Thanks for your interest in contributing to LogLevelChanger
If you intent to do larger changes it is advisable to open an Issue issue first, describing the problem and the intentions. This helps reducing wasted effort and duplicated work by allowing This helps avoiding duplicate work or your changes being refused for some reason. to discuss the change first.
Of course you are free to just fork the project, do the intented changes and create a pull request.
LogLevelChanger is only compatible with Java 6 to 8 and does not run with new Java versions. It would be nice to have it compatible with Java 9+. If you are interested in providing that compatibility please open an Issue about it with a short description on how you want to achieve that goal.
Being a java program LogLevelChanger already is platform independent. But the provided shell script is only provided for Unix-like systems. It would be nice to have shell scripts for other systems (especially MacOS and Windows), too.
When writing some code please follow our code conventions.
Please structure your commits logically and respect the original formatting. Do not change formattings unrelated to any functional changes, even if the existing formatting violates the styleguide. To do such formatting changes, please prepare a separate pull request.