinner mixin to themes. Adds 5 LoadingSpinner stories. PR 75

  • Adds ButtonSpinnerSkin to simple skins to show LoadingSpinner within the Button component when page data is loading. Adds new button story to exemplify this skin and functionality. PR 76



  • Fixed two minor issues in the NumericInput component where the carrot didn't move right to the decimal spaces when the entered value contained 4 digits and a comma, and also fixed an issue where integers were displayed in the wrong order after a value is selected and deleted. PR 94



  • Fixed wrong border color for errored & focused textareas PR 73

  • De-nests the class definitions in SimpleInput.scss. Ensures the border color of both Input and NumericInput remain the correct color when in an errored state. Improves composability when theme overrides is used with both Input components. Updates stories to reflect fixes. PR 71

  • Adds a new HOC GlobalListeners which is used in Select and Autocomplete that attaches document and window listeners for closing the window. Fixes bubble and arrow positioning when Bubble is rendered via Select and Autocomplete. NumericInput does not execute the user's onChange prop unless the value changes internally after being processed. Removes index.js in components and skins directories to reduce size of library. PR 69

  • Wraps TextAreaSkin's render method in FormField so labels and errors are rendered the same as in Input and NumericInput. Fixes Input, NumericInput, and TextArea components so they pass a prop called inputRef or textareaRef to FormField in their skins. This properly makes use of React v16.3.1+'s ref API instead of using the onRef callback. Adds autoFocus, onBlur, and onFocus props to NumericInput and TextArea. PR 67

  • Fixed wrong positioning of select options when opening upward PR 68

  • Fixed vertical positioning of select arrow when opened PR 68


  • Replaces all default exports in the theme directory with constants and exports them. Additionally, all import statements previously importing a default export are replaced with an appropriate named import. Defines all properties of the SimpleTheme and ROOT_THEME_API objects using IDENTIFIERS and arranges their properties in ABC order for better readability. 77

  • Adds support for React v15 - v16.4.1. Upgrades devDependencies to latest versions of react, jest, and enzyme related libraries. Adds Autocomplete simulation test for deleting a selected option via backspace key. PR 65

  • Refactor npm scripts to colon style PR 66


  • Bubble takes an optional targetRef for positioning now PR 68



  • Fixed broken right-to-left positiong of selected option checkmark PR 62


  • Adds keydown and click simulation tests for Autocomplete using jest and enzyme. Removes helper skins from test directory and refactors the way in which components are wrapped in a ThemeContext Consumer HOC before they're exported in order to handle a test environment. PR 63

  • Adds polyfills for React's new context API and ref API released in v16.3.0. Drops support for React versions less than v16.PR 61

  • Add snapshot test coverage from using jest and enzyme. Add event simulation tests for NumericInput. Adds story for ThemeProvider. PR 60


  • Add checkmark for selected option PR 54


Major breaking changes due to large refactoring of component architecture: PR 47


  • Add Autocomplete clear feature PR 49


  • Refactors library to use render prop architecture PR 58
    • Removes source/skins/simple/raw directory and the raw pattern from the library
    • Removes skin parts
    • Manages refs by passing them from parent to child
    • Removes inheritance architecture
    • Adds ESLint config from Daedalus and integrates flow library & static type declarations. Refactors
    • components to declare refs using createRef from React v16.3^. Removes propTypes from all components and removes prop-types lib from dependencies.


  • React 16 Context API with various improvements PR 53

    • Implements React's new context API available in react & react*dom v16.3.0^
    • Implements new ref forwarding API for use with Autocomplete's clear feature.
    • New context API allows for setting the default theme of every component to SimpleTheme (see withTheme.js)
    • Adds renderSelections & renderOptions (render prop architecture) to Autocomplete for delegating custom rendering to the user while still giving the user access to the the component's logic and styles. (think "writing a custom skin on the fly", see Autocomplete stories).
    • Adds render prop to Options component
  • Add checkmark for selected option PR 54

  • Add Autocomplete clear feature PR 49

  • Implements a theme API for each component. This is a plain object which exposes the shape of a component's theme. Each property on the theme API object corresponds with a class name assigned to an element within the component's skin and a class definition within the component's theme.

  • Adds ThemeProvider HOC for applying a theme to all its nested react-polymorph children. ThemeProvider exonerates the user from explicitly declaring theme as a prop on every instantiated component. A complete theme, an object containing full theme definitions for every component in the library, may also be passed to ThemeProvider. The complete theme object may be deconstructed to contain only the necessary theme definitions used by the components nested within a particular instance of ThemeProvider, yet deconstruction is not required.

  • Adds themeOverrides as an optional prop on ThemeProvider and on all components within the library. themeOverrides composes the user's custom css/scss with the component's base theme. This automatic composition saves the user from the tedium of manually piecing together custom styles with those of the component's theme that the user wishes to retain, yet themeOverrides is flexible enough to restyle a component's theme in a nontrivial way. themeOverrides may be passed directly to one instance of a component or passed to all instances nested within ThemeProvider via context. This composition of styles relies on css-modules.

  • Adds a composed theme story to most component stories to exemplify the relationship between ThemeProvider and themeOverrides.

  • Adds autofocus prop to all applicable input based components.

  • Adds index file to source/utils, source/themes/API, source/themes/simple, source/skins/simple, and source/components for the use of named and default exports. Makes it easier for the user to import a full theme object for ThemeProvider, or simply one component's theme. Also makes it easier to import multiple skins and components on one line.



  • Add border-radius CSS property to Autocomplete component PR 45



  • Fix Options component window resize event handling, Add border-radius CSS property to Textarea component PR 44



  • Fixes dependencies to be React 16 compatible PR 41

  • Fixes broken options positioning logic that was accidentally removed when bubble was introduced PR 42



  • Add Radio component PR 34


  • Fix broken theming setup for InputSkin, BubbleSkin and SelectSkin PR 36



  • Add Bubble component PR 31
  • Use Bubble component in Options component PR 31
  • Add Tooltip component PR 32


  • Fix bug causing crash when hitting backspace in an Autocomplete component PR 31



  • Allow string or element props for FormField errors PR 25



  • Fix isOpeningUpwards feature on Select and Autocomplete Options component (PR 24)



  • Add noResultsMessage property to Options component, Code cleanup and standardization (PR 23)



  • Extract Options component (PR 22)



  • Fix autocomplete input issues (PR 21)



  • Update storybook to latest version (PR 20)

  • Also support React 16 (PR 20)



  • Expose raw component skins (PR 19)



  • Autocomplete input control (PR 18)



  • Allow React element as label for checkboxes and form fields (PR 17)



  • Updated simple theme styled for SimpleSelect (PR 16)


  • Toggle dropdown on label clicks (PR 15)



  • Toggle dropdown on label clicks (PR 15)



  • Add toggler component (PR 14)



  • Updated simple theme styles
  • Prevent CSS-classes inheritance on TextAreaSkin textarea element
  • Fixed caret positioning bug on NumericInput component re-render


  • Add checkbox component

  • Add switch component



  • fixed storybook webpack config

  • fixed caret position logic in numeric input

  • fixed selection stealing bug found in Daedalus



  • Fixed a bug in NumericInput when illegal chars have been entered but the old valid value was still null.



  • Fixed a bug in NumericInput where caret was reset on every re-render of the component.


  • Added .npmignore file to remove source and dev files and folders from npm repo.



  • Fixed broken build step that was missing the new utils folder.



  • Fixed bug with NumericInput that passed unknown DOM properties to the underlying <input> component.


  • Removed the need to manage metaProps that should be omitted when passing on props to standard DOM elements. You can now use pickDOMProps which filters the props down to the one that are allowed by React.

  • Updated readme with better example for the idea of react-polymorph.



  • add new package-lock.json file generated by npm 5



  • Reuse the normal InputSkin and SimpleInput theme for the NumericInput component.



  • Allow to render disabled options in select component

  • New NumericInput component for floating point numbers.


Initial release with basic features.