git clone git://
cd pocket-cli
npm install
In order to communicate with the Pocket API, we always need to send both the consumer key, unique to the pocket-cli app, and the user token, which is obtained trough a oauth exchange.
We need to run a proxy that securely stores the uniquer pocket-cli consumer key to access the Pocket API.
To try it in dev, create a fresh API key from Pocket Store it in a file called .env in the project root, like this
POCKET='<your api key here...>'
The proxy server can be started locally:
wt serve src/server/auth-proxy.js --port 4040
To use locally the current branch:
npm link
To link it to a different bin:
sudo ln -s "$HOME/n/bin/pocket-cli" /usr/local/bin/pocket-cli-dev
I have a quite strict policy on dependencies.
$ yarn list --prod
[email protected] /home/ildella/projects/personal/pocket-cli
├─┬ [email protected]
│ ├─┬ [email protected]
│ │ └─┬ [email protected]
│ │ └── [email protected]
│ └── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]
I do not use most common command line library or framework like commander, inquirer, chalk. I also do not use lodash or similar libraries.
What I rely on:
- Axios - http client
- Colorette - a dependency free ansii coloring
- Luxon - a dependency free, immutable momentjs
Install travis locally:
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install travis --no-document
Generate a new GitHub Access Token with the scopes as specified in "Repositories on" section.
Now, authenticate to Travis and setup the project. This whole thing should be done only once.
travis login --github-token GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN
Generate a new NPM access token which will be used and encrypted in this interactive shell:
travis setup npm
This will generate or upgrade the .travis.yml
file in the project. The relevant portion is
provider: npm
email: [email protected]
secure: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
tags: true
repo: ildella/pocket-cli
skip_cleanup: 'true'
This will publish to npm each tag that we push to GitHub like this:
git tag v0.x.x
git push origin v0.x.x
To release as a snap installer:
sudo apt install snapcraft