Protocol | Signature | Type | Description |
broadlink | broadlink:<b64>:<frequency?=0> | raw | Broadlink base64 raw format |
coolix | coolix:<data> | IR | Coolix 24-bit IR code |
dish | dish:<command>:<receiver?=1> | IR | Dish Network IR code |
duration | duration:<durations>:<frequency?=0> | raw | Raw durations format |
jvc | jvc:<address>:<command> | IR | JVC IR code |
lg | lg:<data>:<nbits?=28> | IR | LG IR code |
midea | midea:<code> | IR | Midea 48-bit IR code. |
miio | miio:<b64>:<frequency?=38400> | raw | Miio base64 raw format |
nec | nec:<address>:<command> | IR | NEC IR code (8bit and extended 16bit ) |
nexa | nexa:<device>:<group>:<state>:<channel>:<level> | RF | Nexa RF code |
panasonic | panasonic:<address>:<command> | IR | Panasonic IR code |
pioneer | pioneer:<rc_code_1>:<rc_code_2?=0> | IR | Pioneer IR code |
pronto | pronto:<data>:<frequency?=0> | raw | Pronto hex raw format |
rc5 | rc5:<address>:<command> | IR | RC5 IR code |
rc_switch | rc_switch:<data>:<nbits>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0> | IR | RC switch data with preset |
rc_switch_a | rc_switch_a:<group>:<device>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0> | IR | RC Switch Type A (10 pole DIP switch) |
rc_switch_b | rc_switch_b:<address>:<channel>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0> | IR | RC Switch Type B (two rotary/sliding switches with four setting) |
rc_switch_c | rc_switch_c:<family>:<device>:<group>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0> | IR | RC Switch Type C (Intertechno) |
rc_switch_d | rc_switch_d:<group>:<device>:<state>:<preset>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0> | IR | RC Switch Type D (Status) |
samsung | samsung:<address>:<command> | IR | Samsung IR code. 32 bits |
samsung36 | samsung36:<address>:<command> | IR | Samsumg36 IR code. It transmits the address and command in two packets separated by a “space”. |
sony | sony:<data>:<nbits?=12> | IR | Sony IR code |
toshiba_ac | toshiba_ac:<rc_code_1>:<rc_code_2?=0> | IR | Toshiba AC IR code |
Broadlink base64 raw format
Type: raw
Signature: broadlink:<b64>:<frequency?=0>
b64: Base 64 encoded data
frequency: Frequency
optional. Default: 0
Coolix 24-bit IR code
Type: IR
Signature: coolix:<data>
data: Code to send
range: 0-24bits
This protocol expects a minimum of 2 repeats
Dish Network IR code
Type: IR
Signature: dish:<command>:<receiver?=1>
command: Command to send
range: 0-63
receiver: Receiver ID to target
optional. Default: 1
range: 1-16
Raw durations format
Type: raw
Signature: duration:<durations>:<frequency?=0>
durations: List of durations (comma separated)
frequency: Frequency
optional. Default: 0
JVC IR code
Type: IR
Signature: jvc:<address>:<command>
address: Address code to send
range: 0-8bits
command: Command code to send
range: 0-8bits
LG IR code
Type: IR
Signature: lg:<data>:<nbits?=28>
data: LG code to send
range: 0-32bits
nbits: Number of bits to send (28 or 32)
optional. Default: 28
range: 0-32
values: [28, 32]
Midea 48-bit IR code.
Type: IR
Signature: midea:<code>
code: 48-bit Midea code to send
range: 0-48bits
Miio base64 raw format
Type: raw
Signature: miio:<b64>:<frequency?=38400>
b64: Base 64 encoded data
frequency: Frequency
optional. Default: 38400
NEC IR code (8bit and extended 16bit )
Type: IR
Signature: nec:<address>:<command>
address: Address to send
range: 0-16bits
command: Command to send
range: 0-16bits
If address/command is 8bits, then basic NEC is assumed, added the inverted address/command redundancy.
Nexa RF code
Type: RF
Signature: nexa:<device>:<group>:<state>:<channel>:<level>
device: Nexa device code
range: 0-32bits
group: Nexa group code
range: 0-1
state: Nexa state code to send (0-OFF, 1-ON, 2-DIMMER LEVEL)
range: 0-2
channel: Nexa channel code
range: 0-15
level: Nexa level code
range: 0-8bits
Panasonic IR code
Type: IR
Signature: panasonic:<address>:<command>
address: Address to send
range: 0-16bits
command: NEC command to send
range: 0-32bits
Pioneer IR code
Type: IR
Signature: pioneer:<rc_code_1>:<rc_code_2?=0>
rc_code_1: Remote control code
range: 0-16bits
rc_code_2: Secondary remote control code. Some code are sent in two parts
optional. Default: 0
range: 0-16bits
Pioneer devices may require that a given code is received multiple times before they will act on it.
If unable to find your specific device in the documentation, find a device in the same class, as the codes are largely shared among devices within a given class.
Pronto hex raw format
Type: raw
Signature: pronto:<data>:<frequency?=0>
data: Data in hex codes space separated
frequency: Frequency
optional. Default: 0
RC5 IR code
Type: IR
Signature: rc5:<address>:<command>
address: Address to send
range: 0-31
command: RC5 command to send
range: 0-127
RC switch data with preset
Type: IR
Signature: rc_switch:<data>:<nbits>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0>
data: Raw code to send
range: 0-64bits
nbits: Number of bits of data to transmit
range: 1-64
preset: Preset number 1-8 or 0 for custom durations
optional. Default: 1
range: 0-8
sync_high: Sync High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
sync_low: Sync Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_high: One High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_low: One Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_high: Zero High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_low: Zero Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
RC Switch Type A (10 pole DIP switch)
Type: IR
Signature: rc_switch_a:<group>:<device>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0>
group: Group
range: 0-31
device: Device
range: 0-31
state: State
range: 0-1
preset: Preset number 1-8 or 0 for custom durations
optional. Default: 1
range: 0-8
sync_high: Sync High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
sync_low: Sync Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_high: One High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_low: One Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_high: Zero High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_low: Zero Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
RC Switch Type B (two rotary/sliding switches with four setting)
Type: IR
Signature: rc_switch_b:<address>:<channel>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0>
address: Address
range: 1-4
channel: Channel
range: 1-4
state: State
range: 0-1
preset: Preset number 1-8 or 0 for custom durations
optional. Default: 1
range: 0-8
sync_high: Sync High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
sync_low: Sync Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_high: One High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_low: One Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_high: Zero High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_low: Zero Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
RC Switch Type C (Intertechno)
Type: IR
Signature: rc_switch_c:<family>:<device>:<group>:<state>:<preset?=1>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0>
family: Family A=0 to P=15
range: 0-15
device: Device
range: 1-4
group: Group
range: 1-4
state: State
range: 0-1
preset: Preset number 1-8 or 0 for custom durations
optional. Default: 1
range: 0-8
sync_high: Sync High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
sync_low: Sync Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_high: One High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_low: One Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_high: Zero High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_low: Zero Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
RC Switch Type D (Status)
Type: IR
Signature: rc_switch_d:<group>:<device>:<state>:<preset>:<sync_high?=0>:<sync_low?=0>:<one_high?=0>:<one_low?=0>:<zero_high?=0>:<zero_low?=0>
group: Group
range: 1-4
device: Device
range: 1-3
state: State
range: 0-1
preset: Preset number 1-8 or 0 for custom durations
range: 0-8
sync_high: Sync High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
sync_low: Sync Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_high: One High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
one_low: One Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_high: Zero High duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
zero_low: Zero Low duration (for Preset 0)
optional. Default: 0
range: -2147483648-32bits
Samsung IR code. 32 bits
Type: IR
Signature: samsung:<address>:<command>
address: Customer code
range: 0-8bits
command: Command code
range: 0-8bits
Samsumg36 IR code. It transmits the address and command in two packets separated by a “space”.
Type: IR
Signature: samsung36:<address>:<command>
address: Address to send
range: 0-16bits
command: Samsung36 command to send
range: 0-1048575
Sony IR code
Type: IR
Signature: sony:<data>:<nbits?=12>
data: Code to send
range: 0-32bits
nbits: Number of bits to send (12, 15 or 20)
optional. Default: 12
range: 0-20
values: [12, 15, 20]
Toshiba AC IR code
Type: IR
Signature: toshiba_ac:<rc_code_1>:<rc_code_2?=0>
rc_code_1: Remote control code
range: 0-48bits
rc_code_2: Secondary remote control code. Some code are sent in two parts
optional. Default: 0
range: 0-48bits