| 1 | +{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} |
| 2 | +{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} |
| 3 | +{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} |
| 4 | +{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +{- | This modules provides concurrency abstractions for hedgehog tests. Using "lifted-base" one can execute |
| 8 | +expensive test actions concurrently. |
| 9 | +
| 10 | +For example, the actions invoked inside 'mapConcurrently_' are invoked in the same 'MonadTest' as the outer |
| 11 | +monad of 'mapConcurrently_'. |
| 12 | +
| 13 | +@ |
| 14 | +import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Concurrent as H |
| 15 | +
| 16 | +setUpEnvironment = H.mapConcurrently_ id |
| 17 | + [ H.threadDelay 100 >> pure 1 |
| 18 | + , H.threadDelay 200 >> pure 2 |
| 19 | + , H.threadDelay 300 >> pure 3 |
| 20 | + ] |
| 21 | +@ |
| 22 | +
| 23 | +
| 24 | +__Warning: Do not use this module for running concurrent checks!__ The 'MonadBaseControl' instance does not |
| 25 | +aggregate effects for 'PropertyT'. Consider the following code: |
| 26 | +
| 27 | +@ |
| 28 | + LA.mapConcurrently_ id |
| 29 | + [ do |
| 30 | + H.note_ \"FAIL1\" |
| 31 | + success |
| 32 | + , do |
| 33 | + IO.threadDelay 1_000_000 |
| 34 | + H.note_ \"FAIL2\" |
| 35 | + failure |
| 36 | + , do |
| 37 | + H.note_ \"FAIL3\" |
| 38 | + failure |
| 39 | + ] |
| 40 | +@ |
| 41 | +
| 42 | +Executing this code will give you the following output in the test report: |
| 43 | +
| 44 | +@ |
| 45 | +66 ┃ LA.mapConcurrently_ id |
| 46 | +67 ┃ [ do |
| 47 | +68 ┃ H.note_ \"FAIL1\" |
| 48 | + ┃ │ FAIL1 |
| 49 | +69 ┃ success |
| 50 | +70 ┃ , do |
| 51 | +71 ┃ IO.threadDelay 1_000_000 |
| 52 | +72 ┃ H.note_ \"FAIL2\" |
| 53 | + ┃ │ FAIL2 |
| 54 | +73 ┃ failure |
| 55 | + ┃ ^^^^^^^ |
| 56 | +74 ┃ , do |
| 57 | +75 ┃ H.note_ \"FAIL3\" |
| 58 | +76 ┃ failure |
| 59 | +77 ┃ ] |
| 60 | +@ |
| 61 | +Please note that only @FAIL1@ and @FAIL2@ annotations were reported - @FAIL3@ annotation and the failure |
| 62 | +below was swallowed without any information. |
| 63 | +
| 64 | +__Don't use concurrency abstractions from this module, when you need to aggregate and report failures!__ |
| 65 | +
| 66 | +-} |
1 | 67 | module Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Concurrent
2 | 68 | ( threadDelay
| 69 | + -- * Re-exports of concurrency abstractions from @lifted-base@ |
| 70 | + , module Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted |
| 71 | + , module System.Timeout.Lifted |
3 | 72 | ) where
4 | 73 |
5 |
| -import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) |
6 |
| -import Data.Function (($), (.)) |
| 74 | +import Control.Applicative |
| 75 | +import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted |
| 76 | +import qualified Control.Concurrent.Lifted as IO |
| 77 | +import Control.Monad.Base |
| 78 | +import Control.Monad.IO.Class |
| 79 | +import Control.Monad.Trans.Control |
| 80 | +import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource |
| 81 | +import Data.Function |
7 | 82 | import Data.Int
8 |
| -import Hedgehog (MonadTest) |
9 |
| - |
10 |
| -import qualified Control.Concurrent as IO |
11 | 83 | import qualified GHC.Stack as GHC
| 84 | +import System.IO (IO) |
| 85 | +import System.Timeout.Lifted |
| 86 | +import qualified UnliftIO |
| 87 | + |
| 88 | +import Hedgehog |
12 | 89 | import qualified Hedgehog as H
13 | 90 |
14 |
| --- Delay the thread by 'n' milliseconds. |
| 91 | +-- | Delay the thread by 'n' milliseconds. |
15 | 92 | threadDelay :: (MonadTest m, MonadIO m) => Int -> m ()
16 | 93 | threadDelay n = GHC.withFrozenCallStack . H.evalIO $ IO.threadDelay n
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +instance MonadBase IO (ResourceT IO) where |
| 96 | + liftBase = liftIO |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | +instance MonadBaseControl IO (ResourceT IO) where |
| 99 | + type StM (ResourceT IO) a = a |
| 100 | + liftBaseWith = UnliftIO.withRunInIO |
| 101 | + restoreM = pure |
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