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Drunk Dragon vs. the Drag Queens

A browser based adventure game in which the player should at all costs prevent seeing daylight. Instead the player is destined to forever live a hedonistic lifestyle during endless summer nights, looking for ways to keep a low profile during the day.

Game concepts

The game is time bound and takes place in the 1980's. Each new game starts at the same date (see time-util.js).

Each game is also unique in that upon creation, the world is generated uniquely to the game's randomly generated creation hash. As such, no two games are the same.

Game model

The game is written using Vue with Vuex.

All the game's actors and properties are Object structures inside Vuex store states making these reactive.

In order to create a new structure, a factory pattern is provided and every game structure has its own factory (see ./src/model/factories/). You should never create your own Object structure but use a factory instead.

Operations on structures are done using the action modules (see ./src/model/actions/). A lot of structures specify their own getters as well as mutations (remember when changing values of a Vuex state object that these should be called from a Vuex store mutation-method).

While the game clock increments at a higher speed than in actual life, think of all time related operations (e.g. Effects) as if they were actual time (e.g. "the effect of this item should last for two hours in the perception of the player character"). The unit used is the millisecond and is automatically scaled to the game/real life ratio when creating a new Effect using the EffectFactory.

All of the games behaviour and time bound effects update in the same place: the updateGame()-handler in the game-module. This is bound to the render cycle of the game world (and deferred to animationFrame so the game is effectively paused when the browser/tab isn't focused).

Application source outline

  • ./assets/ resources referenced by the application e.g. images, fonts and spritesheets
  • ./components/ Vue components
  • ./definitions/ enumerations for game specific actions
  • ./model/ game actor factories and actions (e.g. game logic)
  • ./renderers/ visualisers of game actors (either as zCanvas "sprites" or Vue components)
  • ./services/ preloading / caching routines, etc.
  • ./store/ Vuex store root and sub modules
  • ./styles/ SASS stylesheets
  • ./utils/ common helper methods

Project setup

npm install


Create a local development server with hot module reload:

npm run dev

Creating a production build (build output will reside in ./dist/-folder):

npm run build

Running unit tests:

npm run test

Debug helpers

Certain useful methods are defined inside a rpg Object which is scoped onto Window. See the created-hook in rpg.vue for details.


  • Cave in secret island should be filled with drabs

  • Implement swamp for extra excitement? And swamp monsters

  • Implement finale with nice story, text and images, yo.

  • getDamageForAttack needs to take opponent defense properties into account, e.g.: clothing can increase defense

  • Drag swag/charisma == mana ** Show in status view

  • characters that are more intoxicated than boosted should not be able to dodge

  • jewelry increases charisma / attraction for QUEENS (but TOO much is a negative thing as it makes them jealous)

  • create helmet type hair (not user selectable), assign these to door guards. create door guard sprite

  • bar interaction : make conversation less friendly when 0/low charisma occurs

  • characters that are moderately boosted should have higher charisma towards others of the same state

  • shop intro and no items text should be unique per shop type

  • first city should have door guard with liquor or medicine intent (as there are guaranteed to be these stores)

  • Do not repeat the same sentence in a conversation

  • Tweak conversations, also add intent specific replies and thank you's.

  • Randomize attackType for opponents

  • Miss and hit success randomization needs to take previous misses into account to regain excitement

  • sometimes shops are placed in cities that have exceeded their designed shop max ?

  • building floors should generate stairs with sufficient tiles around (to prevent not being able to navigate in a certain direction when entering at a corner)

  • characters should be generated in spinning circle logic similar to generateGroups

  • Place bar queens in building-factory according to same logic as drabs, ideally blocking a path

  • When fighting other queens, make "vogue" an action (using drag swag)

  • Leaving building from exit can put you somewhere completely else on the map!!

  • Create heavily made up eyes, massive earrings and facial hair style

  • Generate objects on city roads and inside buildings similar to trees (make sure no roads are blocked!)

  • Hotel/bed should be fully navigatable, not just bottom center tile

  • Show building floor level in status view

  • Prevent creating double walls when generating floors (and restore skipped unit test)

  • Unit tests for hourNow !== lastHour in game-module.updateGame()

  • Tweak attack efficiency against drabs

  • Should running away not completely reposition the opponent but keep it somewhere within the screen?

  • Do not save player walk effects when saving during walk (one save game got 'stuck')

  • Walking left/right on overground does weird jumps when using keyboard control?

  • When vacating building/shop as effect timeout is exceeded, close active screens before showing dialog

  • Animate player position on map (pulsating circle)

  • Waypoint path finder should not go over exits when calculating path inside building (exists are only valid as destination tile)

  • Display product capabilities in shop display

  • offer option to fight door queens ? (they should be stronger by a few levels)

  • replace pines with more tropical trees

  • add store to sell fake nails (increases attack)

  • More attack types depending on item / level ?

  • Dynamic components need a loader

  • Describe in manual how different properties of intoxication/boost affect charisma (also show this on-screen!)

  • should dragon get stronger / more drunk depending on hour of night ?

  • When fighting / entering building, environment coordinates are messed up?

  • changes to opponent should also reflect to appropriate world.characters instance (e.g. battle after run away should not restore health of dragon!)

  • Don't enter exit unless path ends at its exact coordinate

  • Can we give announcement of closing time when entering building?

  • Do not reposition when engaging in a battle (environmentactions.hitTest)

  • Identify shop types by their exterior

  • Bug: When navigating by the world edge, tiles on the opposite end are also marked as visited

  • Create fast travel by introducing subway (can only travel to visited areas!) ?

  • Overworld must become lighter when morning comes

  • Keep track of important dates (Christmas, New Year)

  • Fix popup of objects at screen edge

CLEANUPS (not urgent) :

  • world-renderer isValidTarget|maxWalkableTile|and pre calc of waypoints is duplicating environment-actions unnecessarily!
  • Move WORLD_TYPE, BUILDING_TYPE, ...TILES etc out of factories and into definitions file
  • if you are feeling brave you can start using the unused tiles in the floor sheet in environment-bitmap-cacher for the corner types
  • setIntoxication should be generic update character effect (so it works with any character, not just player)?
  • Should we rename World-factory > Overground-factory ?? world.vue > map.vue ?
  • Code duplication between overground- and building-renderer.renderObjects
  • Character-actions doesn't actually commit mutations, is more of a utility or factory...
  • Short fade out of current track when starting next playback