Terra is a framework of data types and a domain specific language (DSL) for representing Quantities, their Units of Measure, and their Dimensional relationships. The API supports typesafe dimensional analysis, improved domain models and more. All types are immutable and thread-safe. This library is a rewrite of Squants but fixes bug, adds additional quantities and adds the ability to swap out the types used by the library to do its calculations. Scala 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13 are supported.
For the impatient, use these imports:
import org.terra.standard._
import time.Seconds
import space.Meters
// etc...
There are four versions of the Quantity classes to use and you choose which one you use by importing either:
- import org.terra.standard._ or
- import org.terra.common._ or
- import org.terra.classic._ or
- import org.terra.double._
Then you import the rest of your normal Quantity, Dimension and Unit classes with all the same overrides, numerics and operator overloads.
Then you can write the exact same code as with Squants (with a few exceptions).
Several bugs from Squants have been fixed including issues with the
default MoneyContext being used in unexpected places even when a custom
MoneyContext is in scope. These changes cause the Price type to be changed
to a PricePer type which takes a type parameter which is the type of the
thing being priced. So price per square yard would be PricePer[Area]
The Trouble with Doubles
When building programs that perform dimensional analysis, developers are quick to declare quantities using a basic numeric type, usually Double. While this may be satisfactory in some situations, it can often lead to semantic and other logic issues.
For example, when using a Double to describe quantities of Energy (kWh) and Power (kW), it is possible to compile a program that adds these two values together. This is not appropriate as kW and kWh measure quantities of two different dimensions. The unit kWh is used to measure an amount of Energy used or produced. The unit kW is used to measure Power/Load, the rate at which Energy is being used or produced, that is, Power is the first time derivative of Energy.
Power = Energy / Time
Consider the following code:
scala> val loadKw = 1.2
loadKw: Double = 1.2
scala> val energyMwh = 24.2
energyMwh: Double = 24.2
scala> val sumKw = loadKw + energyMwh
sumKw: Double = 25.4
This example not only adds quantities of different dimensions (Power vs Energy), it also fails to convert the scales implied in the val names (Mega vs Kilo). Because this code compiles, detection of these errors is pushed further into the development cycle.
Only quantities with the same dimensions may be compared, equated, added, or subtracted.
Terra helps prevent errors like these by type checking operations at compile time and automatically applying scale and type conversions at run-time. For example:
scala> import org.terra.standard.energy.{Kilowatts, Megawatts, Power}
import org.terra.standard.energy.{Kilowatts, Megawatts, Power}
scala> val load1: Power = Kilowatts(12)
load1: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 12.0 kW
scala> val load2: Power = Megawatts(0.023)
load2: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 0.023 MW
scala> val sum = load1 + load2
sum: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 35.0 kW
scala> sum == Kilowatts(35)
res0: Boolean = true
scala> sum == Megawatts(0.035) // comparisions automatically convert scale
res1: Boolean = true
The above sample works because Kilowatts and Megawatts are both units of Power. Only the scale is different and the library applies an appropriate conversion. Also, notice that keeping track of the scale within the value name is no longer needed:
scala> import org.terra.standard.energy.{Energy, Power, Kilowatts, KilowattHours}
import org.terra.standard.energy.{Energy, Power, Kilowatts, KilowattHours}
scala> val load: Power = Kilowatts(1.2)
load: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1.2 kW
scala> val energy: Energy = KilowattHours(23.0)
energy: org.terra.standard.energy.Energy = 23.0 kWh
Invalid operations, like adding power and energy, no longer compile:
scala> val sum = load + energy
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : org.terra.standard.energy.Energy
required: org.terra.standard.energy.Power
val sum = load + energy
By using stronger types, we catch the error earlier in the development cycle, preventing the error made when using Double in the example above.
One may take quantities with different dimensions, and multiply or divide them.
Dimensionally correct type conversions are a key feature of Terra.
Conversions are implemented by defining relationships between Quantity types using the *
and /
Code samples in this section assume these imports:
import org.terra.standard._
import energy.{Kilowatts, Power}
import time.{Hours, Days}
The following code demonstrates creating ratio between two quantities of the same dimension, resulting in a dimensionless value:
scala> val ratio = Days(1) / Hours(3)
ratio: Double = 8.0
This code demonstrates use of the Power.*
method that takes a Time
and returns an Energy
scala> val load = Kilowatts(1.2)
load: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1.2 kW
scala> val time = Hours(2)
time: org.terra.standard.time.Time = 2.0 h
scala> val energyUsed = load * time
energyUsed: org.terra.standard.energy.Energy = 2400.0 Wh
This code demonstrates use of the Energy./
method that takes a Time
and returns a Power
scala> val aveLoad: Power = energyUsed / time
aveLoad: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 W
Code samples in this section assume these imports:
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.terra.standard._ // determines which datatypes are used by Terra
import energy.{Gigawatts, Kilowatts, Power, Megawatts}
import mass.MassConversions._
import mass.{Kilograms, Pounds}
import thermal.TemperatureConversions._
import thermal.Fahrenheit
Quantity values are based in the units used to create them.
scala> val loadA: Power = Kilowatts(1200)
loadA: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 kW
scala> val loadB: Power = Megawatts(1200)
loadB: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 MW
Since Terra properly equates values of a like dimension, regardless of the unit, there is usually no reason to explicitly convert from one to the other. This is especially true if the user code is primarily performing dimensional analysis.
However, there are times when you may need to set a Quantity value to a specific unit (eg, for proper JSON encoding).
When necessary, a quantity can be converted to another unit using the in
scala> val loadA = Kilowatts(1200)
loadA: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 kW
scala> val loadB = loadA in Megawatts
loadB: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1.2 MW
scala> val loadC = loadA in Gigawatts
loadC: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 0.0012 GW
Sometimes you need to get the numeric value of the quantity in a specific unit (eg, for submission to an external service that requires a numeric in a specified unit or to perform analysis beyond Squant's domain)
When necessary, the value can be extracted in the desired unit with the to
scala> val load: Power = Kilowatts(1200)
load: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 kW
scala> val kw: Double = load to Kilowatts
kw: Double = 1200.0
scala> val mw: Double = load to Megawatts
mw: Double = 1.2
scala> val gw: Double = load to Gigawatts
gw: Double = 0.0012
Most types include methods with convenient aliases for the to
scala> val kw: Double = load toKilowatts
kw: Double = 1200.0
scala> val mw: Double = load toMegawatts
mw: Double = 1.2
scala> val gw: Double = load toGigawatts
gw: Double = 0.0012
NOTE - It is important to use the to
method for extracting the numeric value,
as this ensures you will be getting the numeric value for the desired unit.
should not be accessed directly.
To prevent improper usage, direct access to the Quantity.value
field may be deprecated in a future version.
Creating strings formatted in the desired unit:
scala> val kw: String = load toString Kilowatts
kw: String = 1200.0 kW
scala> val mw: String = load toString Megawatts
mw: String = 1.2 MW
scala> val gw: String = load toString Gigawatts
gw: String = 0.0012 GW
Creating Tuple2[Double, String]
that includes a numeric value and unit symbol:
scala> val load: Power = Kilowatts(1200)
load: org.terra.standard.energy.Power = 1200.0 kW
scala> val kw = load toTuple
kw: (Double, String) = (1200.0,kW)
scala> val mw = load toTuple Megawatts
mw: (Double, String) = (1.2,MW)
scala> val gw = load toTuple Gigawatts
gw: (Double, String) = (0.0012,GW)
This can be useful for passing properly scaled quantities to other processes that do not use Terra, or require use of more basic types (Double, String)
Simple console based conversions (using DSL described below)
scala> 1.kilograms to Pounds
res0: Double = 2.2046226218487757
scala> kilogram / pound
res1: Double = 2.2046226218487757
scala> 2.1.pounds to Kilograms
res2: Double = 0.952543977
scala> 2.1.pounds / kilogram
res3: Double = 0.9525439770000002
scala> 100.C to Fahrenheit
res4: Double = 212.0
Market Types are similar but not quite the same as other quantities in the library. The primary type, Money, is a Dimensional Quantity, and its Units of Measure are Currencies. However, because the conversion multipliers between currency units can not be predefined, many of the behaviors have been overridden and augmented to realize correct behavior.
A Quantity of purchasing power measured in Currency units. Like other quantities, the Unit of Measures are used to create Money values.
scala> import org.terra.standard.market.{BTC, JPY, USD, XAU}
import org.terra.standard.market.{BTC, JPY, USD, XAU}
scala> val tenBucks = USD(10) // Money: 10 USD
tenBucks: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 1E+1 USD
scala> val someYen = JPY(1200) // Money: 1200 JPY
someYen: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 1.2E+3 JPY
scala> val goldStash = XAU(50) // Money: 50 XAU
goldStash: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 5E+1 XAU
scala> val digitalCache = BTC(50) // Money: 50 BTC
digitalCache: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 5E+1 BTC
A Ratio between Money and another Quantity. A Price value is typed on a Quantity and can be denominated in any defined Currency.
Price = Money / Quantity
Assuming these imports:
import org.terra.standard._
import energy.MegawattHours
import market.USD
import space.UsGallons
You can compute the following:
scala> val threeForADollar = USD(1) / Each(3)
threeForADollar: org.terra.standard.market.Price[org.terra.standard.Dimensionless] = 1 USD/3.0 ea
scala> val energyPrice = USD(102.20) / MegawattHours(1)
energyPrice: org.terra.standard.market.Price[org.terra.standard.energy.Energy] = 102.2 USD/1.0 MWh
scala> val milkPrice = USD(4) / UsGallons(1)
milkPrice: org.terra.standard.market.Price[org.terra.standard.space.Volume] = 4 USD/1.0 gal
scala> val costForABunch = threeForADollar * Dozen(10)
costForABunch: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 4E+1 USD
scala> val energyCost = energyPrice * MegawattHours(4)
energyCost: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 408.8 USD
scala> val milkQuota = USD(20) / milkPrice
milkQuota: org.terra.standard.space.Volume = 5.0 gal
Conversions to Strings
scala> val money = USD(123.456)
money: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 123.456 USD
scala> val s = money.toString // returns full precision amount with currency code
s: String = 123.456 USD
scala> val s = money.toFormattedString // returns currency symbol and amount rounded based on currency rules
s: String = $123.46
Currency Exchange Rates are used to define the conversion factors between currencies
scala> import market.{CurrencyExchangeRate, JPY, Money, USD}
import org.terra.standard.market.{CurrencyExchangeRate, JPY, Money, USD}
scala> // create an exchange rate
| val rate1 = CurrencyExchangeRate(USD(1), JPY(100))
rate1: org.terra.standard.market.CurrencyExchangeRate = USD/JPY 100.0
scala> // OR
| val rate2 = USD / JPY(100)
rate2: org.terra.standard.market.CurrencyExchangeRate = USD/JPY 100.0
scala> // OR
| val rate3 = JPY(100) -> USD(1)
rate3: org.terra.standard.market.CurrencyExchangeRate = USD/JPY 100.0
scala> // OR
| val rate4 = JPY(100) toThe USD(1)
rate4: org.terra.standard.market.CurrencyExchangeRate = USD/JPY 100.0
scala> val someYen: Money = JPY(350)
someYen: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 3.5E+2 JPY
scala> val someBucks: Money = USD(23.50)
someBucks: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 23.5 USD
Use the convert
method which automatically converts the money to the 'other' currency:
scala> val dollarAmount: Money = rate1.convert(someYen)
dollarAmount: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 3.5 USD
scala> val yenAmount: Money = rate1.convert(someBucks)
yenAmount: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 2.35E+3 JPY
Or just use the *
operator in either direction (money * rate, or rate * money):
scala> val dollarAmount2: Money = rate1 * someYen
dollarAmount2: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 3.5 USD
scala> val yenAmount2: Money = someBucks * rate1
yenAmount2: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 2.35E+3 JPY
A MoneyContext can be implicitly declared to define default settings and applicable exchange rates within its scope. This allows your application to work with a default currency based on an application configuration or other dynamic source. It also provides support for updating exchange rates and using those rates for automatic conversions between currencies. The technique and frequency chosen for exchange rate updates is completely in control of the application.
Assuming these imports:
import org.terra.standard._
import energy.MegawattHours
import market.{CAD, JPY, MXN, USD}
import market.defaultMoneyContext
You can compute:
scala> val exchangeRates = List(USD / CAD(1.05), USD / MXN(12.50), USD / JPY(100))
exchangeRates: List[org.terra.standard.market.CurrencyExchangeRate] = List(USD/CAD 1.05, USD/MXN 12.5, USD/JPY 100.0)
scala> implicit val moneyContext = defaultMoneyContext withExchangeRates exchangeRates
moneyContext: org.terra.standard.market.MoneyContext = MoneyContext(DefaultCurrency(USD),Currencies(ARS,AUD,BRL,BTC,CAD,CHF,CLP,CNY,CZK,DKK,ETH,EUR,GBP,HKD,INR,JPY,KRW,LTC,MXN,MYR,NAD,NOK,NZD,RUB,SEK,USD,XAG,XAU,ZAR),ExchangeRates(USD/CAD 1.05,USD/JPY 100.0,USD/MXN 12.5),AllowIndirectConversions(true))
scala> val energyPrice = USD(102.20) / MegawattHours(1)
energyPrice: org.terra.standard.market.Price[org.terra.standard.energy.Energy] = 102.2 USD/1.0 MWh
scala> val someMoney = Money(350) // 350 in the default Cur
someMoney: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 3.5E+2 USD
scala> val usdMoney: Money = someMoney in USD
usdMoney: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 3.5E+2 USD
scala> val usdBigDecimal: BigDecimal = someMoney to USD
usdBigDecimal: BigDecimal = 350.0
scala> val yenCost: Money = (energyPrice * MegawattHours(5)) in JPY
yenCost: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 5.11E+4 JPY
scala> val northAmericanSales: Money = (CAD(275) + USD(350) + MXN(290)) in USD
northAmericanSales: org.terra.standard.market.Money = 635.1047619047619047619047619047619 USD
Terra is a rewrite of the Squants library so that you can redefine the way in which math is performed. There are four default implementations to give users nice default versions of the Dimensions and their types. Terra defines four kinds of types that are used by the library:
- T -- usually a Double, the main type used by the library
- TL -- usually a Long, the type used by whole number dimensions like Information
- TC -- usually a BigDecimal, the currency type
- TT -- the time type
They are:
- Standard which uses Doubles, Long, BigDecimal and Double for its four types
- Common which uses Doubles, Long, BigDecimal and Long for its four types
- Classic which uses Doubles, Double, BigDecimal and Double for its four types
- Double which uses all Doubles
To use the standard version of the library, use these imports:
import org.terra.standard._
import time.Seconds
import space.Meters
// etc...
To use the common version of the library, use these imports:
import org.terra.common._
import time.Seconds
import space.Meters
// etc...
To use the classic version of the library, use these imports:
import org.terra.classic._
import time.Seconds
import space.Meters
// etc...
To use the double version of the library, use these imports:
import org.terra.double._
import time.Seconds
import space.Meters
// etc...
To use Terra interactively, run mvn org.scala-tools:maven-scala-plugin:console in one of the terra cross build directories, either 2.11, 2.12 or 2.13. For example, to run the console for 2.11 do this:
git clone https://github.com/hunterpayne/terra.git terra/
cd terra/cross/2.11
mvn org.scala-tools:maven-scala-plugin:console
scala> import org.terra.standard._
Note: Currently only the 2.11 console works. Apparently there is a problem with the maven-scala-plugin and something we are doing breaks the console goals by calling a method that isn't in the scala tools jar anymore.
To make your own version of Terra with your own special set of types, you need to implement a class that extends TypeContext like StandardTuple does. In this class you define four type aliases: T, TL, TC and TT which are the types used for floating point, integer, currency and time types. Then you need to define a package object which extends TypeScope[C] where C is the class containing the type aliases. Inside the TypeScope class, you define the following:
- an implicit object which extends TerraOps[C] where C is the TypeContext
- 3 implicit vals
- ops: TerraOps[C]
- tag: ops.getClassTagT
- dtag: tag.asInstanceOf[PseudoClassTag[C#T]]
- objects representing each package
- implicit classes which convert Double, Long, Int and BigDecimals to support lifting to quantity types
Look at StandardTerraOps.scala, ClassicTerraOps.scala, CommonTerraOps.scala, or DoubleTerraOps.scala for examples.