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Releases: hydecorp/hydejack


27 Nov 10:30
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  • Fixed storing user-related data before accepting cookies.
  • Fixed tab order of cookie banner, so keyboard users can access it more easily.
  • Accepting cookies no longer causes a page reload in some browsers.
  • Fixed appearance of the okay button in the free version.
  • Menu icon now useable while the cookies banner is active.
  • Loading icon is now visible while the cookies banner is active.
  • Removed cookies banner from print layout.
  • Removed inline styles from cookie banner.


26 Nov 15:42
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  • Allow markdown in copyright string

  • Added theme_color front-matter property to micro-manage the value of the the theme-color meta tag.
    When not set, will use accent_color.

  • Added theme_color site setting, to set the value of themeColor in the app manifest.
    When not set, will use accent_color.

  • Added cookies_banner setting:

    # file: _config.yml
      cookies_banner: true

    Enabling this setting will show a notice at the top of the page to new visitors.
    You can change the wording of the notice in _data/strings.yml
    with the cookies_banner.text and cookies_banner.okay keys:

    # file: _data/strings.yml
      text: This site uses cookies.
      okay: Okay


  • Drawer no longer resizes/repaints in iOS Safari (iPhone) and Chrome for Android when the address bar autohides.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the drawer flicker/open unexpectedly when scrolling in mobile browsers.
  • Fixed how image works when using the jekyll-seo-tag plugin.


  • Changed how line breaks work in resume layout
  • Changed margins of horizontals lines


  • Updated docs
  • Updated posts


17 Nov 13:38
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  • Allow markdown content on projects layout.
  • Renamed big_project option on projects to featured (big_project still works)


  • Fixed default font weights
  • Fixed hard-coded /projects/ URL in project layout
  • Link to feed.xml is only generated when using the jekyll-feed plugin


13 Nov 11:27
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  • Added _sass/my-variables.scss file, which you can use to selectively override SCSS variables.
  • Font weights can now be configured via SCSS variables:
    • $font-weight for normal font.
    • $font-weight-bold for strong tags and similar.
    • $font-weight-heading for headings.


  • Message boxes will no longer span the full width, even with the break layout feature enabled.
  • Increased space between project card rows, so they look less like a brick wall.


  • Reduced the draw range of the drawer on iOS, so that a larger portion of the screen is available for zooming (a11y).
  • Default images are now optimized, so they are no longer flagged by Google PageSpeed Insights and similar tools.
  • Query parameters are no longer used for cache busting.
    Instead, the version number is no part of the file name for the CSS and JS resources.


03 Nov 11:06
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  • Fix IE11 feature detection


02 Nov 16:42
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  • Renamed no_description to hide_description.
    Since this feature isn't yet documented outside of the change log, the old name will not continue to work.
  • When providing images to image, image.path, image.src, image.srcset and accent_image ,
    it is no longer necessary to prepend the url with the baseurl of the site,
    e.g. values like accent_image: /assets/img/sidebar-bg.jpg are now valid.
  • Limited scope of a and img styles to content areas.
  • Upgraded KaTeX to v0.8.3
  • Upgraded jekyll-relative-links to v5.0.1


  • font and font_heading are now properly set when using the no_inline_css option #47.
  • Fixed default values for image and logo that were referring to non-existing images.
  • Added missing JS dev dependencies.


  • Updated documentation
  • Updated index, download, about and README pages.


27 Oct 08:32
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  • Removed readme files from assets that would show up as pages when building on GitHub Pages #42.
  • Disabled push state on Firefox for iOS


  • Updated documentation
  • Changed some default settings in _config.yml
  • Removed outdated example script in my-scripts.html


24 Oct 09:31
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License Change

The free version of Hydejack is now [GPL-3.0] licensed, which is a more restrictive license than MIT (but still Open Source). This was necessary because the two major components that make up Hydejack, hy-push-state and hy-drawer, are now GPL licensed in turn.

How will this affect you?

  • You can continue to use previous versions of Hydejack according to their license (MIT).
  • If you upgrade, keep the source code in a public repository and make sure you include the new file.
    DO NOT publish the new code with an old license.
  • If you upgrade and make changes to the source code, you are required to make those changes available to the public
    under a GPL-3.0 compatible license.

The full license text is available [here][GPL-3.0].
You can read a summary on tl;drLegel.

If this change is not acceptable to you, DO NOT upgrade or consider [buying][buy] a [PRO license][PRO-license].

Note that the above does not constitute legal advice.


This is a major release, but almost all options and APIs that were described in the docs continue to work.
Some names have changed and are no longer mentioned in the docs, but they are still part of the code and continue to work.

That being said, you should be aware of these (small) breaking changes:

  • (Fav-)icons are now located in /assets/img/icons/. To change the (fav-)icon of the page, edit the images in the folder.
    Buyers of the PRO version get a .psd file to assist the creation.

  • Changed the way tables work, so that they do the right thing more often.
    Tables are now scrollable by default, but small tables are no longer stretched to span the full width.
    Setting scroll-table on a larger table is sill recommended, as it will set white-space: nowrap.

  • Autogenerated ids for posts now look like post-2017-01-01-my-title instead of post-2017/01/01/my-title.

  • Event names described in the scripting chapter have changed from y-push-state-* to hy-push-state-*,
    except y-push-state-animationend, which has been removed. See the docs for more.


  • image has been renamed to accent_image, but image continues to work unless you add the jekyll-seo-tag plugin.
    This change was necessary because jekyll-seo-tag uses the image keyword to set the thumbnail image of a page.
    While it may be desirable to use the same image for both the sidebar and the thumbnail,
    the new preferred way to set sidebar images is by using the accent_image key.

  • color has been renamed to accent_color to be consistent with the new accent_image key, but color continues to work.

  • Various options that do not make sense outside the context of Hydejack (like no_push_state or no_drawer)
    have been moved under a common hydejack key. However, the old options continue to work.

      no_push_state: false
      no_drawer: false
  • All plugins (gems) are now optional.
    The gem-based version of the theme no longer uses any plugins by default,
    while the download version follow a "batteries-included" approach and enables some by default.

  • Links to the /assets/ folder are no longer intercepted by the push state features,
    which means clickable images and download links should work fine now.

  • Reader views in Firefox and Safari have an easier time recognizing the main content.

  • [Internal] No more <style> tags in the body.

  • [Internal] Content that is generated via JS (error pages, loading, etc...) is now cloned from template tags,
    where it is easier to modify (but before you do, check out the new _data/strings.yml file).

  • [Internal] Changed how CSS code is organized.
    Previously there were two versions of each CSS file for each 'topic',
    one containing core styles to be inlined into the page, the other containing those fetched asynchronously via link tag.
    Now there is only one file per topic, with the parts to be inlined/linked marked with comments.
    A script has been added to "split" the CSS into the inline/link parts.
    Note that this does not affect your my-*.scss files.

  • [Internal] Many CSS classnames have changes, specifically those that would conflict with Bootstrap class names.

  • [Internal] Many files in _includes have been reorganized, specially head.html and body.html have been broken up into smaller parts.

  • [Internal] The y-drawer component (MIT) has been replaced with the hy-drawer component (GPL-3.0).

  • [Internal] The y-push-state component (MIT) has been replaced with the hy-push-state component (GPL-3.0).


  • The theme now has support for the jekyll-seo-tag plugin.
    To use this gem, make sure you use the latest Gemfile and Gemfile.lock and run bundle install.
    In your config file, add jekyll-seo-tag to plugins (formerly called gems).

  • All texts that were previously hard-coded into the theme can now be configured via _data/strings.yml.
    This makes it possible to change certain phases without having to change source files,
    but it should also make it easier to use Hydejack with other languages.
    Time and date formats can also be configured, using Ruby's
    format directives.

  • The lang key now accepts values like en-us or de_AT.

  • Made the site "mobile web app capable"

    • Added manifest.json for "Add to Homescreen" support on Android
    • Added theme-color meta tag that matches the accent_color and changes dynamically
    • Added apple-mobile-web-app-* meta tags
    • Added ieconfig.xml for "Pin to start menu" support in Windows 10.
    • Old icons and new ones are now located in assets/icons.
  • Hydejack now marks up content as structured data, to the extent possible.
    The resume is provided as
    as well as hCard,
    while projects are provided as
    You can use the Structured Data Testing Tool to see the results.

    If you do not want to expose your data in machine-readable form, you can set the no_structured_data flag to true in your config file.

      no_structured_data: true

    Note that this only applies to the resume and project layout, not the data generated by by jekyll-seo-tag
    (Facebook Open Graph and Twitter cards).

  • [PRO] Added "big projects". You can make a project card span the entire content width (instead of half),
    by setting big_project to true in the project's front matter.

  • [PRO] The welcome layout now has a content_separator option,
    which allows content to move below the "Selected/Latest Projects" and "Selected/Latest Posts" section.

    layout: welcome
    content_separator: <!--more-->
    Content above
    Content below
  • [PRO] The PRO version now has built-in support for Tinyletter.
    To show a newsletter subscription box below each post, set tinyletter: <username> in your config file.
    If you want to use a different mailing provider, you can add your own form in _includes/my-newsletter.html.

  • [PRO] The PRO version now includes styles for input elements, using the same CSS class names as Bootstrap.
    Check out the Bootstrap docs to learn more.

  • [PRO] Added links to random posts at the bottom of each post. This can be beneficial for search engine rankings and content discovery.
    You can remove them with the new post_addons option (see below).

  • [PRO] If a endDate is missing in your resume.json, it will render as "<startDate> -- present".
    You can change the wording in the new strings.yml file.

  • Added support for jekyll-avatar.
    If this plugin is enabled in your config file, it will show the avatar of your github account
    (, author.github.username author.github).

  • Added support for jekyll-gist.

  • You can now add links to external sites in the sidebar.
    Create a file like and add a title, menu, order (optional) and a redirect_to field to the front matter, e.g.:

    title: External
    menu: true

    You may combine this with the jekyll-redirect-from plugin
    to generate a redirect page, but this is optional.

  • You can now configure the order of complementary content below posts and projects.
    By default, Hydejack will show the author first (if any), the newsletter box next (if any),
    and related posts/projects last.

      post_addons:    [about, newsletter, related, random]
      project_addons: [about, newsletter, other]

    To change the order in the output, change to order in the array.
    You can also drop entries from the output by removing them from the list.

  • Added an error page that is shown when client-side network errors occur. It contains a link to retry loading the page.
    Previously, the browser's default error page would have been shown.

  • Added no_description option to pages to prevent the content of description fields to show up in the output.
    This allows you to use the description field in the front matter to set descriptions for search engines and sharing on social media,
    without havin...

Read more


10 Aug 19:27
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  • Fixed sending incorrect paths to Google Analytics.
    In previous versions, Hydejack would always send the URL of the initial page for all subsequent page views.
    Thanks @dannydwarren for pointing this out.
  • Fixed tagline not showing up in the title.


07 Aug 15:44
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  • Dependencies from external domains have been removed
    (with the exception of those that are explicitly defined and optional: Google Analytics, Google Fonts and Disqus).
    Instead, they are now located in the assets folder and managed via Bower.
  • KaTeX is no longer loaded on pages that do not contain math blocks.
  • preload link tags no longer use onload. Instead callbacks are registered within a script tag.
  • Code in code blocks is no longer smaller sized than inline code.