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(test template)

Two railway track alignments without cant

Test code Test author Test dataset source Test direction
AL22 Evandro Alfieri RFI Export


This test case addresses the export of the required IFC entities for the exchange of data related to two railway track alignments without cant.

Main IFC concept templates involved in this test
  • Project Global Positioning
  • Alignment Layout
  • Spatial Decomposition
  • Spatial Containment
  • Alignment Geometry
  • Alignment Geometry Gradient


All validation criteria (and usages) of prerequisites' tests shall be verified for this test too (regression test principle). Prerequisites for the present test case are listed below.

Test code Test title Comments
PJ01 Project Setup none
GL01 Global Positioning RFI dataset none

Test dataset (input)

This test case utilises the dataset collected in the Dataset folder and summarised in the table below. For more details on each item see Dataset description.

Filename Type (format) Description
LineLayout figure (svg) Schematic line layout of the test case
Alignment1_horizontal csv Alignment parameters for horizontal segments of the Primary Route
Alignment2_horizontal csv Alignment parameters for horizontal segments of the Diverted Route
Alignment1_vertical csv Alignment parameters for vertical segments of the Primary Route
Alignment2_vertical csv Alignment parameters for vertical segments of the Diverted Route

Validation criteria

⚡ For this test case to be considered passed, all criteria listed in this section, and the ones of prerequisites tests shall be verified. ⚡

Formal rules

GENE_00 All validation criteria of precondition's tests shall be verified
GENE_01 All requested entities (and attributes) exist in file As per Entities Table

Entities Table

Element Attribute Value Notes
IfcAlignment Name Alignment 1_Primary route
ObjectType Railway track alignment
PredefinedType USERDEFINED
IfcAlignment Name Alignment 2_Diverted route
ObjectType Railway track alignment
PredefinedType USERDEFINED
IfcAlignmentHorizontal Name AH1
IfcAlignmentVertical Name AV1
IfcAlignmentHorizontal Name AH2
IfcAlignmentVertical Name AV2
IfcSite Name Sito
Description 'One of the many sites that can be present in the file'
IfcRailway Name LO1336
Description Foligno
ObjectType Località
PredefinedType USERDEFINED
CompositionType ELEMENT
Railway alignment (without cant)

Acceptance criteria: For the Railway alignment (without cant) capability, the validation procedure must verify that all the following validation criteria are satisfied.

SITE_00 All IfcAlignment shall always be contained in an IfcSite
ALIG_00 Alignment layout structure is verified See steps
ALIG_01 Number of alignments contained in file [2]
ALIG_02 Parameters of alignment segments are verified As per Alignment Table
ALIG_03 Alignment geometric compliance is verified As per Alignment geometric compliance document
DIST_02 Required precision for length of alignment's segments [0,0001] or [1.E-4]
ANGL_02 Required precision for angles and slope of alignment's segments [0,000001] or [1.E-6]
ALIG_00 steps
ALIG_00.1 Each IfcAlignment must nest exactly 1 IfcAlignmentHorizontal
ALIG_00.2 Each IfcAlignment must nest at most 1 IfcAlignmentVertical
ALIG_00.3 Each IfcAlignment must nest exactly 1 IfcAlignmentVertical
ALIG_00.6 Each IfcAlignmentHorizontal must be nested only by 1 IfcAlignment
ALIG_00.7 Each IfcAlignmentVertical must be nested only by 1 IfcAlignment
ALIG_00.9 Each IfcAlignment must nest only the following entities: IfcAlignmentHorizontal, IfcAlignmentVertical, IfcAlignmentCant, IfcReferent, IfcAlignment
ALIG_00.10 Each IfcAlignmentHorizontal nests a list of IfcAlignmentSegment, each of which has DesignParameters typed as IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment
ALIG_00.11 Each IfcAlignmentVertical nests a list of IfcAlignmentSegment, each of which has DesignParameters typed as IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment
Details for DIST_02 and ANGL_02

Precision for length (DIST_002) applies to the values of the following attributes:

  • IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment.StartPoint
  • IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment.SegmentLength
  • IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment.StartDistAlong
  • IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment.HorizontalLength
  • IfcAlignmentCantSegment.StartDistAlong
  • IfcAlignmentCantSegment.HorizontalLength

Precision for angles and slope (ANGL_002) applies to the values of the following attributes:

  • IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment.StartDirection
Spatial (De)Composition
SDEC_01 Spatial decomposition is verified As per Spatial (De)Composition Table

Acceptance criteria: For the Spatial decomposition capability, the validation procedure must verify that a Parent Element of the requested type aggregates (via IfcRelAggregates) exactly a given number of Child Elements of the requested type, no more and no less.

SDEC_01 details: Spatial decomposition is verified
  • Given a set of elements taken from the Spatial (De)Composition Table
  • Then the Parent Element, and optionally the Parent Element Type, exists
  • And the Parent Element must aggregate at least a number within [MinSize..MaxSize] of the requested Child Element

Spatial (De)Composition Table

Parent Element Parent Element Type Parent Element Name MinSize MaxSize Child Element Child Element Type Child Element Name
IfcProject IFC4.3AbRV Project 1 1 IfcSite Sito
IfcSite Sito 1 1 IfcRailway LO1336

Bullet point example:

  • IfcProject (Name: IFC4.3AbRV Project)
    • IfcSite (Name: Sito)
      • IfcRailway (Name: LO1336)
Spatial Containment
SCON_01 Spatial containment is verified As per Spatial Containment Table

Acceptance criteria: For the Spatial containment capability, the validation procedure must verify that a Spatial Element of the requested type contains (via IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure) exactly a given number of Elements of the requested type, no more and no less.

SCON_01 details: Spatial containment is verified
  • Given a set of elements taken from the Spatial Containment Table
  • Then the Spatial Element, and optionally the Spatial Element Type, exists
  • And the Spatial Element must contain at least a number within [MinSize..MaxSize] of the requested Element

Spatial Containment Table

Spatial Element Spatial Element Type MinSize MaxSize Element Element Type
IfcSite 2 2 IfcAlignment Railway track alignment

Bullet point example:

  • IfcProject (Name: IFC4.3AbRV Project)
    • IfcSite (Name: Sito)
      • IfcAlignment (Name: Alignment 1_Primary route)
      • IfcAlignment (Name: Alignment 2_Diverted route)
      • IfcRailway (Name: LO1336)

Informal criteria


Expected geometry

Control parameters

The parameters contained in the following sections are meant to support the validation of the correct creation of the alignment, based on the dataset provided in this test.

IMPORTANT: These parameters can be used also to support the validation of import into a receiving application. To do so, IfcReferent entities shall be above have to be defined.

Alignment 1_Primary route
ALIG_10 Horizontal Starting point Mileage (pk) 0+000
ALIG_11 Horizontal Starting point DistAlong 0.0000
ALIG_12 Horizontal Starting point X 452413.9199
ALIG_13 Horizontal Starting point Y 4539456.4011
ALIG_14 Vertical Starting point Mileage 0+000
ALIG_15 Vertical Starting point Z 5.0000
ALIG_16 Horizontal Ending point Mileage (pk) 0+876.3682
ALIG_17 Horizontal Ending point DistAlong 876.3682
ALIG_18 Horizontal Ending point X 453202.5241
ALIG_19 Horizontal Ending point Y 4539831.9287
ALIG_20 Vertical Ending point Mileage 0+876.3682
ALIG_21 Vertical Ending point Z 2.0000
ALIG_22 Total 2D length of alignment (horizontal projection) 876.3682
ALIG_23 Total 3D length of alignment 876.3819
ALIG_24 Height difference between start and end point of alignment 3D curve -3.0000
Alignment 2_Diverted route
ALIG_10 Horizontal Starting point Mileage (pk) 0+000
ALIG_11 Horizontal Starting point DistAlong 0.0000
ALIG_12 Horizontal Starting point X 452460.8898
ALIG_13 Horizontal Starting point Y 4539473.5425
ALIG_14 Vertical Starting point Mileage 0+000
ALIG_15 Vertical Starting point Z 5.0000
ALIG_16 Horizontal Ending point Mileage (pk) 0+828.0965
ALIG_17 Horizontal Ending point DistAlong 828.0965
ALIG_18 Horizontal Ending point X 453208.8311
ALIG_19 Horizontal Ending point Y 4539818.3191
ALIG_20 Vertical Ending point Mileage 0+828.0965
ALIG_21 Vertical Ending point Z 2.0000
ALIG_22 Total 2D length of alignment (horizontal projection) 828.0965
ALIG_23 Total 3D length of alignment 828.1099
ALIG_24 Height difference between start and end point of alignment 3D curve -3.0000